Electric 2CV - Andrew Barnes

I have sent a picture of the electric 2CV I am soon to be using to Lee to be displayed on the pics site.

This car is very weird to drive - no clutch, just whack it into gear, accelerates silently, the only noise at the 60mph max speed is the wind noise & tyre roar.

Re: Electric 2CV - Dan J
I'd love to hear more about this Andrew. Did you convert the car yourself? If not who did the conversion? How many miles can you get out of the beast on a charge? How much has it all cost? What batteries are you using?

Sorry about all the questions but it is of interest to me! I'd ask you directly via email but I am sure others here will also be interested

Many thanks

Dan J
Re: Electric 2CV - Andrew Barnes

> I'd love to hear more about this Andrew. Did you convert the
> car yourself? If not who did the conversion? How many miles
> can you get out of the beast on a charge? How much has it
> all cost? What batteries are you using?
> Sorry about all the questions but it is of interest to me!
> I'd ask you directly via email but I am sure others here will
> also be interested

Myself and my brother built the car, although still not optimised, the details can be seen at www.stephenbarnes.com


Re: Electric 2CV - Dan J
Cheers Andrew - looks like it'll make interesting reading
Re: Electric 2CV - richard turpin
Forgot to say, brilliant Andrew and thanks to Lee for the picture.
Re: Electric 2CV - Lee H
The electric 2CV, no relation to the electric monk, I think is here.

send your photos to the picture gallery.
Re: Electric 2CV - phil ireland
can you give a guestimate of total costs for conversion Andrew?
+ are you on one of the overnight electric tariffs for mains power. I must say the red D type looks superb!!

bfn Phil.
Re: Electric 2CV - richard turpin
About time the authorities gave some perks to electric cars. How about being exempt from the proposed congestion charge for a start. I believe that electric vehicles were exempt from road tax but the last conservative government put a £35 charge on the tax disc. This was stupid and nether here nor there anyway. Electric cars should be tax exempt as no pollution/noise etc. HJ please start a campaign.
Re: Electric 2CV - Kev
They do pollute though. Where do you think electricity comes from? Albeit from a cleaner [hmm, this was debated to the death b4 Christmas] powerstation.
Also electric cars still wear roads out, they still use traffic lights, still need road markings to be painted. This is where, i believe, your road tax should go.

I totally agree that there should be an incentive to using greener cars, but having no tax is a short sighted idea.

Good idea about being exept from congestion charging, unfortunatly they are still a car, and so cause congestion, kill thousands of innocent children, and give everyone cancer, asthma and more or less every other medical disease going.

Re: Electric 2CV - pete
Yes please, would be most interested to gain some idea of what such a conversion might cost. Thank you.