00 1.8 Remanufactured engines -WARNING - batz
On 25th May this year, my Rover 75 1.8 engine suffered from water ingestion during flooding, breaking the con rods. I replaced the engine during the first week in June as it already had 114000 miles on it and a repair may not have been cost effective. A remanufactured engine sounded excellent but cost £1337.33 plus fitting by a local garage. After it was fitted, the car was losing very small amounts of coolant; an eggcup full per week initially. I couldn't believe the new engine was leaking so I replaced hoses and radiator - they were old, but no obvious leakage. Coolant loss started again. It got to half a cup to a cup a day by the end of September and I saw coolant running down the side of the block from the head. I contacted the suppliers and, at their request, arranged return of the head to their warranty people. The suppliers appear to act as agents and have no workshop facilities, so work was carried was out by a local engineer. The head was undamaged, the gasket was intact, no sign of overheating other than a temperature sensitive label reading 110 degrees. In his opinion, the suppliers are liable, as no obvious cause of leaking other than poor workmanship could be found. But the suppliers say the label shows overheating and voids the warranty. They won't replace it and effectively wash their hands of the problem. What is the point of the warranty? I am stuck with a bill for dismantling the engine, finding the problem and getting it fixed ? in excess of £700.00. I'm sure you can see why I'm so angry.

00 1.8 Remanufactured engines -WARNING - nortones2
Sounds odd to say 110 (presumably Celcius) indicates overheating, but I suppose it depends where the label was sited. AAUI, in a pressurised system, coolant can reach 129C. "A 50/50 mixture of water and ethylene glycol antifreeze in the cooling system will boil at 225 degrees if the cap is open. But as long as the system is sealed and holds pressure, a radiator cap rated at 15 psi will increase the boiling temperature of a 50/50 coolant blend up to 265 degrees [or 129C on this side]. If the concentration of antifreeze to water is upped to 70/30 (the maximum recommended), the boiling temperature under 15 psi of pressure goes up to 276 degrees." From a US source www.radiatorinfo.com/radtip.html

Think you need to talk to an auto engineer, and get an opinion on the legal side when you have a report.
00 1.8 Remanufactured engines -WARNING - batz
That's excellent...thanks!!!
00 1.8 Remanufactured engines -WARNING - spikeyhead {p}
I can't help in your case, but should anyone else find they need a new engine, its far better to take one out of a crash damaged vehicle than buying something that's "remanufactured"
00 1.8 Remanufactured engines -WARNING - batz
I'm beginning to agree - people need to do their research properly, which I obviosly didn't! There is a Rover garage near me who wuld have rebuilt my engine using the CORRECT new parts and the overall cost would have been less. AND the warranty would not have had the nasty little catches which the remanufactured one has.
00 1.8 Remanufactured engines -WARNING - Hamsafar
The only recon engines I would trust are VEGE ones (a multinational brand). www.vegeuk.com/