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Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - Falkirk Bairn
Motorists face £60 fines and three points on licence for minor accidents according to the DT.

This means even slight knocks can get you points - this is with a view to freeing up Police from investigating, reporting and charging drivers.

I would think this could give the police less time for serious offences. How?

If you have a bump currently no police will attend unless there is an injury- normally drivers only exchange names, address, Ins Co etc - with the proposed change in the law the Govt will be keen to have police attend as the Treasury gets the £60/£100 fines.

More ££££s driven tax raising rather than policing in my opinion
Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - Manatee
A lot depends on whether there is a target. If there is, they'll be there like a rat up a drainpipe, and somebody will have to take the blame.

I wonder if it's £30 and 1.5 points each for a 50/50 accident?
Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - Harleyman
Purely and simply another wheeze to fill the Treasury coffers.

How the hell can you legislate against accidents? Tesco won't wear it anyway, their car parks'd be empty if it was illegal to bump into people!

I wonder how much Friends of the Earth have to do with this? Half of London would be banned from driving within a month; workers can't commute so have to give up jobs, live in poverty and burn wood to keep warm; inner city dwellers take over jobs but can't go and visit clients 'cos they're banned too; economy grinds to shuddering halt and all manufacturing industries collapse and close; same problems apply to the countryside 'cos farmers can't drive anyway so we go back to horses; hey guys, we've saved the planet, RESULT! ;-)
Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - L'escargot
You didn't give us the full story. Here it is.

"An array of motoring offences in addition to minor crashes are also likely to lead to action under proposals to give police powers to issue fixed penalty notices for careless driving.

They could include eating, drinking or smoking at the wheel, reading a map, tuning a radio or arguing with a passenger."

I agree with it.

Edited by L'escargot on 24/12/2008 at 08:03

Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - Armitage Shanks {p}
FULL story here:-


It is a money making + meet police performance indicators rip off IMO. The Government is 'concerned' that convictions have fallen from 107,600 in 1986 to 25,400 in 2006. I don't suppose it occurs to the total idiots that this might be a result of their expensive and worthwhile road-safety campaigns over the years?

From a legal point of view, how is anybody gong to put 3 points on my licence with getting me convicted of an offence in a court of law. Do we actually pay the salaries of the people responsible for this tosh? Yes - and their fat pensions!

Edited by Armitage Shanks {p} on 24/12/2008 at 09:14

Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - Mr X
Truly amazing. Some one , some where has decided there must be an optimum number of convictions per year so we have this rubbish thrust at us. You'd think there wasn't a single solitary crime not committed by the motorist by the amount of time spent adding new laws to the statute books.

Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - stunorthants26
We it will solve congestion atleast as given the generally average standard of driving, especially under such heavy going rules, the roads will become empty within weeks.

Terrible when mugging an old granny will get you less punishment than eating!
Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - b308
>>Some one some where has decided there must be an optimum number of
convictions per year

Don't quite follow you there, MrX, all they said is that they are aware of many examples of bad driving going unpunished... and we all know that there are lots of examples of bad driving which go unpunished, you yourself have moaned about them often enough, as have the rest of us!... This is supposed to make it easier for the Police to punish them, which if done correctly will be a good idea...

And thats the crux of the matter... I don't have a problem with it as long as its done fairly... we shall see in due course if it is... if it isn't then I will have a problem with it...
Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - Andrew-T
The conspiracy theorists are at it again. IF this proposal is merely a money-raising scheme (and I am not that simple-minded) the only reason to object is if you feel personally threatened by it (i.e. you are a regular bumper). If you aren't, just accept that Treasury income has to come from somewhere (and they will need lots in the near future) and be grateful that you can minimise your contribution by careful driving.
Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - f2
I would have thought that the reason for the drop in Careless Driving convictions is primarily due to having large numbers (income generating) speed cameras as opposed to having (costly) traffic officers on the roads. At the moment speed/bus lane cameras can't prove careless driving.

If the new rules meant improved Policing I would agree with them. As it is, I expect it will be an excuse to scrutinise further all the footage that is collected daily. "Hmm, this one isn't speeding, isn't driving in a bus lane, but he is tapping the steering wheel and singing along to the radio. Gotcha. Careless driving!"

Cynical, moi?
Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - movilogo
I'll rather convert a minor bump into a major bump and walk away with no points!

Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - Rattle
Another thing that just makes me wonder why I wasted £1000's on learning how to drive. When are people are going to make a stand abotu these rules? Although there is logic accidents do happen it is a nature of driving all this will do is make people even more paranoid!

Also I cannot really see how this is a money making exercise, because it would cost a fortune for police to call out, they are well paid, then there is the cost of the vehicle that has to call out etc. The big difference between this and speed fines is that they are issued from a central office with no high labour involvment (police).

Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - Mr X
I'll bet the Police are not involved in policing this. I see the army of poorly trained, power crazed hobby bobbies a.ka. community support officers , being given the go ahead to enforce these new measures. If you've ever dealt with one of these plastic policemen, you'll find them more than keen to get involved in issuing an on the spot fine.
Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - b308
I deal with them every day in my job, X, and they are fine... boy, do you have a chip on your shoulder!
Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - Mr X
Not relevant to this thread... snip

Edited by rtj70 on 24/12/2008 at 11:45

Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - b308
deleted as per last post

Edited by b308 on 24/12/2008 at 11:48

Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - Mr X
You're sitting at a road junction, you engage gear and as you are about to move off you become aware of a PCSO tapping on your window. You wind it down and they say ' You were altering your radio and I have decide you were not in control of your vehicle. Please pull over here whilst I issue you with a £60 fine and 3 points "
Despite your protest that you were selecting a gear, you're £60 out of pocket. You're word against theirs but that will count for nothing.
You could fight it in the courts but that would cost you thousands.

Please copy and paste and keep this safe. Then in 2 years time you can say " Mr X was right, this is happening "

Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - b308
You're sitting at a road junction you engage gear and as you are about to
move off you become aware of a PCSO tapping on your window.

Yeh, yeh, yeh.... "roll eyes"
Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - FocusDriver
Agree with you Mr X

We were all told anti-terror legislation would NEVER be used for anything other than anti-terrorism. Councils then used the legislation to spy on people and their bin habits. No-one foresaw that, least of all freedom campaigners.

Sorry, but it's quite obvious that more innocent motorists will become criminalised. This is not anti-police. I don't have anything against the police. It's the government and their intention to cover all taxable eventualities. Look at the news. Money is badly needed top cover our burgeoning debt burden.

Every little helps...

Edited by FocusDriver on 24/12/2008 at 12:59

Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - Armitage Shanks {p}
SFAIK nobody, except a Court of Law, can put points on your licence. If anybody knows or thinks differently please will they post chapter and verse here for the benefit of all?

Edited by Armitage Shanks {p} on 24/12/2008 at 14:20

Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - Andrew-T
>Despite your protest that you were selecting a gear, you're £60 out of pocket

This hasn't happened yet, Mr X - you are just indulging your paranoia again. When it does come about, you will be the first to tell us all the truth as you see it. No doubt all sorts of depressing scenarios can be dreamed up under these proposed rules, but why not hope for the best?

I agree that a plethora of rules have been imposed on us all in recent years, many of them unpoliceable and unenforceable. Part of the reason is that much of public seems to think rules are for everyone else, not them. When people spend less time and effort just seeing what they can get away with, we will need fewer rules.
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - bintang
...and almost anything else, so far as I can see from today's Telegraph front-page headline, including turning an a radio. This goverment certainly knows how to make a person cheerful at Yuletide.

Merged with existing thread on the same subject

Edited by rtj70 on 24/12/2008 at 11:54

Spot fines for drivers in shunts - Pendlebury
I remember people mocking me on this forum for using phrases like - "as a motorist in the UK you are automatically branded as a criminal by this government"

Looks like we are taking another step towards my theory.

I suppose we can always put the 2.5% we don't pay on VAT away in a high interest savings account for all the fines that will be due now.
(Can you spot the deliberate mistake in my recommendation above).

I suppose the government is looking at how it can raise money for the forthcoming year which according to the IMF and the Bank of America (not just tawse) will be the worst economically since 1947.
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - b308
OK, fair enough, many of you don't like it...

So what do you propse to reduce the increasing amount of bad driving we all see nowadays?

And how will we pay for whatever you propose?

Edited by b308 on 24/12/2008 at 15:18

Spot fines for drivers in shunts - FocusDriver
"So what do you propse to reduce the increasing amount of bad driving we all see nowadays?

And how will we pay for whatever you propose?"

The laws are already in place. No need for new ones. The tools are there; it's just that some people in power are addicted to legislation.

Pay for it? Are you joking? If all the money paid in car tax went on the roads, the roads would be the finest in the West! I think that's a rather satisfactory answer despite the "pooling" of revenue HMRC engages in.

If you've never been above 30mph in a 30 zone then you're quite simply a celestial wonder to behold!
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - b308
The laws are already in place. No need for new ones. The tools are there;
it's just that some people in power are addicted to legislation.
Pay for it? Are you joking?

The law as it stands (if I've read the "story" correctly) means that at the moment to be done for "careless driving" you have to go to court... what they are proposing is that the Police could give on the spot fines like speeding and reduce the paperwork, not to mention the court time...

The question I asked was for those of you who are always moaning about the reducing standards of driving and if they don't agree which what is being proposed what are their alternative suggestions and how would they pay for their proposed suggestion...

You can't have it both ways, if they come up with some scheme to tackle a problem its unfair to criticize without giving some feasable alternative.

As for the bit about my driving, no I'm not perfect, but I don't regard fines for speeding or careless driving a tax... a tax is something I don't have any choice but to pay, both of those I can avoid by being more careful.

My only issue with it is that it must be done fairly, not as a "vendetta", something needs to be done, only time will tell if this is the right way of tackling it...

And regards those uninsured/taxed drivers, I agree something more needs to be done to keep them off the roads (I have suggested automatic prison for repeat offenders before), but most of the bad driving we all see each day is not done by them, I suspect, but by us "legal" drivers...
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - FocusDriver
your point is a very fair one

I was nicked for careless driving 12 years ago - and rightly so. Lesson very much learnt. I deserved what I got £600, six points and uninsurable for three years. Pretty miserable. So on the subject of perfect driving, I cannot claim this either. Still learning as they say.

I didn't go to court though I could have done.

While it is of course, silly to critisise measures I deem as sensible, without offering an alternative, I don't think this is sensible. It's just giving more ARBITRARY powers to the authorities. Sorry, but I'd like to have the option of my day in court. Something which should be possible for every minor transgression, else there's some change in UK law about which I'm not aware.

Why is it not possible anymore for traffic police to wave someone down and have a go at them for going too fast or carelessly? Why is everything so tied to proceedure and regulation that tickets MUST be issued? It's the lack of discrimination available to the already put-upon police that's half the PR problem imv.

You rather skipped over my answer about "paying for it" and raise the question again! I would like to provide you with the same reasonable answer as I did originally. What's wrong with that answer?
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - Manatee
>>You can't have it both ways, if they come up with some scheme to tackle a problem its unfair to criticize without giving some feasable alternative.

B308, that argument is a straw man, irrelevant. Should somebody come up with a stupid idea there is no obligation either to accept it, or propose anything else.

About 25 years ago I was rebuked by a bobby for munching on a (ham) sandwich while driving (crawling in traffic actually) down Greek Street in Leeds. I unwisely took issue with this, on the grounds that it was not unsafe, and was threatened with being run in. In future, perhaps this will be a ticket and three points?

The trouble is that drinking from a bottle of water at traffic lights, taking a bite from a sandwich, or even, for that matter, using a hand held mobile telephone or driving after three or four pints, need not be unsafe per se. Defining these things as unsafe is where the trouble starts.

One can see that, on balance, the drink-drive law as it stands might be a good thing - clearly too many people could not be trusted to behave responsibly, so a liberty was lost. Unfortunately it was the thin end of a very unpleasant wedge, and far more babies than bathwater will be thrown out as this develops.

If the government wanted to foment a revolution, it could scarcely adopt a better strategy. There are plenty of very unpleasant, violent and dishonest people out there - how about a sensible plan to deal with them?

Edited by Manatee on 24/12/2008 at 21:40

Spot fines for drivers in shunts - b308
>>You can't have it both ways if they come up with some scheme to tackle
a problem its unfair to criticize without giving some feasable alternative.
B308 that argument is a straw man irrelevant.

No its isn't...

So what are your proposals then?!

Or don't you have anything better?

As regards the rest that I snipped, thats exactly what I'd said in several previous posts... its how its implemented that will make it a good thing or a load of carp... we shall see!
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - Mr X
Not every minor bump is a sign that the driver involved is going to go on and kill some one one day, any more than the argument that watching violent cartoons will turn all kids in to murderers.

Thus my proposal..do nothing. Simply carry on with the system as it is.
To often, the raft of new laws, rules and regulations manages only to punish the occasional , accidental transgressor whilst leaving the habitual offender untouched.

Spot fines for drivers in shunts - Manatee
B308 - I have no alternative proposals because none are necessary. Drivers can still AFAIK be charged with driving without due care and attention, careless driving, or dangerous driving - but the case has to be made.

My point was that there is no need for an alternative idea every time somebody puts forward a stupid one - it just does not follow from the premise, though it is a trap that many seem to fall into all the time.

The existing laws are not there by accident or because all previous legislators were stupid.
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - b308
B308 - I have no alternative proposals because none are necessary.

Though if you look at many of the threads on this and other motoring forums it is as clear as day that bad driving needs to be tackled... this will tackle some of it, though I have reservations on how its implemented... therefore I would disagree with you that nothing needs doing... in fact I'd say that not enough is being done at the moment to tackle the decline in driving standards... if this makes it easier to penalise those who drive badly then it may be beneficial.

The other issue which would come from anything that tackled bad driving is covered on another thread... What you do to prevent re-offending?... Its also clear that current punishments do not deter people from doing it again... so a whole new can of worms is opened.
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - Rattle
It is just another message which says Canada may be -20c in the winter but they want me more than the UK does, lets all move to Canada, Australia etc any where that will have us and let the ever increasing amount of foreigners (usualy from Eastern Europe these days) rule the UK.

I have mentioned this countless times now but when I am driving I do feel like a crinimal, what if they find a broken spring, what fi I accidently stop over the line at lights etc. This new rule just makes it even worse. The worst thing is the real bad drivers are the ones that never get caught as their cars are usualy not even licenced or have a false plate on it.
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - Westpig
FPNs etc for careless drivng are fine....IF....the officers empowered to dish them out are not subject to endless targets and figures i.e. you allow them to use their judgement and only put pen to paper when they feel it is necessary.

If (as at present) you close them down with targets, they will comply with them, but will go for the easier, more plentiful, option. That is human nature and keeps your boss off your back. That is not good for this country because Mr and Mrs Average are being hammered...and believe me the people working in that system really do not like it..but it is very difficult, if not impossible, to be the maverick and break the cycle.
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - Old Navy
I hope before anyone becomes judge and jury on driving standards they have to have an advanced driving qualification and are not the local beat bobby or hobby cop.

Edited by Old Navy on 24/12/2008 at 17:50

Spot fines for drivers in shunts - Westpig
I hope before anyone becomes judge and jury on driving standards they have to have an advanced driving qualification and are not the local beat bobby or hobby cop.

more than valid point....and it won't be a stipulation will it
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - Rattle
I can see in court a lot of these cases being thrown out, as the cops would have to gather a lot of evidence that the person to blame was actually guilty of a crime. So in reality the system may not work or it may not be as bad it as it seems, it may simply be person xx crashed into my car because he went through a red light so points may be issued for that.

The system would be absolute kaos if people got 3 points for a minor knock in Tesco car park and that is what I am more concerned about. I have no problem with the police as longs as they use their discretion and I am against any laws which remove that power from them. The last thing we need is cops to become computers.

My mate was involved in a nasty accident a few years back, the police were involved, he basically went through a red light, but the police made him do a producer and said although it was careless driving (the story is complicated) it was a momentery laps and he could see he had a good attitude so no point on prosecuting. Said mate has been very careful since and never did that silly mistake again (he forgot to make sure the lgiht had not changed back to red as he moved off, it was on green, then changed as he set off in a big que of traffic).

My dad also went through a red light as the son was shining in it, again police were involved, we thought he would get done for careless driving but the cop said it was a bad junction with no proper road markings and there own investigated concluded that the lights were not clear on a sunny day so it would be unfair to prosecute.

I think if any of these accidents happened today 3 points would have automatically being issued.

Finally if these laws make the general public become against the police then the general public may not help them when they really need it. A customer of mine genuinely forgot his tax disc was out of date anf got into a huge amount of trouble over it.
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - b308
I'm not convinced that the ability to "warn" rather than just fine has been excluded in these proposals... also the press have latched onto certain, more extreme, situations where people could be fined, making it look worse than it is...

As I have said before, the principle is ok, its how its implemented thats the crux of the matter, as WP said... as it is its only a proposal at this stage, hopefully before they implement it they will take into account the feedback they will getting.

To go back to the cost of any other proposals, FD, I wasn't trying to get out of it, its just that all the money currently got from us motorists is already used up in the state machine, so any extra costs will have to be got from either raised taxes elswhere... or cuts...

Edited by b308 on 24/12/2008 at 18:37

Spot fines for drivers in shunts - Rattle

I think so many variables cause fault acidents. If you were changing the radio while navigatiing a complex round about then yes 3 points is fair enough but what if you're adjusting your heater on an fairly open road with little traffic? It may technicaly be an offence but it is very unlikely to do any harm.
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - FocusDriver
"its how its implemented thats the crux of the matter"

I do agree! At the risk of being tedious though, I'll repeat my point about anti-terror powers being used by local councils. This sets something of a precedent insofar as new legislation is concerned. I think so anyway. But I leapt on your comment a bit enthusuastically probably.

Also agree re where the money comes from - I can be obtuse occasionally. The majority of council tax bills go towards public sector pensions and welfare payments. But no council advertises the fact. It's all about "value policing" and the "new climbing frame in the park". If motorists' money is ALSO being used for public pensions and welfare then perhaps public sector workers could do without some of the gilt-edged priviledges accorded to them. Or cut back on welfare? I can't see either happeneing though. It's really the motorist who provides the "cash cow". So why not pump them for more?

It's NOT as if cars are some unnecessary luxury. Whereas a 3/4 pension most definitely IS!
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - Mr X
Another point worth considering...
Lot of Lloyds names sitting in Parliament. Now let me think 3 points on licence...insurance premium increases... get the picture.
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - Pendlebury
Mr X - I am disappointed in you suggesting such a thing - that might be like the government taxing vehicles according to CO2 emissions knowing sales of diesels would suddenly go through the roof and then also knowing you can get loads of extra tax revenue from a more expensive fuel. Even though countless other pollutants go untaxed as well.

In fairness this lot can't think in a joined up way like that - everything is done reactively.
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - woodster
I've only read some of the contributions here but I really wouldn't worry about this proposal. Even if passed I can't see any real difference in numbers of minor accidents attended. Police won't have any more interest or time to attend accidents where drivers can exchange details and let the insurers thrash out the detail. CPS charging standards at present allow for, amongst other things, 'minor errors of judgement'. To issue a ticket flies in the face of that. If you ever find yourself in receipt of a ticket say nothing then elect a court hearing at the last opportunity. In the majority of cases the officer will not have properly gathered the evidence to support a prosecution, something that should be done at the time, incidentally. And just so that everyone's clear: a fixed penalty notice is not an 'on the spot fine'. No such thing exists. The process is that the officer reports the person for the offence, and issues the ticket. The recipient then has the option to pay if they accept they committed the offence OR they can request a court hearing. No officer has the power to issue fines.
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - woodster
Sorry, just read some threads: as for pensions - feel free to join and enjoy the special nature of the work. pension contributions at 11% assuming you get to 30 years service uninjured or worn out by shift work. Have fun walking in to everyone else's fights and dealing with societies mentally disturbed, drunk and drugged. Ask yourself: could you walk in uniform into a pub fight?? Could/would you face the drugged nutcase threatening you with a knife? My friend works in the city with minimal responsibility and a huge salary. I don't moan about that, we all make our choices. We all have the option to change if we now feel we made the wrong choices.
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - Westpig
Sorry just read some threads: as for pensions -

woodster, that comment might have been aimed at MP's as surely they're the only ones who can implement this sort of thing
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - FocusDriver
"My friend works in the city with minimal responsibility and a huge salary. I don't moan about that, we all make our choices. We all have the option to change if we now feel we made the wrong choices."

So, let me get this right. In the private sector, you get huge salaries and no stress. Well woodster, maybe I'll leave the private sector job I'm now in and get one just like your friend. You see 11% contributions sounds better than the zero I get now!

I pay more than a thousand pounds a year into public pensions. I don't actually mind paying tax (I believe strongly in progressive taxation) but it would be nice occasionally for sanctimonious public sector workers to understand that yes, they are amazing, godlike creatures but not any more worthy than the rest of us. Incidentally, my sister in, my mother when working, my brother now are ALL employed in the public health sector. They moan but they do acknowledge they get far more holiday entitlement, more support, more pension contribution (any for that matter) than equivalent earners in the private sector. The profligacy they witness is disgusting and depressing. But, despite the physical abuse my sister in law has encountered at the hands of mental patients, she's treated extremely well by the NHS, very well. She has a new car every year too, which is nice. "How pointless" she says.

So to Gordon Brown, I say raid the public pensions just as you have the private ones. Were we all to be employed in the public sector, we'd none of us have a job. Would we?

Edited by FocusDriver on 24/12/2008 at 23:47

Spot fines for drivers in shunts - Armitage Shanks {p}
Gordon can't raid the public pensions as they are not 'funded', in that there are no managed funds to be invested and produce an income or to be tinkered with by him and his cohorts. The Government just pays them.
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - Manatee
Gordon can't raid the public pensions as they are not 'funded'

He could raid the payments directly rather than ransack the funds - something to look forward to.

Merry Christmas!
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - Armitage Shanks {p}
Manatee - I don't think that OAPs (of whom I am one) who already have one the lowest pensions in the whole EU would appreciate having their 'funds' raided! Whose should be targetted?
Spot fines for drivers in shunts - Manatee
Manatee - I don't think that OAPs (of whom I am one) who already have
one the lowest pensions in the whole EU would appreciate having their 'funds' raided! Whose should be targetted?

I wasn't making a proposal - merely observing that the fact that public sector pensions are not funded doesn't make them immune from state depredation.
Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - zookeeper
the increase of whiplash and neck injuries ( false or genuine) will increase dramatically , causing more strain on the NHS.. the cops aint bothered
Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - Fullchat
"the increase of whiplash and neck injuries ( false or genuine) will increase dramatically , causing more strain on the NHS.. the cops aint bothered "

Can you tell me how that relates to the theme of this thread?

The consequences of the collision do not have a bearing on the offence committed. Unless we are talking about 'Death by..........".

If claimants are scamming the insurance industry then that's up to them to put in place more robust procedures. Unfortunately insurance companies do not contact the Police to ask what there opinion is re the validity of a claim and even if they did it would only be an opinion not a professional medical opinion which would have some weight.
Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - woodster
FocusDriver - that 11% is paid by ME from my salary!! Happy safe Christmas!!
Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - Colin J
Its just another Labour stealth tax the goverment is up to its neck in debt and the idea they have always had is to hit the motorist.When GB was chancellor he said a few years back that he was going to hit foregin lorry drivers with a kind of tax for using our roads but if he wants to starting raising taxes he wants to start with them
Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - FocusDriver
"FocusDriver - that 11% is paid by ME from my salary!! Happy safe Christmas!!"

Yes ok. Fairy nuff. I did go off on one about public pensions didn't I. I'm sorry for the rather pointed remarks but I'm really fed up with the ever-burgeoning nature of the civil service (which feeds my nephews) and the seeming article of faith which holds that "other" workers are obviously getting bonuses, cars, excess money, private healthcare and gold watches hither and thither. Other than that I'm jolly bursting with Christmas cheer. Honest!
Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - v8man
I think you are all missing the point. Since this government decided to rely solely on speed cameras for it's road safety initiative there are barely any dedicated traffic units left to enforce anything and the unlicensed and uninsured oiks know this. It really is plain bad luck these days if you are caught by a real policeman on traffic duty. All you need to do is slow down for the cameras and your "safe".
Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - woodster
Difficult to disagree with that v8man, although there is plenty of police activity around uninsured drivers and much good use of ANPR, which targets (through intelligence) criminal use of the car and lesser offences such as no insurance etc. Arguably more time can be spent on these activities through the use of technology. But to an extent, you are right. Since my last post it has occurred to me that the issue of a fixed penalty for careless driving after an accident is a very difficult area. Cops should not be 'judging' an issue and deciding on guilt (notwithstanding that a driver can elect a hearing), as this seems to imply they will be doing. In other cases of fixed penalty issue the evidence is much more obvious and therefore the issue of FPN perhaps appropriate. I think there will be many cases of RTA where the standard of driving, or lack of it, will not be clear cut enough to apportion blame.
Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - Westpig
Cops should not be 'judging' an issue and deciding on guilt (notwithstanding that a driver can elect a hearing) as this seems to imply they will be doing. In other cases of fixed
penalty issue the evidence is much more obvious and therefore the issue of FPN perhaps
appropriate. I think there will be many cases of RTA where the standard of driving
or lack of it will not be clear cut enough to apportion blame.

Same principle applies with speed cameras, because cameras are not able to apply common sense i.e. decide if danger was caused, are other offences compounding the speed transgression, does the driver show any signs of contrition, was there a reasonable reason for the transgression, etc

with FPNs for WDC etc, the other concern is that the officers habitually working shift work on the streets are our youngest and most inexperienced.. and it is they who will be dishing out FPN's for offences that are traditionally at the more difficult end of the spectrum to prove in court.... everyone knows the vast majority of motorists will cough up the fine and 'accept' the FPN, because few people will want the hassle, day off work, travel to court and possibility of greater punishment

if i thought this proposal would assist with some of the poorer driving on our roads i'd welcome it...sadly i do not...because, the low life will ignore it like they do everything else, whereas Mr or Mrs Average who have a minor bump will receive the FPN because the officers working the streets will no doubt be 'measured' on how many they dish out.

what's wrong with encouraging officers to report people for the worst offences and have a court decide...maybe it's because the powers that be know that there aren't enough officers available to concentrate on this sort of thing (and there hasn't been for years) and Traffic departments have been run down, so it's dropped off the bottom..so longer term, PCSO'S etc will dish them out...if so then heaven help us all.

Edited by Webmaster on 28/12/2008 at 12:53

Minor bump - 3 points+fixed penalty fine - Bromptonaut
A day as the sole member of a skeleton staff gave me a bit of time to look into this

The proposal is in the same consultation paper as the stuff about drink/drugs driving and speeeding that we discussed at some length when the DfT released it a month ago. The paper as published can be found here:


Not clear why the careless driving bit has just hit the press - probably lazyjournalism/winter sillly season news drought leading to relaince on press releases from the RAC foundation or another pressure group.

Edited by Bromptonaut on 29/12/2008 at 20:51