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Free child meals at Service Stations - GroovyMucker
Saw these being offered at a service station recently.

Thought it a strange idea, expecting me to subsidise the cost of feeding other people's children.

Decided not to eat there.

Edited by Pugugly on 16/05/2009 at 11:21

Free child meals - Altea Ego
I am sure the other diners were delighted not to have to share tables with a grumpy old *pfd*

well done most consderate of you

Edited by Altea Ego on 16/05/2009 at 10:16

Free child meals - Garethj
But you already are subsidising other people's children; the tax you pay from your salary, the petrol you buy and almost every time money goes out of your wallet. Some of it goes on meals for children, paying for their schools and to their parents for a new Playstation and 50 inch plasma TV.

Look on the bright side, they might be playing a driving game on their computer - motoring link ;-)
Free child meals - Old Navy
But you already are subsidising other people's children; >> Look on the bright side they might be playing a driving game on their computer
- motoring link ;-)


Look after the little darlings, they will eventually be paying your pension.
Free child meals - R75
But you already are subsidising other people's children; the tax you pay from your salary
the petrol you buy and almost every time money goes out of your wallet. Some
of it goes on meals for children paying for their schools and to their parents
for a new Playstation and 50 inch plasma TV.

Ahh, are those the same children that will be paying taxes and working in the futre to ensure that you still have a health system to look after you in your old age, probably making more use of the social system as you get older if you have no children of your own to do some of the looking after of you!!!! Would it be some of those children by any chance?
Free child meals - Garethj
Ahh are those the same children that will be paying taxes and working in the futre...

Shhh, he'll never bite if you're going to be sensible about it ;-)
Free child meals - GroovyMucker
I am sure the other diners were delighted not to have to share tables with
a grumpy old *pfd*

We've met, then.

Although "curmudgeon" is what they usually say.

"Motorway service area"? How modern. I still say "Bombay", too.


Free child meals - L'escargot
I like children but I couldn't eat a whole one all at one go.
Free child meals - Old Navy
Saw these being offered at a service station recently.
Decided not to eat there.

Your choice.

If by service station you mean a motorway sevice area (MSA), It amazes me why anyone uses them. There are cheaper, clean, uncrowded facilities near most motorway junctions. I would only use the MSAs for a quick "loo" stop.
Free child meals - drbe
Anyone care to wager a shilling with me that the meals in question are not 'free'.

Free, that is, within the dictionary definition i.e. unrestricted, unfettered, without charge or condition.

Any takers? I thought not.

Free child meals - Bromptonaut
I'd also wager rather more than 5p that the MSA's pricing model is more complex than putting a pound on every other customer's bill to cover a baked tattie and beanz for little Johnnie.
Free child meals - flunky
Thought it a strange idea expecting me to subsidise the cost of feeding other people's

Given that said children meals probably cost them pence to make, and in return they sell profitable meals to probably two adults, it seems improbable that you are subsidising anybody. Indeed, they would not make such an offer if it was not profitable.

Though I have to say I personally wouldn't subject my children to service station muck. Little Chef on the A303 at Popham is pretty good though.
Free child meals - LondonBus
Though I have to say I personally wouldn't subject my children to service station muck. Little Chef on the A303 at Popham is pretty good though

So good the menu was designed by a leading chef?
Free child meals - Pugugly
So good the menu was designed by a leading chef?

Yes - but he's only 4 foot 3.
Free child meals - L'escargot
Given that said children meals probably cost them pence to make .......

Plus overheads.
Free child meals - flunky
Plus overheads.

Regardless, the idea that they are subsidising people is plainly ludicrous. They do this because it means they make more money. If they had fewer parents with children, their overheads would be much the same, but revenue would be less, and Mr. Grumpy OP would have to pay even more for his warmed-over stodge.
Free child meals at Service Stations - Bill Payer
... other people's children.

They're society's children.
Free child meals at Service Stations - Pugugly
If that's right BP I'm entitled to give proportional or reasonable chastisement every time one steps out of line.
Free child meals at Service Stations - FotheringtonThomas
If that's right BP I'm entitled to give proportional or reasonable chastisement
every time one steps out of line.

Of course you aren't, any more than you're entitled to thrash my car or motorbike up and down the road (to keep a *motoring* link)!
Free child meals at Service Stations - Altea Ego
If that's right BP I'm entitled to give proportional or reasonable chastisement every time one
steps out of line.

As your not allowed to give proportional or reasonable chastisement every time one
of your own children steps out of line, then No you cant do it for other peoples kids either

Free child meals at Service Stations - catsdad
We used one of these offers once, offering a free burger meal.
Me - Two adult fish and chips and can we just have free chips and beans for the kids without the burger please.
Assistant - Sorry you need to take the full kids meal for it to be free
Me - but they won't eat the burgers (it was early days of mad cow disease)
Assistant - sorry but I have to serve the full meal.
Me - OK then but the burger won't be eaten
Assistant - Right, chips are ready but its five minute wait for the burger 'cos there's none ready.

He allowed us to take the adult meal and the chips and beans and solemnly called us over five minutes later for the burgers.

Me - Are these the burgers for us to leave then?
Assistant - yes......... have a nice day.

No sense of irony.......
Free child meals at Service Stations - ifithelps
I fondly remember the days when children were seen and not heard.

Tin of Vimto and a bag of crisps outside in the car was quite good enough.

Kids' meals in restaurants, kids' spaces in supermarkets, kids' this, kids' that.

Children seem to routinely 'run riot' in public places, no matter if they are with adults or not.

Seems to me children have got too much, and too much to say for themselves, these days.

And are we, or they, any better for it?


Free child meals at Service Stations - bell boy
car auction i used to go to the auctioneer at xmas time used to shout out
"think of the children" when nobody was bidding,we all went even quieter thinking off all the money we had already spent on the little *****
Free child meals at Service Stations - gordonbennet
Agree with every word Ifithelps, and could add a few unmentionable ones of my own.
Free child meals at Service Stations - flunky
I fondly remember the days when children were seen and not heard.
Tin of Vimto and a bag of crisps outside in the car was quite good
Kids' meals in restaurants kids' spaces in supermarkets kids' this kids' that.

That sounds like you mean things were 'neither seen nor heard' to me. Anyway, the savagery of today's society is the result of cultural relativism - nothing is better or worse, merely different.

There are plenty of cultures that take their children everywhere - it doesn't mean they run riot; the correlation is really not there.
Free child meals at Service Stations - Altea Ego
> fondly remember the days when children were seen and not heard.....
> .....And are we, or they, any better for it?


My son was taken to resturants at an early age, and none of this childrens meals rubbish either, all round the world. At home from an appropriate age (around 12) he had wine with a meal too.
As a result he knew how to behave and wasnt one of those bratts causing agro for all, ate (and still eats) a variable diet for a teen, and knows how to drink responsibly.

Frankly this "seen and not heard" rubbish is the cause of most of the youth agro.
Free child meals at Service Stations - Lud
>> this "seen and not heard" rubbish is the cause of most of the youth agro.

Can't agree AE. 'Seen and not heard' is a thing of the past. Poor parental example combined with moral neglect are what cause it. So many of the young are thrown on their own and their friends' non-existent resources instead of getting understandable and positive forms of guidance (like the ones you have given your own sprog). Baleful and destructive elements in popular and 'street' culture complete the job.

Hard to know how to stop the rot. Politics and the media seem hellbent on making everything worse.
Free child meals at Service Stations - bell boy
Couldnt agree more lud
Free child meals at Service Stations - Martin Devon
My son was taken to resturants at an early age and none of this childrens
meals rubbish either all round the world. At home from an appropriate age (around 12)
he had wine with a meal too.

Us too, went EVERYWHERE with us at nearly all times and what dividends it has paid. She is now a charming 23 and quite worldy wise, employed and asks for nothing. Result of using our brains.

Free child meals at Service Stations - Martin Devon
No sense of irony.......

No sense full stop.