I have all my A3's documents and can't find anything that says what horsepower the car is.
The car data sticker says 1.9 TDI sport - which i know, but is it 100, 110 or 115 bhp? Is there an easy way of telling?
I have a problem in that the car's acceleration frequently fades away to a 'plateue?' if you know what i mean. This happens before you would expect it as I'm sure it's not near the top revs for the gear. This is most apparent if just started and going up a hill.
Local audi dealers looked at the air mass meter but then decided it might be the turbo. That was 6 months ago and it hasn't got any worse - just annoying.
The dealer i bought it from said they thought the car had been chipped to bring it to 130bhp but had no proof and i have no way of knowing - it certainly doesn't feel like 130 bhp.
Its a TDI sport 2001 and has 72,000 miles with a cared for history. It's due a service in a few weeks and I want to know whether i should go for a new turbo
any thoughts anybody?
Edited by Pugugly {P} on 03/12/2007 at 21:07