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"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - oilrag

Interesting advice from Cobra - but is it in the best interests of personal safety given today`s knife culture?

We leave our car keys on the coffee table in the lounge at night - in the belief that car thieves are pretty serious if they have made it that far.
Would you prefer them to take the keys and go? or look you up in the bedroom while you are asleep?

I agree - NARU
That was my thought when I saw the 'article'.

When I lived in Kenya, there was a spiralling upwards of security and violence which just made things more dangerous.

eg. People fitted immobilisers which cut out after a mile or two, so instead of turfing you out when they took your car off you at the side of the road, the theives started taking you with them - and usually emptied your pockets (sometime even taking your clothes before releasing you).

Edited by Marlot on 25/01/2009 at 08:17

or get a big dog - oldnotbold
We hang our keys up above the Doberman's bed - it's worked so far!
or get a big dog - Alby Back
We just have fairly rubbish cars. That seems to work......

or get a big dog - woodster
Cars stolen by burglary (i.e. breaking into a house to get the keys) has increased as vehicle security has increased. In other words, the car is what is wanted, burglary the way to get it. In some affluent areas there are numerous desirable cars on display. They're like a magnet to some people. I'm not sure that hiding the keys once you've displayed the goods is sound advice, but the choice is the owners. Incidentally, things got so bad around areas like Chigwell a few years ago that at night there wasn't a Porsche to be seen on a driveway. If one was owned, it was locked away, or almost definitely would have gone walkies.
or get a big dog - DP
In my street, there's a Focus ST, Skyline GTR V-Spec and a Mercedes E270 CDi. I would like to think our cars are fairly safe.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - FocusDriver
Interesting advice from Cobra

I suppose the point is that a lot of people now know that it's arguably safer to leave your keys somewhere visible. So, thieves increasingly know that their chances of making an easy getaway with minimum fuss are good.

Cobra wants to stem this problem but without wanting to think about the poor souls who will, as a result, be woken up with a gun to their head, on the road to achieving better car crime statistics.

I say leave your keys on the doormat. But, like several other posters, my car ain't worth any hassle.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - Mr X
Lets face it, if you've got something like ' Focus ST, Skyline GTR V-Spec and a Mercedes E270 CDi ' on your drive and the local scaggends decide they want to drive around in it, they will have no worries about holding a knife to the throat of yourself or your partner points out where the keys are once they have woken you up in the middle of the night.

Even then, you should hope they draw blood other wise you will more than likely find that your insurers will be suggesting that you voluntarily handed over your property and thus have no claim.
our cars - DP
>>Lets face it, if you've got something like ' Focus ST, Skyline GTR V-Spec and a Mercedes E270 CDi ' on your drive

We've got a 5 yr old Renault Scenic and a 7.5 yr old Volvo S60. Hence, I think our cars are relatively safe.

I was talking about the street as a whole.

Edited by DP on 25/01/2009 at 10:10

our cars - Mr X
Yes, I know that. Just using them as the sort of cars that others would see as worth the effort of nicking. Frankly, if you have an 8 year old Escort on your drive and some scroat is desperate for transport, they will be happy to have a face to face confrontation with you over the matter of the keys if they find that is the only way to get it going.
our cars - stunorthants26
Our car keys get stuffed between the bedframe at mattress at night, fit just right and we are safe in the knowledge that the dogs in our kennels will bark if they see a frog, let alone a person ( and my bedroom window is above the kennels so when they bark I do wake up ).
Plus my parents have a key cupboard downstairs and the hope is they would not bother with ours after they get their keys :-)
our cars - woodster
MrX - I've always assumed 'scrote' to be spelt thus; derived from 'scrotum'. Interestingly (to me anyway!) an anagram of 'Escort'. Likely to be driven by scrotes... i've mentioned this before, must be becoming tedious and repetitive in my advancing years
our cars - Chris S
It's just a sign of the times - the police in Manchester were advising women not to wear expensive jewelry in public.

If you've got it don't flaunt it.
our cars - Zub
I can't believe people would roll over and give up their car keys! Surely posting this kind of thing on here will only encourage people to 'have a go' for an easy steal! If anyone tries it with me they will get a fight to the death!
our cars - Big Bad Dave
It would make more sense to secure your property, but of course it's far more important to have a dainty stained glass front door and original sash windows than something that is really up to the job.
our cars - Mr X
Just as levering the cover off the steering lock and breaking open the ignition barrel was popular 20 years ago, then forcibly removing your keys from your person is the new version . This is because of the higher level of security our cars now come with. Down the road to the future when your car can only be started when you place your finger over a sensor and it reads your print. Then you will simply have your finger cut off .
our cars - Harleyman
it's far more
important to have a dainty stained glass front door and original sash windows than something
that is really up to the job.

It would be even better if the low-lifes who nick the cars all had barred windows and steel doors locked from the outside, rather than the cautions, fines, probation and community service which they just laugh at.
our cars - gordonbennet
Agree absolutely HM.
our cars - Blue {P}
Zub - are you sure about that? Check out the experiences of one of our regulars:-


It sometimes just isn't worth it!

our cars - gordonbennet
they will get a fight

Will be in a small minority here, but i agree with you.

Anyone who breaks into a persons home intent on violence must expect at some point to meet someone who believe's their home is their castle, and is prepared to defend it.

The homeowner will get the full force of law thrown against them for defending themselves and their loved ones, so be it.

A line in the sand?
our cars - Lud
I'm not very physical really and past the flower of youth, but I can only agree with zub and gb. Most burglars don't want complications, just valuables. My advice is to run at them stark naked screaming oaths and brandishing a rusty samurai sword or similar. And use it if you have to.
our cars - gordonbennet
Lud, good to hear from.

Are you back with us or still in the colonies..;) ducks behind the sofa....

Will some amusing reports be forthcoming please?
our cars - Westpig
The vast majority of people who steal cars do not want a confrontation. Let's face it, from the thief's perspective they don't know the person in their slumbers upstairs isn't a rugby prop or Miss Marple.

It is sensible to take reasonable precautions to protect your property and chucking your keys on a hook behind the front door isn't one of them...because the oik knows this and will put a fishing rod or bamboo cane through the letter box to retrieve them..

or.. the kitchen table/work surface... because the back door is made of papier mache or the little window/cat flap is left open for pussykins.

It is thankfully extremely rare for your home to be invaded by people who don't care about a confrontation.

There are simple precautions people can take e.g
- put car in garage,
- if away on holiday/weekend away jam decent car behind less decent car
- lock keys in key safe

usually any thief that suffers a set back will move on to easier pickings e.g. your neighbour who can't be bothered
our cars - Mr X
'Let's face it, from the thief's perspective they don't know the person in their slumbers upstairs isn't a rugby prop or Miss Marple.'
Sorry but thats absolute rubbish. Many of the ' nice " cars being nicked with keys have been tracked down by the scroats involved. They know what sort of car they want and they know where it is parked. They quite often get a look at the driver and any one else in the home so as to know whether to go in mob handed.
our cars - ifithelps
The masked gang bursting in to nick the Porsche or Merc happens very rarely.

Far more common is the 'rod and line' stealth method where the owner rarely realises his car is gone until the next morning.

Good compromise is to leave the keys in a drawer where the rod and line mob can't get them.

But you can give them up if, and it's a very big if, you wake up with armed thugs standing around your bed.
our cars - jdc
As per Blue's link above to my own experience, I would say having the keys accessible saved both myself and wife and son from further harm.

If they had been 'locked' away the events would have certainly taken a much nastier turn.

Glad I could find the keys easily and the police also concurred having them out on the hall cupboard saved any further damage, injury and possible dire consequences......

our cars - Mr X

Adds a bit of flesh to my point that confrontation is taking place.
our cars - Westpig
'Let's face it from the thief's perspective they don't know the person in their slumbers
upstairs isn't a rugby prop or Miss Marple.'

Sorry but thats absolute rubbish.

Mr X, on what basis do you state my comment is 'absolute rubbish'? My comment is in fact an informed fact.

Yes, cars do get targetted and yes in a given local area the locals might know who a usual driver is...but they won't know the set up of the house i.e. how many people live there, who is staying for the weekend, etc... and they will not want a confrontation, it's easier to go onto the next one.

As an example my mate, a local company director with a fleet of vehicles , has had people attend his house during the night 3 times in a year...presumably after either after his wife's CLK or his XJR. His decent CCTV and alarm system saw them off (and he never leaves the keys on show)....on the last occasion they nicked a 5 series up the end of his road instead... so got easier pickings elsewhere

I see no reason why anyone should give up on crime prevention, although i do accept on the extremely rare occasions that some nutter(s) break in with confrontation very much an option, you'd be best to give the keys up easily...that statistic is thankfully exceptionally rare and needs to be kept in perspective.
our cars - Mr X
A traffic plod who used to live opposite me once stopped a van in the early hours of the morning and called for back up to detain the five on board. In their possession, a list along the lines of 'i.e. how many people live there, who is staying for the weekend, etc... " along with the cars to be found on the premises and in the garages. I was on that list ( XR4i at the time ). They were on there way round to drop off the drivers and collect the cars they wanted. They were part of the ram raid gang that led to the force getting one of the first helicopters outside of London. So successful was it that other ram raiders tried to firebomb it one night.

our cars - Westpig
an organised gang of car thieves wouldn't have the faintest idea on who was in at any given time...they would however know exactly what make/model/engine size the car was...AND...would have a shopping list

so if the first one had a decent alarm or huge great baying hound in the hallway, they'd move on to another one

the example I gave above had visit 1 result in mate's CCTV alarm wake him up, he put on the bedroom light, didn't notice anything, but had the presence of mind to re-play the CCTV and noted someone on his drive snooping about, who was no doubt disturbed when he put the light on

visit 2, he woke up again, but this time didn't put the light on. He rang 999, but decided to 'show out' when his letter box kept going as he didn't want his door damaged. No hope of them getting the keys, as they weren't there (but of course, many are). He shouted out the window and the oik had the nerve to give him the 'bird'.

visit 3, they came back with hoodies up, having no doubt noticed the small camera above the door. There was another exchange of 'pleasantries' out of the window.

There have been no more visits as they have worked out that one is on the 'too difficult' list.
our cars - Lud
Westpig's measured and professionally informed post, and remembering jdc's thread on a nasty intrusion by genuinely thuggish (rather than just cheeky and unprincipled) intruders, make me, I confess, slightly ashamed of my earlier intemperate and frivolous post, although I still agree with zub and gb that one shouldn't take cheek from toerags lying down.

Edited by Lud on 25/01/2009 at 18:07

"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - barney100
Happened near me not long ago. Brand new car on the drive, a break in, the keys taken and the car gone. The theft not noticed until the next day and the car never seen again. There seems no answer to crime that deters. Even in the parts of the world whwere you lose various anatomical parts for different offences to our soft ways nothing seems to work.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - L'escargot
The answer is a burglar alarm on both the car and the house.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - oilrag
The back garden is our weak spot really - about 100 yards long - leading straight on to fields and woods at the back.
We have steel shutters at the side and rear windows and doors of the house to address this and a 7 ft wrought iron gate down the side access with spikes. The latter secured with a hardened half inch thick (bike security type ) chain and armoured padlock.
Also (as well as Alarm and lights) lace curtains on the big front picture windows.
Every few months I see (the previously mentioned) typical 4 blokes in a car - peering into property as they slowly cruise past.

I`m not that bothered about the cars to be honest -they are both easy to replace `austerity` models anyway.

But keen to avoid the situation where we lived in an remote, isolated bungalow years ago and had several break-ins complete with destruction of an antique desk.

"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - Mr X
If the figures are to be believed, 80% of us are now living behind locked, bolted and alarmed doors , trying to protect ourselves from the other 20%. Something wrong there in my view.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - Cliff Pope
Wouldn't the same argument say you should leave your credit card and pin number on the table too, to save the burglar having to threaten you to get them?
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - movilogo
Bangers are not always safe! Sometimes thieves look for any vehicle which is most easy to steal.

A mate of mine used to think the same until his 10-yr old Ford Fiesta was stolen!

Govt's statistics (you may find it online) also shows older cars are more likely to be nicked because of their inferior security systems.

"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - FotheringtonThomas
Interesting advice from Cobra - but is it in the best interests of personal safety
given today`s knife culture?

Getting a bit nesh these days, aren't we, not to mention paranoid? Let them have what they want, and don't resist in any way?? Well, I had a break-in not long ago, and I can tell you, I wish I'dve been there.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - madf
I am a light sleeper. I keep a cut down cricket bat for such emergencies. I also did judo and jujitsu when a little younger and am still fit and active,

If I found any intruder late at night in our house, I am sure they would be carrying a knife and I would have to defend myself.

A sharp blow with a heel or bat to the shins is extremely painful - and is temporarily disabling due to the extreme pain involved.

It is also difficult to defend against as people tend to expect to be hit on the body.

My fingers still have calluses on the knuckles from my daily exercises and the body is very vulnerable to sharp blows to the neck which can cause unconsciousness.

Of course if there was a gun involved, I would give up without any fight.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - krs one
My house was broken into last year and my keys were taken from downstairs. The O/H and myself both slept through it, which was a good thing.

It's OK spouting big man nonsense on the internet, but would you be so brave when someone has pulled a knife on you. Face it, the burlar has far more to lose by getting caught than you do by having your car stolen.

Obviously this forums many trained killers have nothing to worry about, but I wouldn't be so sure of myself.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - GroovyMucker
The original advice is an ill-thought out remark.

Then again, he's got some free publicity.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - piggy
Anyone who wishes to steal one of our cars is not going to find me fighting them. That`s why we pay insurance on them.
As to tackling someone with a knife, my karate sensei(and she was a 2nd. dan) had a good saying `The best defence against a knife is a fast pair of legs`.
Remember,a car is just a lump of metal and easily replaced.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - Mr X
' That`s why we pay insurance on them. '
Nice thought but Insurance companies are always on the look out for a reason not to meet a claim. By putting up no resistance what so ever, I wonder how long before that will be deemed to be failing to take reasonable care of the item insured ?
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - NowWheels
By putting up no resistance what so ever I wonder how
long before that will be deemed to be failing to take reasonable care of the
item insured ?

Any insurer arguing that someone should endanger themselves to prevent a theft is going to be both publicly pilloried and over-ruled by the ombudsman.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - Westpig
Surely this needs a sense of perspective.

If you were to walk down the road, say at night, somewhere unfamiliar (e.g. on holiday) and felt a bit vulnerable...would you not be a bit more aware and careful... maybe hide your valuables, so they weren't on show... or would you have them all available for the first oik passing to grab at will.

If some little oik did approach you, you wouldn't hand it over at the first hurdle, would you? You'd walk away, look for other people to help, tell him to clear off... if however he drew a darned great knife and threatened you with it, fair enough you'd hand your stuff over.

well it's the same with your car keys.

a car thief ranges from the most pathetic little dwebe you could imagine to no doubt those 'pdc' had to deal with.. with a load in between. Fortunately the former are considerably more common than the latter.

Please don't tell me a number of you on here are prepared to make it easy for them.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - FotheringtonThomas
Please don't tell me a number of you on here are prepared to make it
easy for them.

I absolutely agree with this. It's not "spouting big man nonsense on the internet". The vast majority of burglars, muggers, oiks, toe-rags in general, will give up and go away immediately on being confronted. That's why old grannies with sticks, handbags, and *spines* can dissuade them. Most of these people would far rather leave than continue for fairly obvious reasons - that indeed is why it is a Good Idea not to block their escape routes when you have a go at 'em. IMO it's ones duty to society to resist.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - Blue {P}
Mr X - That's ridiculous nonsense, there is vast amount of legal precedent to say that they cannot do that.

I've been conditioned to sleep with the burglar alarm on covering downstairs as my dad made sure it was on since I was very young, it has interupted two burglaries at our old house so I do believe that they work.

My parent's current house has a very effective and simple solution, a PIR security light that sets off a chime next to the bed. Although it's sometimes a cat, it has twice turned out to be people walking around our drive scoping our cars.

Edited by Blue {P} on 26/01/2009 at 22:52

"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - piggy
By putting up no resistance what so ever >>

They would have to get past our two German Shepherds first. And the cars` keys are hanging just above their beds.

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 29/01/2009 at 01:04

"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - motorprop
heard a tale tonight where a visibly modified Seat Cupra was taken from a scummy area after the owner's front door was forced open by a cheap screwdriver while they slept. Apparently the only lock was a single ' Yale ' type , and no deadlock

I mean come on !! if the insurance refused to pay I would understand to a large degree.

The car was found a couple of streets away by the owner the next night, fitted with false plates. Not sure what happened to the thief.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - L'escargot
I don't exactly hide my car keys at night, but they're in our bedroom and not anywhere near the outer doors. Because I'm not as robust as I was in my younger days I keep a pickaxe handle in the wardrobe near the bed to ward off intruders. If handguns hadn't been outlawed then I would have one in place of the pickaxe handle.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - Cliff Pope
I leave them in the car in the garage. No one ever thinks of looking there. Sometimes even I forget.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - Big Bad Dave
"I leave them in the car in the garage."

Me too. If I left them anywhere else I'd never find them. The garage is always locked and alarmed.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - oilrag
I keep the badge of a certain manufacturer under the bed - ready to flashing in the face of intruders. Nine out of ten intruders have been incapacitated by spasms of reflex `gloat-snorting` followed by genuflexio and wind.

The remaining individual started licking the badge and stuttering t t ttt ttt tt - he had to be made a cup of tea and be shown a Fiat key ring badge to return to normality.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - Number_Cruncher
>>I keep the badge of a certain manufacturer under the bed - ready to flashing in the face of intruders.

A Wolseley badge with a 100W bulb?

"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - L'escargot
A Wolseley badge with a 100W bulb?

Roger Z-Victor-One!
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - The Melting Snowman
Keys stay on the table in our hallway. I value my life rather than a lump of replaceable, insured metal.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - Cliff Pope
Keys stay on the table in our hallway. I value my life rather than a
lump of replaceable insured metal.

Then you presumably keep all your valuables on the hall table too.
Safe keys, bank deposit box number, card and PIN. Childrens' piggy banks. None of them is worth getting murdered for.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - oilrag
Dr Living - Stone - I presume?
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - Westpig
Then you presumably keep all your valuables on the hall table too.
Safe keys bank deposit box number card and PIN. Childrens' piggy banks. None of them
is worth getting murdered for.

you forgot the bit where if you've got a £100 in your wallet and are nipping down to the shops...you take it out of the wallet that was in your back pocket... and pin the cash to the outside of your shirt, so that if anyone wants to steal it, they can do so without any confrontation
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - oilrag
Since this thread started at least three people have been knifed to death in the community.... Perhaps if Police were less focussed on motoring `targets` and the CPS and Courts took crime more seriously - it really would be possible to defend yourself and your property without risk of being stabbed.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - Pugugly
I think you'll find a change of focus soon oilrag, Roads Policing is about to get a boost based on the premise that most crime is vehicle bound and that targeting these individuals and gangs is as good an anti-crime strategy as any.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - L'escargot
Since this thread started at least three people have been knifed to death in the
community.... Perhaps if Police were less focussed on motoring `targets` and the CPS and Courts
took crime more seriously - it really would be possible to defend yourself and your
property without risk of being stabbed.

I'm not convinved that outlawing guns was altogether a good idea from the point of view of victims protecting themselves. How, for example, are we supposed to protect ourselves from intruders? As far as I'm concerned anyone who breaks into a house deserves all they get. The killing, by whatever means, of an intruder by a resident should be legal.
"vehicle owners should hide their keys" - gordonbennet
Thats what happens when you criminalise guns, only the criminals have them.