Hello all, can anyone help ?
I have a Mondeo ST24 2.5 V6, I moved the car off the drive one day and all was fine, got up the following day and the car wouldnt run, i have a Scanguage so I used that and it threw up P0353 error which is Ignition Coil "C" Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction, I replaced the coil with a brand new genuine Ford part, also changed the leads and plugs whilst the UIM was off.
I fired the car up and all was good, no misfire and it ran nice and smooth. I left the car idling for about 45 mins to charge the battery, in that time the fans came on 4 times. On the 4th time the car started to misfire again. I ran the Scanguage again and it brought up the P0353 code again.
What can cause the P0353 error to occur ? does the "Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction" relate to the actual coil pack itself or the whole circuit ie, earth strap ?
Can anyone offer any advice as to where to start as I am lost now !!
Any help would be greatfully appreciated.
Edited by MondeoV6 on 21/01/2009 at 15:26