Hi, my tensioner belt next to the cam belt broke whilst driving. I stopped immediately and barely managed to get the engine to fire up though it was quite noisy!!
I got it towed to a garage who have ahad a look and think that as the ignition will not even turn the engine over that the engine is damadged! This can happen by parts of the tensioner belt flying off underneath the cam belt and throwing the timing out. WHen the car went in it was turning over and did fire after a struggle. Now it is dead when I turn the ignition on, just ignition lights. Please can someone advise what is the likely problem? The car did not overheat or anything, the mechanic advised that he has been manually trying to turn the engine with a spanner and can not even do this!!! I have my doubts!
Edited by Dynamic Dave on 06/01/2009 at 10:06