Whilst on a visit to my parents last week a builder's van backed into my car (he was doing work for my dad!) .
He put an unsightly 3 inch gash in the painted front n/s plastic bumper.
I had it sorted on Tuesday at one of the franchise chip fix outlets, they rubbed it down & filled and re-sprayed the side of the bumper. The bumper is a metallic finish. I was pleased with the finish when I picked the car up later in the day.
Since then I have noticed that the finish has partly developed small craters which develop into small white bumps in wet weather (lots of that recently), these disappear when it drys out leaving the small craters!
Can anyone with paint experience tell me what has happened here so I can tell the paint firm when I ring them tomorrow, I live some distance away so any remedial work will have to be booked in for a couple of weeks time.
Edited by Pugugly on 18/09/2008 at 19:52