Hi, there. I don?t know if anyone can help?
I had been with my current insurer for 3 years, had a clean licence and have never had an accident or made a claim. A named driver (spouse) had a crash in December 2004 and I am still waiting for them to pay under my comprehensive policy. They wrote my car off and took it away and I have been car less ever since. To me it seems that they have tried every trick in the book to stall, delay and generally cause me grief. The claim has not been denied and is still ongoing some 14 months after the accident. Basically, because it?s a direct insurer (no broker involved) I get the impression that they can do what they like.
If anybody knows a legitimate way to get things speeded up, I would much appreciate it.
{This post has had several words changed so as to not to fall foul of the no naming & shaming rules of this site. I would be grateful if it remains that way. I won't hesitate to pull this thread if that happens again. DD}
Write to the financial help pages of yout favourite newspaper.>>
You can alway contact the ABI if you feel you have a genuine complaint.
I must advise other people that I had a no fault accident, and the insurance company previously mentioned before being edited had my car repaired in under a month, and gave me an x5 during the repair.
I would recommend that insurance company without hesitation!!
{some text altered. DD}
Hi Phil, thats interesting, perhaps when they know another party will reimburse them they are happy to pay quickly. Until you have a fault claim with them you wont really know will you.DEB
I have resurrected this thread (after removing and amending some of the text previously posted) in the hope that someone can help provide a *sensible* anwser to this.
As per the warning at the top of the page, I would be grateful if the name of the insurance company refrain from being posted.
They should have a documented complaints procedure - one of the newish 'rules'. Follow it, including escalation if you are not satified.
They should have a documented complaints procedure
i did see this thread before it was edited, and know who the insurer is. i can confirm that their website has the details "what to do if you have a complaint" prior to taking the matter to the insurance ombudsman.
( i did not respond to alan_s initially as the original posting did not come across to me as warranting any help or advice or opinion - the risk then was that the whole thread would quickly disappear. )
A claim from 2004? - this is unacceptable.
Write to them requesting the money (whatever the value of the vehicle was in 2004) within two weeks, give an exact date you require the money by. State that should this not be done by that date you will have no alternative but to proceed through the courts. Send this letter recorded to their head office.
Do not be fobbed off with further delays.
On the date you requested the money, if you have not got it get a small claims form from the court and issue a summons. This will cost you £100 (you get this back - it would be added to your total claim from the company). You have a £6000 max limit for small claims, if your car was worth more then get a solicitor involved.
Small claims is an easy way to get big companies to act.
You could also look into adding to the claim for compensation due to the timescale or at least interest due on the amount.
Good luck!
Complain formally to the Insurance company, give them a set period time to respond. Send letter by recorded delivery or if you have a named individual by special delivery.
Tell themm in the letter that you intend to to complain to the Insurance Ombudsman unless you get a positive response. Prepare your complaint to the Ombudsman so that its ready to be posted on the deadline. Be prepared to engage a solicitor.
Find out who the Chief Exec is, and send the letter to him direct - marked Private and Confidential. That usually gets the attention of the Customer Service dept when the CEO is on the phone....!
Is it illogical? It must be Citroen....