I am trying to find out what a hall sender looks like for a 1985 (B reg?) Audi Coupe GT 1998cc (I think).
It's actually my mothers who lives in France (had the car from new!!) but it cuts out for no reason and starts ok a few minutes later. Various relays have been replaced by the local garages to no avail and after investigation by moi it may well be the hall sender (or sensor as some might know it). However, rather than go the expense of getting a brand new one (£200) and seeing if it works I ordered a 2nd hand one from a guy who specialises in Audi Coupes. He sent it to me but it was not what I was expecting but still sent it to france - only for Dad to email saying he thinks it's the wrong one. Before I go back to the Audi guy I just am trying to find out what it should look like!!
Many thanks if you can help.
The hall sender on this model is inside the distributor.It is an electronic pick up that sends a signal to the ignition amplifier that switches the coil.It is screwed to the base plate of the distributor and has 3 wires to it.
"However, rather than go the expense of getting a brand new one (£200)...."
Seems steep to me, try GSF.
Thanks guys. This specialist (old model audi coupe breakers) appears to have sent us something that is not a hall sender - it had about six flat pins and was shaped like a sliced mushroom measuring 50mm x 40mm. I can't see that going inside the distributer. We were told the new part was £200 but any help to locate cheaper is appreciated. GSF? I'll google in a minute and see if I can find them.
Many thanks,
I found a very helpfull site with nice photo's. Only the model names are different. My 1987 Audi 100 CC is a 4000 Q.
must be a yank site - IIRC the american audi 100 was named the 4000 and the audi 200 the 5000