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fiesta mk 3 pads and discs - milkyjoe
hi, pads are down to the backing and n/s disc is "warped" i was going to replace them with a set off ebay for £16.00 the lot, bangernomics practiced here,should it be a safety issue or is it worth paying top dollar for ford parts?
fiesta mk 3 pads and discs - ajsdoc
I'd say pay middle dollar for OEM parts from a motor factor - likely only a few pounds more for peace of mind.
fiesta mk 3 pads and discs - bell boy
discs are £6.99
pads are £9.47
at my factor plus vat
armed with this information try yours

after the ebay clutch fiasco would you source from a distance seller

well will you punk ;-)
fiesta mk 3 pads and discs - jc2
How much is your and your families' life worth?
fiesta mk 3 pads and discs - Civic8
>>should it be a safety issue

Stupid question,but yes as they stop you getting killed...........
fiesta mk 3 pads and discs - milkyjoe
>>should it be a safety issue
Stupid question,but yes as they stop you getting killed...........

so what your saying is thousands of people are dying every day because they drive around in pattern parts?...now that DOES sound stupid..der
fiesta mk 3 pads and discs - MW
Pattern parts will work fine, but as the cost is so low, for £50 you can get a top make. It is all about stopping 4 yards shorter, and a really good bite and feel to the peddle.
Top brakes last longer, bed in quicker, and are not spongy.
fiesta mk 3 pads and discs - quizman
Milkyjoe, you ask a question, when you get an answer you are sacastic. Der.

If you want to get dodgy parts and fit them I couldn't care less. I just hope you don't run into me.
fiesta mk 3 pads and discs - bell boy
to be fair i think dodgy is the wrong word
more not best quality i prefer
i still recommend cheapest factor new on an old festa though
fiesta mk 3 pads and discs - Number_Cruncher
Yes, I certainly wouldn't be going to the dealer to buy Ford parts for this application.

I would be fitting some decent Mintex pads, and some decent branded disks (possibly Lucas?) from the factors.

fiesta mk 3 pads and discs - milkyjoe
Milkyjoe, you ask a question, when you get an answer
you are sacastic. Der.
If you want to get dodgy parts and fit them I
couldn't care less. I just hope you don't run into me.

hang on i asked a perfectly ligit question and you go around calling people stupid,that my friend is what this site is not about, all i was after was help and advice
fiesta mk 3 pads and discs - Dynamic Dave
hang on i asked a perfectly ligit question and you go around calling people stupid....

You personally weren't being referred to as being stupid. Your comment "should it be a safety issue" was considered by one member to be a stupid question. Your sarcastic reply on the other hand......

....two wrongs don't make a right.

Now enough of the slanging match, before I have to take my scissors to this thread and start snipping.

fiesta mk 3 pads and discs - milkyjoe
ok nuff said