I have a 2001 1.3 fiesta. I?m having problems accelerating, when I push the accelerator the engine revs as if it?s not in gear for about 5 seconds and then the car quietens downs and my speed steadily increases. I don?t have a clue about cars and have been ripped off by garages in the past; does anyone have any ideas before I take it to a garage? Thanks
Sounds like your clutch is slipping.
Open your wallet widely- it will not be cheap.
Seriously, get a few quotes first and do not go to the first garage unless you have a personal recommendation.
i said it quietly because some people on this site are in the trade and get sick of helping people that slag them off ,cant remember their names ,maybe you will get to know them if you stick around.
ps there are certain trades and people i dont like i but i dont tell them my stance prior to asking their professional opinion
Hi Thanks for replying really appreciate it!
Just a few questions, does the clutch need replacing? Does it need to be done asap?
"does the clutch need replacing?"
It does sound like that, but best to get someone who knows to look at it - it may be possible to adjust it.
" Does it need to be done asap?"
If it is slipping, then probably sooner rather than later. If it will only do it under very hard acceleration then it might be possible to drive around it for a while. If it does it all the time then it's goosed. The slip will get worse, and you way well end up damaging the flywheel which will make the replacement job more expensive. I doubt a clutch job on a 1.3 Fiesta is going to break the bank really - should be a couple of hundred.
Is it illogical? It must be Citroen....
Our 2001 Fiesta 1.25 had a new clutch fitted 5 months ago.
The price was £350 inc VAT.
The 1.25's clutch is hydralically operated and the price included a new slave cylinder.
If yours is cable operated than about £50 can be deducted from the price above.
£325-350 bout right for a clutch. make sure you ask for a new slave cylinder to be fitted at the same time.
Just like to thank everyone, you?ve all been really helpful! I managed to get a quote for £215 which seems to be the cheapest so far. Quick question what?s a slave cylinder?
A slave cylinder obeys the master cylinder via the means of hydraulic pressure and applies a force to disengage the clutch.
Master cylinder obeys your foot.
Find a reliable mechanic if all motoring terms are double Dutch or you will be taken advantage of.
cheapest aint always best, have you asked wether its a remanufactured or reconditioned clutch & wether it includes hydraulics because if its any of these you might as well tip you hard earnt dosh down the drain!.
Have it done properly which will mean having it done once with no excuses of a misley warranty that if you dont go back & have it checked every three months the warranty will be void!