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bio diesel - slowdown avenue
whats the future for bio diesel , is it better,. had a phone call todayfrom someone trying to sell some hot shares in worldwide biodiesel plc in durham about to float on aim. sounds like a scam . any body know?
bio diesel - blue_haddock
My thought would be if they're such a good company and have good future prospect why do they need to telecanvas to market their shares? Sounds ropey to me.
bio diesel - local yokel
A most unusual way to sell shares - if it's so hot how come they couldn't place them via the normal channels used for such flotations?

If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

The future of biodiesel is largely in the hands of the Chancellor and the Revenue. If they set the duty for pure biodiesel too high it won't be viable, and if they set it too low the oils cos. will moan
bio diesel - Gromit {P}
IMHO, have nothing to do with such supposedly "hot" shares.

Anyone floating a business on the stock market is obliged to produce a prospectus describing the business and adhere to rather strict procedures to ensure their offering is legitimate. The primary buyer for such offerings is typically investment and pension funds, so you have to ask yourself why this marvellous opportunity is being offered to Joe Public over the telephone?

As for biodiesel as a fuel, I think it has a promising future. Blends of 5% biodiesel/'ordinary' diesel are offered by companies such as Greenergy (to meet manufacturer's specifications) for road use. They also offer blends with higher biodiesel content to fleets - presumably because they can specify vehicles whose engines are suited to such blends. Here in Ireland, Waterford Co-Op run their fleet of delivery trucks on biodiesel made from waste vegetable oil. I would expect pure biodiesel to be used as fuel for farm and fleet vehicles first, and for its use to expand from there as it becomes a known quantity so that the public has more confidence in it.

The oil companies are unlikely to moan too much considering many of them have already invested in alternative energy sources and will no doubt be glad to see a return on that investment. The positive publicity to be had from selling 'green' fuels wouldn't go amiss either.
bio diesel - Group B
Never heard of "Worldwide Biodiesel PLC". There are several companies which seem to be setting up industrial scale production facilities in the North East. If you want to invest in it you could check out D1 Oils PLC, or Biofuels Corporation PLC. I'm not recommending them, just saying they are two I have heard of that seem to be gearing up for big bio production.

The UK Govt. has now "committed itself" to achieve the EU target for renewable road fuels usage of 5.75% by 2010. From one source I've seen, current usage is about 0.2% (dont know how old that figure is), so that sounds to me like a massive increase to achieve in 4 years.
bio diesel - massey
'Worldwide Biodiesel PLC' might be just a 'boiler room' scam to sell dodgy or difficult to trade shares?

