I changed down to 3rd to overtake at about 40mph. As I completed the manoeuvre and changed back to 5/6th, the noise level from the engine suddenly and noticeably increased. It sounded as if a belt had come adrift.
I stopped as soon as I could and checked under the bonnet. There wasn?t anything obviously wrong so I continued, but over the next 2 miles the engine appeared to be struggling and was noisy. There were no other warning signs. My immediate conclusion was that something like the timing belt had slipped? (that was replaced some 15,000 miles ago @ 60k). It was that kind of noise.
I stopped, switched off and called the AA. The gentleman from the AA couldn?t find anything wrong so we drove a short distance and when I changed into 3rd gear @ 20mph, the noise returned. He subsequently checked the front brake discs, jacked up the front, started the engine and engaged gear. The noise returned (just like a belt fouling on a pulley) but neither of us was able to establish its source. We agreed that it didn?t sound like the engine, which appeared to be quite happy to idle and spin up to 1500rpm. Mr AA?s opinion was that it was either the clutch or the gearbox that was complaining, and that it sounded terminal, so he hauled me home!
The car is parked outside my favourite (non-VW) garage and I am at home wondering how large the bill is going to be!
I would be grateful for suggestions, if only to calm my fevered brow.
Maybe early stages of dual mass flywheel failure. This is a common problem.
Doh! Of course....
I didn't think I had a dual mass flywheel on this car (but I have read about this problem in the past). Probably sensible that I stopped when I did!