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2002 1.8 driveshaft noise? - Singer-G
I have a Corolla Verso, 2002 1.8 petrol. It has a rattle when pulling away on full lock. Its worse on right lock, but also present on left lock. It sounds to me like a drive shaft joint, but my local garage has looked at it and cannot detect any play in the joints. They suggest I "live with it", which I have now been doing for over a year (10,000 miles).

Has anybody else experienced this? Is there anything else the noise could be? Any sugestions? If it is a drive shaft how can I tell which one it is? I don't want to replace both, at estimate £300 each, unless I have to.
2002 1.8 driveshaft noise? - bell boy
If the boots are original and the suspension has been checked by your garage i would also live with the noise.(but monitor it)
I remember the nissan sunny"s always used to make these noises even though the joints appeared sound also audi 80"s did the same
2002 1.8 driveshaft noise? - Singer-G
Thanks. Its good to know that you confirm the garage advice. The problem is I am thinking of selling the car, and it could put off a potential buyer. Should I fork out £600 for two shafts, or discount the selling price?
2002 1.8 driveshaft noise? - bell boy
i would keep stum and let them tell me to be honest if it was a private sale?
just let them have a drive (insurance permitting) and see if they pick it up
Dont forget you know nuthing about the prices of the shafts ok?

obviously someone is going to follow on and say spend £600 ,if they do ask them to forward you half of it
2002 1.8 driveshaft noise? - Singer-G
I've got several problems with that approach

1. They'd have to be deaf not to hear it. Its quite obvious.

2. I don't want any comeback after I've sold it

3. I'm basically honest, and don't want to con anybody.

2002 1.8 driveshaft noise? - bell boy
you have your own answer then
spend the £600
and have a nice day
2002 1.8 driveshaft noise? - Singer-G
Thanks. I didn't mean to shoot you down in flames. I do appreciate your help even though I might not entirely agree with your approach. I think I'll toss a coin to choose one shaft to change. It will probably be the wrong one, and I'll end up doing both.
2002 1.8 driveshaft noise? - bell boy
You cant be sure that £300 or £600 will cure the problem though, thats why the garage were non commital and said leave it to worsen,its like wheel bearings you know its the nearside and do it only to go on a drive and you were wrong
You really need the buyer to tell you, after all you are now committed to a £300 minimum kicking at POS
no hard feelings from me its a commodity thing
2002 1.8 driveshaft noise? - Saltrampen
Just to eliminate strain at idle revs. on power steering pulleys or alternator (if electric) or flywheel/clutch, have you checked that the rattling occurs only on pulling away and not just when you have full lock?
Try full lock with all lights/windscreen rear heater on and see if you hear rattle then.

2002 1.8 driveshaft noise? - Singer-G
I was fairly certain, but I've been out tonight and checked. There is definately no noise unless the car is moving. It is definately connected with road speed, not engine revs. I've tried pulling away in second gear and the noise is the same as it is in first.
2002 1.8 driveshaft noise? - Saltrampen
Is the local garage a Toyota dealer - might be worth seeing what a good Toyota dealer suggests..

Have you tried the Verso Forum (subsection of Corolla forum) on the Toyotaowner's club site:

There is one report at least of failing driveshafts/CV joints on a verso, but no detail on how they failed.
Maybe you can contact the original submitter for more details.

Possibly having the CV joints repacked with grease may help - but depends if getting the CV boots off is expensive or not.

It maybe that Toyota CV joints will rattle on full lock for a long time before they fail, so hence why a garage says to leave it.

One final check - do you get the noise with the wheel jacked up on full lock and spun by hand? And do you get any noise doing the same test in the straight ahead position (Wheel bearings?).

2002 1.8 driveshaft noise? - Aprilia
Some joints can be a bit noisy on lock without actually being faulty. If there is no play and its the same after 10k miles then I don't think you have a lot to worry about. It may have lost some grease, in which case pulling the boot back and injecting some in there might help. With CV joints I generally clamp a big Mole wrench on the shaft and try twisiting it and pulling up and down - any movement indicative of a faulty joint is easy to spot.
2002 1.8 driveshaft noise? - Singer-G
The garage is a local non-franchised business who I have dealt with for years and feel I can trust. I have no such feelings of trust towards my nearest Toyota dealer and have avoided them since the waranty expired. Thats why I'm seeking help here, and not from them.

Thank you for the owners club link. Very useful. I didn't know there was a Toyota owners club.

I haven't tried jacking up and turning by hand. I will give this a go, but as the noise only occurs on lock under load (i.e. when accelerating or going uphill) I doubt it will be present.
2002 1.8 driveshaft noise? - Singer-G
I tried jacking up and turning the wheels by hand. No noise at all.
2002 1.8 driveshaft noise? - Bryboy
I've got the same issue with a 2002 Verso. Just had the car serviced and MOT at my local Toyota Dealer. Been told that both driveshaft joints are "knocking" and the near side one is the worst hence the noise. Only solution is to replace both driveshalf otherwise the noise will just get louder over time. Been quoted £1100.

Contacted Toyota UK and complained that a car with just 49000 miles and full TSH shouldn't need new driveshaft. Guss what, they didn't want to know, kept on telling me the car is five year old now. So much for the Toyota bulid quality and reliability.

Looks like I'll be turning up the radio from now on and WILL NOT be buying a Toyota EVER AGAIN.
2002 1.8 driveshaft noise? - RichardW
"Been quoted £1100."

Cough cough splutter splutter. HOW MUCH???? Surely these are available aftermarket, fitted by an independent for about £300 all in? Might even be possible to replace the joints only which will bring the cost down. Worn CV joints are an MOT failure, so you'd be well advised to get them sorted. Just not for the price of half decent run about!

Is it illogical? It must be Citroen....

Edited by RichardW on 14/11/2007 at 12:20

2002 1.8 driveshaft noise? - Aprilia
CV outer joint for a Corolla can be obtained for between £30-80 from factors (depending on which factor and which model). They are easy to replace, say 3 hours for both. Take a look at www.buypartsby.co.uk or give them a call, they are generally well-priced and good on delivery IME.
2002 1.8 driveshaft noise? - Singer-G
I have a Corolla Verso, 2002 1.8 petrol. It has a rattle when pulling away on full lock. Its worse on right lock, but also present on left lock. It sounds to me like a drive shaft joint, but my local garage has looked at it and cannot detect any play in the joints. They suggest I "live with it", which I have now been doing for over a year (10,000 miles). Has anybody else experienced this? Is there anything else the noise could be? Any sugestions? If it is a drive shaft how can I tell which one it is? I don't want to replace both, at estimate £300 each, unless I have to. s

Three years on, I still have the car and still ignore the noise. I can't sell it like this, and am not prepared to pay to fix it, so I am running it into the ground.