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Do it now - Screenwash etc - Alby Back
Just washed three cars. Not sure why given this weeks weather forecast and that they will all be out in it. Couple of thousand miles to do between them before Friday night.

Usual checks, oil, water, tyres etc.

Increased concentration of screenwash in all of them. squirted some through to ensure that new concentrate levels have reached the nozzles. Topped up again.

Checked function of all lights. Bad weather + faulty lights = asking for trouble.

Located ice scapers, shoved one behind each driver's seat. Kitchen roll in each. Great for getting crud off mirrors, lights, plates and windows when far from home.

Gloves, hat and old warm coat stuffed in behind passenger seat in all three.

Bottle of water and some cereal bars etc in each glovebox, oh and a spare packet of fags in the two I'll be using.. ;-) Wee torch in each. Mobile phone charger cable in each.

Right, bring it on. Lets go to work and see if there's anyone left out there with any money to spend.....
Do it now - Screenwash etc - Old Navy
Were you a boy scout Humph? I agree, better safe than frozen.
Do it now - Screenwash etc - Alby Back
Patrol leader of the Woodpigeons no less circa 1970 something.....

Do it now - Screenwash etc - captain chaos

>>oh and a spare
packet of fags in the two I'll be using.. ;-)

Excellent idea Humph, increasing the value of your cars but making it all the more attractive to theives... ;-)
Do it now - Screenwash etc - Alby Back
It significantly increases the value of one of them. Should I inform my insurance company ? ;-)
Do it now - Screenwash etc - maltrap
Make sure your mobile is fully charged and with you!
Do it now - Screenwash etc - gordonbennet
I don't do self catering, but under truck bed have portable cooker and tinned stews/pots etc and instant chocolate drinks/tea etc.
Nothing like a nice hot drink and something warm to eat should the worst happen, be surprised what you can fit in a good small box and remember to put in the vehicle you are using.

Always carry coats, gloves, torches and spare batteries etc in every car anyway in case of breakdown.
And a brolly in every vehicle too.

I may even chuck a bucket in the boot half filled with road grit, enough to get you moving out of somewhere dicey.

Do it now - Screenwash etc - Nickdm
28 degrees and cloudless in Dubai - must remember to put a new bottle of drinking water in the car just in case ;-)

Am I in for a cold shock when I get back to Brum next Friday, or what?!!!
Do it now - Screenwash etc - FocusDriver
I tow a small mini-digger whose diesel engine doubles as a generator an also carries two months' rations. I also employ Ray Mears on his days off to accompany me.

Now, I don't own a pair of gloves or a torch. There's no need.
Do it now - Screenwash etc - Alby Back
Good guy that Ray Mears. What I don't get though is where he gets all those pies in the wilderness........
Do it now - Screenwash etc - FocusDriver
Good point Humph, I'll check the digger's supplies to see whether he's been pilfering my pie basket. Maybe he thinks it's a perk of the job.

Anyway, I think it's possible to go too far but, having said that, it'd then be me stuck on Exmoor with nothing but a half eaten pasty. I already keep the most revolting coat in the boot. It wouldn't break the bank to put a torch and pair of gloves in there too. The cereal bars would be difficult to maintain though because I'll "know" it's there, stop, and eat them on my way to work you see.

I remember making a little survival kit with Blue Peter when I was about nine. Such fun finding all the things and putting them in the old plaster-box.
Do it now - Screenwash etc - Clanger
Did this in November! No trace of the Mars bars and water I left in Mrs H's car. Wonder if the car has mice ?

Doing the weekly lights check, I've just slapped the boot on Mrs H's C3 for the umpteenth time to bring the o/s number plate light back on. Lazy blighter me !
Do it now - Screenwash etc - 206Hdi
Is leaving a bottle of water on your car wise?

If it's cold enough to freeze your washer water then it will also freeze your water bottle and unlike your windscreen water the bottle is sealed and could cause the bottle to crack/explode when the water freezes and expands.

If you are going to do this it may be worth leaving a half full bottle where you have squeezed some air out before sealing to allow for expansion.

I remember seeing a can of coke that had been left in a storage compartment of a car which was parked up for a week in the Alps. It had got cold enough that the can had exploded - fortunately the owner spotted before driving down the mountain as frozen coke is easier to clean than when it thaws.
Do it now - Screenwash etc - Altea Ego
Lord knows what coming but

The council just gritted my road. Its a side road and goes no-where Its never been gritted in the 10 years I lived here.

expecting the worse
Do it now - Screenwash etc - captain chaos
A councillor or local MP has just moved in... ;-)
Do it now - Screenwash etc - Altea Ego
A councillor or local MP has just moved in... ;-)

I hadnt thought of that - good point
Do it now - Screenwash etc - Alby Back
Good point about the water. I'll go and swop it for vodka.

Do it now - Screenwash etc - Harleyman
Good point about the water. I'll go and swop it for vodka.

And whilst you're at it, chuck in a spare disposable lighter. Nothing more irritating that having a packet of fags and nothing to light them with. Cigar lighters in cars are useless if the battery packs up.

Also useful for lighting bonfire to indicate to the search helicopter where you are! ;-)
Do it now - Screenwash etc - Alby Back
Snowing a bit here now in south Cheshire.....

Makes me want to roast something and mull something else...

Edit - Still got that duck PU ?

Edited by Humph Backbridge on 01/02/2009 at 14:52

Do it now - Screenwash etc - captain chaos
Mmmmm...mulled duck! :-)
Do it now - Screenwash etc - Alby Back
I'll bet FocusDriver's mate Ray could do something fascinating with it. Possibly involving screenwash, vodka and bark.
Do it now - Screenwash etc - gmac
Are you expecting some bad weather Humph ?

Unless moisture is picked over the North Sea then it'll get cold but not much in the way of snow. We had a flurry this afternoon, must have seen about fifteen snow flakes.
We are still waiting for the snow that was supposed to be here this morning.
Do it now - Screenwash etc - Alby Back
Shouldn't think it'll be be too bad at all. Trouble is, round here anyway, even if we only get a light dusting the locals will see that as their cue to start driving into one another.

Do it now - Screenwash etc - 1400ted
I got stranded on the moors above Clitheroe once in a Range Rover. The rear diff had ridden up on a rocky bit of the road, the front wheels were in softish peat and it just wouldn't grip. Searching the car, it was summer by the way, I only found what must be the ultimate, useless tool to get unstuck....a teaspoon. By good luck some trail bikers arrived and called out a farmer with a tractor.. £30 but grateful. Still laugh about our compehensive rescue kit !
Do it now - Screenwash etc - PoloGirl
I have a tiny back pack in the back of my car containing...

Kit kats
Cereal bar (have to keep topping these up though because my sister raids them every time I pick her up from the station late at night)
One of those shiny space blanket things packed down really small
Tin mug
night lights
Wind up torch
Hot chocolate sachets
Bottles of water
A hi vis vest

bless my dad :)

But where is my snow?!

Edited by Webmaster on 05/02/2009 at 00:39

Do it now - Screenwash etc - Altea Ego
patience girl

its coming
Do it now - Screenwash etc - PoloGirl
Meh...it never sticks here anyway.

Do it now - Screenwash etc - ole cruiser
patience girl its coming

Read a few threads on here and then looked out of the front door. It has arrived (SE)! Bigger flakes than this morning and clearly settling now. Glad I don't have to go out tomorrow.
Do it now - Screenwash etc - Altea Ego
arrived north surrey 10 minutes ago - heavy stuff covered already

Do it now - Screenwash etc - gmac
Can't blame the Ruskies then...totally by-passed Cologne. Must have been sent by those French types or maybe generated by wildcat strike or something...
Do it now - Screenwash etc - mss1tw
arrived north surrey 10 minutes ago - heavy stuff covered already

So it has - anyone want to lend me a RWD car.....I'll bring it back...hopefully
Do it now - Screenwash etc - jbif
Bottles of water

If for drinking, add whisky to prevent freezing [and thereby avoid bursting the container].
If for topping up radiator, add coolant anti-freeze.
Take care not to mix the two up when in need of a drink!

HSE warning: May contain alcohol. Above is NOT Advice, and is not to be taken seriously. You must consult your own road rescue advisor and the temperature can go up as well down. Past performance of weather forecasters does not guarantee future outcome, and this post is for illustration purposes only. ;-)

Edited by jbif on 01/02/2009 at 18:06

Do it now - Screenwash etc - henry k
I now have an image of you in a space blanket with a hi vis vest on your head crouched over a little circle of nightlights heating up a tin mug with a sachet of "hot" chocolate all ready to pour. :-)
Do it now - Screenwash etc - mss1tw
And she's not even driving :-P
Do it now - Screenwash etc - oilrag
I`ve looked out - its minus 2C with snow on the van roof and road. I`ve turned the heating up to simulate South Australia and I`m going to lay on the sofa for the next few days reading up on `the hundred years war`
Do it now - Screenwash etc - Pugugly
I'll expect an argument then Oilrag - a c racking choice of winter reading !!
Do it now - Screenwash etc - loskie
Surprise surprise- media induced panic is setting in.(fuelled by the fact it's forecast in the south)
Isn't wintry weather normal in ehhm WINTER?

Lidl screenwash seems pretty good both value and useage btw.
Happy sledging.

Edited by loskie on 01/02/2009 at 21:23

Do it now - Screenwash etc - Pugugly
I was thinking that just today - down to the bang on time flowering of snowdrops. Sadly it is a stereotypical winter as we knew it so doesn't make the news !
Do it now - Screenwash etc - oilrag
The Hundred Years War - Allmand. (just arrived ;-)
Do it now - Screenwash etc - Pugugly
I can actually smell those pages in their glossy splendour ! That's when Britain was actually pretty Great without the population even knowing it !
Do it now - Screenwash etc - Nsar
>>Wee torch<< is that so you can check your spelling afterwards when you go in a snow drift?

Barely a dusting here in about 700ft above sea level North of Manchester, but the lights a few miles away keep coming and going as snow showers come off the Pennines so there must be a bit falling somewhere.

Looking forward to leaving home at 6.00 for the London train.
Do it now - Screenwash etc - PoloGirl
>PG I now have an image of you...

And, given that I've been a Guide leader for many years, that isn't actually far away from some of the random things I've done.

The snow has now arrived in north Hampshire, albeit a few pathetic dusty flakes that aren't sticking. :-(

Do it now - Screenwash etc - cub leader
And the problem with doing random things and being prepared is?

Do it now - Screenwash etc - PoloGirl
Absolutely nothing... but you and I know that! :)