Can anyone recommend someone in the Reading area to take a look at the air con in my car.
I think it needs a service and general sorting out as it's smelly.
The car is 4 years old and I don't think the dealer ever looked at it during services.
The pollen filter was replaced last september.
Edited by Dynamic Dave on 31/10/2007 at 18:53
They recharge them and put a anti-fungal solution in them kwik-fit do it fairly cheap not sure of there service i haven't used them, i seems a fair price for a 1hr wait.
I know that Halfords and Kwikfit offer a basic service but I'm after
a specialist if possible.
If the AC blows cold and it is just the smell then try this:
Close all doors & windows, spray Oust/Neutradol household spray up the vents. Turn the circulation to internal recirculate, turn on the AC and fans to full - leave running for 20 mins or so. If necessary repeat the dose of Neutradol/Oust.
Cost <50p
If this does not work the people from Comma produce astronger dose of cleaning at a cost of £10 or thereabouts.
Do you think this may work on our Xsara. When the aircon/blower is on cold it is fine, but when you have it running warm and the engine is up to temp there is a pretty strong musty (ish) smell. Or could it possibly be a heater matrix problem? Not sure when the pollen filter was last changed...
the method should work on any car where the aircon is getting cold but is smelly.
However its well worth changing the air filter first the puravent website will tell you how, buy the filter at the local motor factors, change it and then do the nutrodoust thing as previously described.
I read often, only post occasionally
Thanks for that- will give it a go.
If the AC blows cold and it is just the smell then try this: Close all doors & windows spray Oust/Neutradol household spray up the vents. Turn the circulation to internal recirculate turn on the AC and fans to full - leave running for 20 mins or so. If necessary repeat the dose of Neutradol/Oust.
I have done exactly this on both of our cars, and can endorse the procedure whole heartedly...
Thanks It's worth a try
Well Charlie251 did it work? - you've had aweek to try it out!!