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Passing clear fluid onto the windscreen - oilrag
It`s Summer (maybe) are you still pumping out the pink slime? Or perhaps the blue?.
Or due you flush the bottle out and just have water as a clear, non screen smearing douche for a glass that`s usually rimed in opaque stains.

Did you ever try going into Carlisle and asking for some meths to clean the screen - third degree from the Chemist - only 21 then though... Maybe I looked like I drank it...
Passing clear fluid onto the windscreen - Armitage Shanks {p}
I use 1 part in 20 of my normal winter screenwash
Passing clear fluid onto the windscreen - gmac
Run the bottle down to empty around Easter time and fill up with distilled water or whatever has dripped out the back of the aircon unit in the house.
Passing clear fluid onto the windscreen - Alby Back
This may be nonsense of course but I prefer to keep a high concentration of screenwash fluid in the bottle all year round. In winter for obvious reasons but in summer I think it helps to shift bugs. Also, I seem to get 80k miles or two years out of my wiper blades by, perhaps, coincidence.

I vowed I would never contribute to another wiper blade debate too........


( PS - Haven't mentioned how good I think Mondeos are for at least a week either.....I might be getting better.....)

Passing clear fluid onto the windscreen - Altea Ego
Keep it topped up with halford blue slime

Passing clear fluid onto the windscreen - gordonbennet
Use them so rarely that they've still got the winter mix.

But have discovered Lidl's windscreen cleaner 1:100.
Put a capful in the washer bottle and it's superb for shifting crud without smearing, probably as good as Holts Mixra if anyone remembers, but in the washer fluid.

Use it at home on the house windows and frames too, brilliant.

I do like the smell of winter additive when blasting the screen though, no i wasn't a glue sniffer..;)

Edited by gordonbennet on 18/06/2009 at 23:09

Passing clear fluid onto the windscreen - Harleyman
Putting fluid ON the windscreen is fine; as a biker though I do wish some people would adjust their jets so as not to wash ME instead!

Perhaps a quick check in the mirror first? No, wishful thinking......... ;-)

Taking the thread title literally; unless you're driving a Caterham Seven it's darn near impossible!

Edited by Harleyman on 18/06/2009 at 23:48

Passing clear fluid onto the windscreen - Kevin
>I do wish some people would adjust their jets so as not to wash ME instead!

It's to extinguish the fag end that just came out of their window.

Passing clear fluid onto the windscreen - MikeTorque
I keep the washer bottle filled with screen wash throughout the year. In spring, summer & autumn it helps clear bugs, muck & any oil/diesel thrown up, whereas water alone creates smearing.
Passing clear fluid onto the windscreen - Lud
Mine ran out two days ago. It was pure tap water, ok for the layers of London street dust. Rain can help if it's heavy enough, but the sort we've been getting can disturb a thick layer of dust into distracting leopardskin patterns. Better put some more water in there before some officious plodlet with nothing to do pulls me for being partially sighted. It isn't as if the jalopy was above suspicion to the naked eye, although it ought to be all right to an ANPR on the prowl.

Eureka! Perhaps policing by machine is all right after all! You aren't subject to the pull from a puritanical, athletic type of plod! But on reflection that's a risk worth taking. One isn't up to anything after all.

Heigh-ho. You need so much energy to run a car.
Passing clear fluid onto the windscreen - Cliff Pope
I always pass clear fluid.
Passing clear fluid onto the windscreen - pmh2
I always pass clear fluid.

Part 1 of health check - OK If you can reach the windscreen - Part 2 OK

Passing clear fluid onto the windscreen - ifithelps
The pump depends on the fluid - whatever that may be - for lubrication.

Water plus some washer stuff does a better job than plain water, which is one reason why I put additive in year-round.

Jets are less likely to clog, as well.

Tend to run a higher concentration in winter to prevent freezing.
Passing clear fluid onto the windscreen - sierraman
Which has reminded me of the immortal lines :- 'I want you to fill that bottle'. 'What,from here?'