Don`t you think modern cars are becoming more like `road slugs` in style when viewed from the side?
Sure, there are short slugs and long slugs, but there you are peeping out of the little breathing hole in the side, with that enormous raked windscreen, raked almost to the horizontal in front of you and you have to do the limbo to get in under it.
There`s that long pedestrian friendly snout, out front, just aching for two antennae and eyeballs.
Its no wonder people buy four wheel drives to get into a reasonable cabin with a more vertical windscreen and decent windows not reminiscent of the arrow slots in Barnard Castle.
So, what if we went back to an Art Deco style, a nice square cabin, an almost vertical windscreen that you can put a hand out and touch? Yes, there is the PT cruiser, but I mean more extreme with full Art Deco styling.
Actually an upgraded in style and technology `Elliot Ness mobile`?
More style, less slither, lets hear it for larger vertical windows ;)
Edited by oilrag on 17/02/2008 at 12:40
Reading off the same hymnsheet Oilrag.
Clone cars for cloned people maybe?
I wonder how many people would like something individual but are unwilling to do so because it wouldn't fit right with their social position.
I like the idea of a 40's gangster (as opposed to gangsta) saloon, they were so sleek, wire wheels, chrome popped up headlights, almost upright screen, huge upright grill, armchair comfort leather seats in maroon, running boards, wonderful.
Vehicle squared off so you can tell where the corners are.
Wind window down to be able to put you head straight out without triple jointed neck.
Step aboard with youre lovely lady dressed to die for, put key in, turn, engine starts, lovely lady slides over the leather to cuddle up as you go about, sedately with glamour and style.
Or the modern way, clamber in trying to not clout your head on the screen pillar, (lovely lady wearing jump suit to be able to negotiate the entry and exit sequence) and not poke your eye out on the rearview mirror, search for twenty minutes to find the door pull set cleverly at the front of a 6 ft 3cwt door (why do they do that), put some credit card or breeze block into hole, press button, wait interminably whilst vehicle decides if the outer space re-entry systems are go, and if all is well engine may start.
Make sure you are well apart form lovely lady as when the automated manual pulls away you will both be doing the head banging routine to a led zeppelin track.
No glamour, no style, no romance!
So - what exactly have you got in mind?
Is the PT Cruiser the most Art Deco car on the market in recent years, or are there other vehicles that come close?
I thought he was being rude about the Roomster - but in fairness, if we're talking art I think its a tad more post-modern than art-deco.
"I thought he was being rude about the Roomster"
"He?" is that me?, rude? ;)......(big warmhearted smile inserted) can`t be, I never thought of the a low slung,horizontal, limbo under the windscreen `road slug`.
I have now though ;).... no...doesn`t fit, (I`m referring to visuals and style only) I like the Roomster, its about windscreens in general becoming more horizontal and a longing to see some more authentic retro mobiles, that are truer to the era in which they were made (and an era not yet covered by the retro trend).
If I were head designer, I would freeze all the windows at their original sizes and angles... but no use as it seems only Gordonbennet and myself would want one....
(when spring comes and they are out slithering again, I will hold one up in profile against a Roomster, but to be honest I don`t see the fit in profile. However, considering their cousins the snails............;) ;);)
Edited by oilrag on 19/02/2008 at 08:50
Makes a change from 60s boxes and 70s wedges!
Though yes I agree that windscreens are becoming too "laid back"!
Edited by b308 on 19/02/2008 at 08:55
Have a look at a Nissan Cube