Our 306 has been intermittently struggling to start and then when starting the accelerator needs to be pumped or held firmly down to generate enough power to make the car move. This problem got gradually worse over about a week. Then one evening both headlight bulbs had blown. The next day the car wouldn't start at all. The starter motor was trying and the battery was ok but the engine wasn't catching. It started a few days later and I drove 4 miles to the garage keeping it on very high revs and avoiding going up hill to prevent it stalling. After about 3 miles it was running pretty normally. The garage replaced the light bulbs and found it started and ran fine. Since then it's been generally starting OK but sometimes with the same struggle to start and I can feel the jerkyness and lack of pull occassionally. Any ideas? I don't think the problem was solved by fixing the lights and I'm expecting it to happen again soon because I still feel the lack of pull sometimes.
Check the plug on the 15-pin relay on the ECU box - they can burn terminals.
This has suggestions of low fuel pressure about it. Have the fault-codes been read?
Thanks. How do I have the fault-codes read? Is that a Peugeot dealer thing? Is it expensive?
It's not necessarily a dealer thing; but you'll need to find someone with the right plug for your car - unless it's an early 16-pin one above the dash fuse box, it's almost unique.