is this common on 2.2 ltr petrol 150 bhp engines that the car started missing i brought it to the vauxhall garage they said it was the coil pack on top of the spark plugs i ordered one it would take a few days to get it so i stayed driving the car then it stopped on the road towed it home parts arrived i fitted it their was a bang from the engine it still would not start i took out the spark plugs one was damaged looking down the plug hole i could see the piston no 4 was damaged so i took off the head to find that a valve had broke and damaged the piston real bad , but on closer inspection there was 2 valve marks dents in every piston the pistons have hit the valves the timing chain is not broke and the key ways are fine on the timing gears on the cams shaftsthe only one i havent checked yet is the gear on the crank shaft
has any one ever seen this to happen
ps the car year is 01
From what you're saying the valve timing has caused the damage. Although the chain wasn't broken, nor the sprockets on the camshafts slipped; did you check the cam timing before strip down? I'm wondering if the misfire has somehow caused the cam chain to jump on the sprockets. Is the cam chain tensioner ok?
Can we have some punctuation in the reply please as it will make it easier to read? Thanks.
Chris M