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Mindless idiot causes criminal damage to 4x4s - Rattle

I cannot beleve how thick these people are. I am not a fan of these cars in the cities, they are too big and they cause a safey to threat but environmentaly I am not sure they are anyway worse than any other car in real terms.

All this brain dead idiot has done is cause more C02 as these people now may need new tyres.

I wish these people would get their facts straight. If they want to pick on people then target 2CV drivers with their smokey 2 pot engines.

{Typo in header corrected}

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 14/05/2009 at 01:29

Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - Statistical outlier
Oh I don't know, slashing the tyres is out of order, but letting the tyres down is a brilliant idea. :-)

Resultant damage to the sidewalls could find you at best locked up for Criminal Damage or at worst potentially a suspect in a homicide enquiry if the tyre fails at speed - brilliant indeed

Edited by Pugugly on 14/05/2009 at 11:31

Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - redviper
Some idiots around here have pinched the drain covers (>20) in the town next to us industrial estate the accidents and damage that will cause makes the slashing of someones oversized tyres rather trivial.
Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - DP
The problem being there will be a minority of people, albeit a very small one, who will consider this as acceptable, or justified in some way.
Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - Mr X
Whats next... putting in the windows of large houses where they know only one person is living ?
It's the same mindset.
Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - Rattle
Exactly and I think jealousy probably has a lot to do with it. Knowing the area these attacks took place it is probably some student who has had too much to drink at 5th Avenue (student night club) and thinks it is cool.

I wonder if my car will be targeted because the 1.2 engine creates a massive 156 of C02?

I think these mentalists need to get some common sense and stop blindy picking on random vehicles.
Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - welshlad
i've always said that if someone is living their lives not contributing to co2 production in anyway then they can tell me how to live my life until then they can take a run and jump
Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - DP
i've always said that if someone is living their lives not contributing to co2 production
in anyway then they can tell me how to live my life until then they
can take a run and jump

I agree in principle, but would go a step further. What people choose to believe and how it affects their lifestyle is in my view completely their affair. However, that same courtesy is often rare in the other direction.

Frankly, any attempt to tell me how to live my life will not only be met with complete contempt, but is likely to result in my doing the diametric opposite just to make a point. In the list of people I consider myself answerable to, environmentalists don't even feature.
Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - OldSock
Oh I don't know slashing the tyres is out of order but letting the tyres
down is a brilliant idea. :-)

Even better is (Suggestion removed because it promotes criminal damage)

Not that I would condone it in any way....

Edited by Honestjohn on 14/05/2009 at 09:33

Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - Old Navy
Is removing valve cores and bining them, (must not litter), theft? :-)

Edited by Old Navy on 14/05/2009 at 09:35

Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - Mr X
Of course we have the govt to thank for whipping up the 4X4 hysteria with their endless ' we are all doomed " propaganda. What next after the demise of the 4X4, slashing tyres on sports cars because after all, they go very fast and going fast kills people ?

You could find an argument for attacking people carriers because they represent large families and large families consume more of the planets resources.......
Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - Old Navy
I think "narrow minded" is a better description, these people need to get out more, preferably on a world wide basis. I think urban 4X4s in the UK are a sad fashion statement, but that is the owners problem not mine.
Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - moonshine {P}

We need more people with 4x4s and we need them to drive them more - the government is skint and needs more tax revenue. I would rather its paid by some numpty 4x4 driver than me...

As for the environmental issue, I do believe in global warming and peak oil. I also believe that the majority of people will only accept it once its too late, so we might as well enjoy while we can.
Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - Altea Ego
So in the world of Mr X the undesriables are all lumped into one category

Grieving widows
Police officers.
Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - Pugugly
I have to disagree with Mr X on that point - there was a bad bump around here, four passengers killed, they nor their relatives had a choice in the way they died.

Edited by Pugugly on 14/05/2009 at 18:13

Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - Lud
Are you in the right thread PU?
Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - mike hannon
I once had three tyres darted when a couple of teenagers decided to fight the class war against all the 'nice' cars parked in our neighbourhood. The point that our car was nice but 12 years old and virtually worthless didn't occur to their moronic minds.
Anyway, the police did their job - found them and nicked them (after someone grassed them up, I believe) and eventually I received a letter from the court, asking if I wanted compensation from the parents. Guess what I said? And I got three new 205-60x15Vs when the old ones were only about 1mm off the tread bars. Result.
Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - Pugugly
No I shook a three :-(
Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - Bagpuss
When I lived in Manchester many moons ago I had, on separate occasions, my tyres slashed, the wheel nuts undone(twice!) and all the side windows smashed. It was a beat up 11 year old car with no radio (already stolen) which to me had a value far in excess of its monetary value as it was my only means of transport and I relied on it. I received only disinterest from the police - "Why did you park it there?""Er, I work there" - and no press reports. Cars have always been done over in Manchester.

Reversing the horribly banal envy argument, are the only car crimes that get investigated these days the ones involving SUVs?
Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - quizman
The only time that wrecking people's tyres is justified is when they are bald.
I walked past a car the other day and noticed the front tyre was completely bald. I felt like putting a notice on the windscreen because I bet the owner hadn't noticed.

Good luck to owners of expensive cars, if they want to blow their money on fancy cars I couldn't care less. I would sooner people buy large cars and 4x4s than have to pay tax to save the firm.
Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - Pugugly
Chopped some posts referring to another Backroomer. Keep it civilized please.
Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - Hamsafar
"Jealousy of course is the bedrock of socialism" - Jeremy Clarkson

I blame the government for using words or behaviour likely or intended to incite hatred and discrimination against larger car users.
Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - boxsterboy
You could find an argument for attacking people carriers because they represent large families and
large families consume more of the planets resources.......

Er, no. Not all MPVs are family transport. If you have to transport 7 or 8 people around, an MPV is far more efficient than 2 cars.
Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - Mr X
Better leave a note in your rear window to that effect so that you don't get targeted accidentally. Vets driving 4X4's should also put a not in the window explaining they may have to drive across fields and to other barely accessible places.
Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - Old Navy
Vets driving 4X4's should also put a note in the window explaining
they may have to drive across fields and to other barely accessible places.

Brilliant way to advertise that you have drugs in the car!

Edited by Old Navy on 15/05/2009 at 16:37

Mindless idiot causes crinimal damage to 4x4s - Martin Devon
Oh I don't know slashing the tyres is out of order but letting the tyres
down is a brilliant idea. :-)

Why is that then Brains?

Do you ever drive when you could have walked, or would that be a different type of Co2 ?

Mindless idiot causes criminal damage to 4x4s - 1400ted
target 2CV drivers with their smokey 2 pot engines.

Rattle....You know I have a 4wd, but you didn't know that my biking mate has a 2CV, as did I until last year !

Be afraid,,be very afraid.

Mindless idiot causes criminal damage to 4x4s - boxsterboy
Yes, I take exception to the 'smoky 2CV' gibe too. Mine passes its MOT every year and doesn't smoke or burn oil at all.

Given that my 2CV does very few miles, I would cause more polution if I fell for this government's scrappage scheme and swapped it for a new car that had been produced at far greater environmental cost.
Mindless idiot causes criminal damage to 4x4s - Mr X
2CV... 2 Cold Vegetarians .
Mindless idiot causes criminal damage to 4x4s - Lou_O
2CV... 2 Cold Vegetarians .


Do we really need much more of this?

Mindless idiot causes criminal damage to 4x4s - Mr X
Sorry, I thought it was what passed for a witty banter on here......
Mindless idiot causes criminal damage to 4x4s - Old Navy
Sorry I thought it was what passed for a witty banter on here......

You have made your bed ..........
Mindless idiot causes criminal damage to 4x4s - Lud
Talking of trolls, I feel this thread's OP reveals once again a trollish tendency Rattle seems to have. Most notably, the piece of damn cheek about 2CVs. But also the condemnation of urban 4X4s.

Always gets on my nerves, that. Sanctimonious jerks, some people. My guess is they don't really care at all, they are just trying to sound respectable.

Loud and prolonged raspberry.
Mindless idiot causes criminal damage to 4x4s - Rattle
I would say more Clarksonism :). Having said that Clarkson can be a bit of a troll but he just has the media of national TV to do it on!

Actually it would be interesting to know how much a 2CV poluted compared to a modern car. My attack on this car was that enviromentalists often seem to drive them thinking they are saving the world. One of my teachers at at school was a 2CV fan and we always teased him about it. He then tried to be cool and had great pleasure in showing us his new car, a Renault 19 convertable must have been one of the last made as it was brand new at the time.

Not all 4x4s are bad either the car sized ones are fine, it is the big massive Range Rover things I don't get the point of.

I've never got the charm of the 2cv (probably too young) but I've always had a soft spot for Renault 4s.

*PS Ted I do love 2cvs really they are wonderful cars .

In serious though sorry if I caused any offence I get carried away at times.
Mindless idiot causes criminal damage to 4x4s - Rattle
To to be fair there is a supermarket near me dedicated to vegies and it is very rare to find a 2CV in the car park.
Mindless idiot causes criminal damage to 4x4s - Lud
Offence Rattle? Far from it, pure entertainment. I sincerely hope that I am far more offensive than you.

I do worry about your automotive hypochondriasis though. Keep longing for the penny to drop and for you to suddenly post from Prague having got there in a day and a half pedal to the metal... Seems to me you do too much worrying and nowhere near enough actual driving.
Mindless idiot causes criminal damage to 4x4s - quizman
If people want to buy great big BRITISH made Range Rovers, jolly well let them.

I cannot understand why people get jealous of owners of better or bigger cars than their own.

All this about vehicle emissions is nonsense, it depends how many miles you do.
Mindless idiot causes criminal damage to 4x4s - moonshine {P}
All this about vehicle emissions is nonsense it depends how many miles you do.

Exactly, that's why I think the fuel should be taxed, not the vehicle - i.e scrap VED and add it to fuel duty.
Mindless idiot causes criminal damage to 4x4s - Old Navy
Exactly that's why I think the fuel should be taxed not the vehicle - i.e
scrap VED and add it to fuel duty.

A good idea in principle, but remember there is about 200 miles of the UK north of Edinburgh / Glasgow with minimal public transport.
Mindless idiot causes criminal damage to 4x4s - Martin Devon
2CV... 2 Cold Vegetarians .

I haven't got toooo deeply into the Mr. X. thing, but maybe I will look a little closer in future.

As for this post there are members here who are of a certain age and disposition as am I and if this comment is analysed regarding the general comedic view (rightly or wrongly) of the 2CV it is nothing short of hilarious. Look a little deeper. Monty P etc. It is simply clever beyond words. I only hope it is an original thought and not borrowed Mr. X.

4x4 tyres let down in South Manchester recently. - 1400ted
Rattle will have read about this.

I know we've done the 'tirade against 4X4s thing ' before. Eco vandals have targeted 80 cars in South Manchester recently.
My next door neighbour had the tyres let down on his Hyundai Tucson the other night.
They seem to be very careful now, even put the valve caps back on...so no charge of theft there. Left explanatory notes on the screens. 8 cars done in our road, all 4X4, mine was round the back behind the gates so I escaped. Good job too,,,sadly ,we were waiting for an imminant bereavement and I would have been very annoyed to find myself immobile. ( SWMBO's mum died the following day )

These arrogant, tree-hugging, sandal wearing, Knit your own yogurt brigade risk severe retribution if caught by some people in this area ! Is there an offence when they let the tyres down ? Possibly conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace ?

Spokesman, James , said...'direct action is, unfortunately, necessary due to climate change and they are 6 times more likely to kill someone. ' among other stupid views.
I notice they left my other neighbour's big campervan alone.......bigger than any SUV in the road !

What a load of arrogant idiots.


moved to an existing thread discussing the same subject

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 11/08/2009 at 13:37

They're at it again. - Rattle
Your Suzuki is quite small anyway compared to say a Range Rover you may have escaped. Sorry to here about your wifes mother :( Even when its expected it can't be easy.

It sounds like they have done all of south Manchester now so it won't be long until the police get them. Letting a tyre down is surely crinimal damage and if somebody didn't spot the blown tyre and had an accident in extreme cases even manslaughter?
They're at it again. - Mr X
Nothing would make me buy a 4X4 quicker than this sort of activity. It is no different to the sort of bullying that goes on in school or in fact terrorism, as the object is to force others in to accepting your viewpoint through intimidation or fear.

I hope Plod gets this nicked in the bud pretty quickly. Perhaps they could cut down on window tint measuring for a few days and switch the staff over to nights.
They're at it again. - bell boy
im the first to hate sunglasses wearing no knicker tart who drives the 3 different boyfriended plebs to school while on the phone and loves giving the world the one finger
but i also hate tyre stabbers of the world
glad im not in either group or groupie
They're at it again. - mazdaboy
It's mainly class snobbery or envy at the root of this, veiled as an environmentally-friendly (?) bit of direct action.

These guys and gals are trashing banks at G20 protests or picketing pharmacutical companies in between 4x4 tyre slashing events...
They're at it again. - b308
Thought MrX had done a thread on this before?
They're at it again. - stunorthants26
Have to wonder if the Green Party have been canvassing in that area... :-) just sounds like a family day out for them!
They're at it again. - L'escargot
It's mainly class snobbery or envy at the root of this .......

No, it's the result of the current low moral standards of a high proportion of the population. We would probably see an improvement if the police had a nationwide policy of zero tolerance, supported by the general public, but moral standards change slowly and everyone has to play their part. One of my colleagues was always going on about how they brought their children up to be honest upright citizens, but he himself thought nothing about stealing a pencil from work and taking it home. The apple never falls far from the tree, and that applies to each and every one of us.
4x4 tyres let down in South Manchester recently. - L'escargot
In the present era of low moral standards the only way to prevent vandalism is to keep your car in a garage. Moral standards go up and down in cycles (and always have) but I don't expect there'll be a significant improvement in my lifetime.
4x4 tyres let down in South Manchester recently. - Tron
SNIP - mindless act of vandalism removed.

Edited by Webmaster on 30/05/2009 at 14:01

4x4 tyres let down in South Manchester recently. - b308
Here we go... is this not the same incident?

4x4 tyres let down in South Manchester recently. - Mr X
'Thought MrX had done a thread on this before?'
Thought wrong then as I did not do a thread on this before, neither did I start this one.
4x4 tyres let down in South Manchester recently. - Rattle
No different area. It seems it is the same people doing it though and they have now moved on to other parts of Manchester.
4x4 tyres let down in South Manchester recently. - smokie
Only dropping in quickly, but we aren't having separate regionalised threads on the same topic I hope! Will be back to see if any tidying needs doing later...
4x4 tyres let down in South Manchester recently. - doctorchris
Do you think these loonies would let the tyres down on my 50mpg Panda Cross 4x4 but ignore all the 2WD gas guzzlers?
Wouldn't be surprised if it happened.
4x4 tyres let down in South Manchester recently. - stunorthants26
Of course they would - they advocate everybody getting rid of their older cars to buy newer cleaner ones completely ignoring the vast pollution caused by making those cars.
Have to remember that ecomentalism has been thoroughly infiltrated by some of the most suspect individuals around who just like having a cause they can cause trouble in the name of.
So a Panda Cross, yeah perfect target! Gotta leave the AMG Mercs alone cos they is not 4-wheel drive innit :-) ( am I not the only one who loaths that term? )
4x4 tyres let down in South Manchester recently. - oilrag
Panda Cross?
You`re more likely to get a commendation from them Chris due to its size.