I know you all are eager to know what happened!!
I took my Golf to the garage last night for them to
investigate the whining/whirring noise.
They took the alternator belt off to see if it was that,
but it wasn't. They checked the timing belt and
said it was the correct tension, they said it was.
They think it might be the water pump, but they need to
have it in to investigate. Which will probably be next Tuesday.
But driving to work this morning the coolant warning light
started to go off?!?!?
Doesn't it annoy you when you book your
car in for work and it still goes wrong!!!
Do you trust these guys? It is so likely to be some problem they've caused on the timing belt job.
I s it time to seek assistance from another garage who have no interest in covering up a problem?
I thought on your engine the water pump was driven by the same belt as the alternator, if that had been removed and the engine started for a moment...and the noise was still there...then it isn't the water pump is it.
I don't claim to be a VW expert so someone put me right if the water pump is a separate belt to the alternator on this engine.
Tell them to check the tensioner asap, the belt tension has nothing to do with a dodgy tensioner. By next tuesday the tensioner could have seized, snap the belt and wreck the engine. Let them know that it is their responsibility.
The urgency Andrew mentions is quite justified.
A true example....
Audi 80 with basically the same engine as yours......
At about 70K guy fits a new belt but not a tensioner, this is the first belt change the vehicle has had. Seems to be a bit noisy after (whirring) but the belt tension seems OK so he doesn't worry thinking the new belt will "bed in" and stop the noise.
About a week later the noise gets terrible and a burnt rubber smell is noticed. Quick investigation finds the tensioner has seized solid and the back of the belt is burning away on the static tensioner.
He was dead lucky to spot this before the belt snapped, had it been on a fast motorway run it would have gone in minutes once the tensioner seized up.
Exactly my experience with my Golf GTI runabout shed. I have heard many cases of this, most of which are recognised as a problem by the owner before the belt snaps!
> The urgency Andrew mentions is quite justified.
> A true example....
> Audi 80 with basically the same engine as yours......
> At about 70K guy fits a new belt but not a tensioner, this is
> the first belt change the vehicle has had. Seems to be a bit
> noisy after (whirring) but the belt tension seems OK so he
> doesn't worry thinking the new belt will "bed in" and stop
> the noise.
> About a week later the noise gets terrible and a burnt rubber
> smell is noticed. Quick investigation finds the tensioner has
> seized solid and the back of the belt is burning away on the
> static tensioner.
> He was dead lucky to spot this before the belt snapped, had
> it been on a fast motorway run it would have gone in minutes
> once the tensioner seized up.
> David