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What age to stop driving? - Miller
On my way home from work last night a car pulled out in front of me from a side-road forcing me to brake hard...and then proceeded to travel at 20 mph. After pulling my hair out for a minute or two I pulled up alongside the driver at a roundabout and saw it was a very elderly gentleman perhaps about 85.

Ok I know people make mistakes and this sort of thing happens all the time with all ages but I doubt he even realised he had nearly caused an accident.

Surely older drivers should know when to call it quits, both my grandfathers gave up driving in their late 60's and this was 25 years ago when there was a lot less traffic on the roads.

Perhaps it is time for a compulsory maximum age limit - 80 perhaps and then it is "game over".....what do you think?

(Dons tin helmet....)
What age to stop driving? - Imagos
Minimum age 30.

Maximum age 60

What age to stop driving? - cheddar
Minimum age 18 though with a 12 month ban if 6 points (as oppsosed to 12) reached before age 24.

Max age subject to regular medicals, reaction tests and night myopia tests after the age of 60.
What age to stop driving? - henry k
Max age subject to regular medicals, reaction tests and night myopia tests after the age of 60.

This should be mandatory before starting to drive at whatever age and be regularly retested.
What age to stop driving? - Stuartli
>>Minimum age 30.

Maximum age 60>>

That should quickly bring the country's economy to a grinding halt - along with the public transport systems...:-)
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
What age to stop driving? - henry k
Minimum age 30.
Maximum age 60

That would cause a problem for Boeing 747 pilots getting to the airport as some airlines retire them at 65.
We cannot have that can we?
What age to stop driving? - L'escargot
Maximum age 60

You won't say that when YOU get to 60!
What age to stop driving? - turbo11
absolute rubbish!!.My father is 73 and drives 10000 miles per annum.He is an excellent driver(better than me)and has had one non fault accident in fifty years.My mother now 82 gave up driving two years ago.Older drivers are far less of a danger than most youngsters on the road.
What age to stop driving? - Stuartli
>>(Dons tin helmet....)>>

You've forgotten the suit of armour as well...:-)
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
What age to stop driving? - Steptoe
As it is almost axiomatic that male drivers will have an accident between 17 and 20 ( not pointing a finger; I did, not had one since though ) is there also any merit in also raising the minimum age to 20?

Horses for courses, each individual case on it's merits, the problem is that no-one is ever going to admit to their owm inadequacies, this then raises the old chesnut of compulsary retesting


One mans junk is another mans treasure
What age to stop driving? - Stuartli
>>is there also any merit in also raising the minimum age to 20?>>

Why should it be equally automatic that they WON'T have an accident after reaching this age?
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
What age to stop driving? - Steptoe
Why should it be equally automatic that they WON'T have an
accident after reaching this age?
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Dunno, I can't remember how a young man's mind works, however my son stopped having accidents at that age!!!

One mans junk is another mans treasure
What age to stop driving? - Altea Ego
Its about the age the GF tends to start nagging, it seems to fit.
What age to stop driving? - Tomo
Yuo're not getting rid of me so easily, dammit.
What age to stop driving? - Altea Ego
We will force you to drive an auto, that should kill you off.
What age to stop driving? - Roger Jones
At an advanced age, people are so reluctant to give up what they consider to be a major part of their personal freedom and sense of independence. The lady opposite me was driving in her late 80s and often had to call me to let her handbrake off or get the Metro back into the garage. If only they would think carefully about how little they use their cars, how small a distance they travel when they do use them, and how much cheaper it would be for them to hire taxis when they need them (or, indeed, ask favours of neighbours, as I have invited them to do).

In any event, the present system by which they are denied a driving licence only on their doctor's initiative (have I got that right?) should change into formal driving-specific annual medical tests from 75 onwards, I reckon, if not earlier.
What age to stop driving? - SjB {P}
As others have written, this can't be done fairly by age alone.

An elderly neighbour in his late sixties or early seventies used to rev his Metro 1275 Blue Rinse Special to the limit of what it would physically achieve - no rev limiter of course to protect the engine - on crawling away from rest. The owner of a cherished and tuned MG Metro myself at the time, I used to wince at the punishment being given to the engine and clutch. Thankfully, after six months or so the car cried "enough" and it wasn't replaced.

In contrast, to put gender and age bias to bed in one swoop, my sixty six year old mother drives with tactile skill and intelligent application of good observation that shames the majority of drivers at the peak of their "ability". She's not a dawdler in the process, either!
What age to stop driving? - Stuartli
>>In contrast, to put gender and age bias to bed in one swoop, my sixty six year old mother drives with tactile skill and intelligent application of good observation that shames the majority of drivers at the peak of their "ability". She's not a dawdler in the process, either!

I know someone who is even older than that who is equally as proficient and regularly commutes up to 100 miles or more in times as good as you or I could manage. I've never had any qualms about being driven by her whether near or far.

You can gain an idea of her age by the fact that her father celebrates his 100th birthday later this month...:-)
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
What age to stop driving? - Ruperts Trooper
There shouldn't be any arbitrary age to stop driving.

There should be a full re-test every 5 years for all drivers. Most drivers admit that they don't drive well enough to pass a test, if they're honest with themselves.

This would remove licences from older drivers as their abilities desert them and get some of the younger "think-they-know-it-all - but-don't" drivers off the road as well.
What age to stop driving? - Miller
A good idea but a logistical nightmare, how many tests would have to be taken every year?
What age to stop driving? - Stuartli
A good idea but a logistical nightmare, how many tests would

have to be taken every year? >>

The very point I made in another thread recently.

There are just under 33m vehicles on our roads and, excluding the households with more than one vehicle, there must be at least 25m drivers.

Just work out how many tests that would represent weekly on top of the standard driving test...:-)
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
What age to stop driving? - Cliff Pope
Add ten to your age. Everyone over that age is by definition an old duffer and ought to be put in a home.
Subtract ten, and they are all reckless accident-prone tearaways who ought to stick to push-bikes until they have grown up a bit.
In between are experienced, safe, competent, boring drivers like me, who ought to be rewarded with 90% no claims bonuses.
What age to stop driving? - Stuartli
>In between are experienced, safe, competent, boring drivers like me, who ought to be rewarded with 90% no claims bonuses.>>

Only 90 per cent?

It's a pity there are so very, very few who exhibit your standard of driving on our roads these days....:-)
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
What age to stop driving? - ukbeefy
Do not underestimate the difficulty of convincing an older person the merits of giving up driving (there are very few merits for the person in question). I have been through the situation with my mother who has Alzheimer's. It is incredibly hard to say "you should not drive" to someone who has driven for 50 years and had few accidents (even if she has probably nearly caused about a 100 accidents by not paying attention but that is a separate issue).
What age to stop driving? - Xileno {P}
Do not underestimate the difficulty of convincing an older person the
merits of giving up driving (there are very few merits for
the person in question). I have been through the situation with
my mother who has Alzheimer's. It is incredibly hard to say
"you should not drive" to someone who has driven for 50
years and had few accidents (even if she has probably nearly
caused about a 100 accidents by not paying attention but that
is a separate issue).

Couldn't agree more. Similar to trying to convince an elderly person that they should move to a smaller house - you're on to a loser.
What age to stop driving? - Roberson
I agree with those who say there should be no mandatory age where the driving gloves are discarded, but at the same time, I agree that older folk can represent a problem.

In the worst case I know of, my mums workmate was involved in a serious accident a few years back when an elderly gentleman managed to get onto the wrong side of the A1, resulting in them having to crash into another vehicle to avoid a head-on collision. Actually, my mates granda almost did the same thing not so long ago.

It seems that the majority of the older generation can go about with the odd bump and scrape (that we all do from time to time, with older people perhaps doing it more frequently) but when they do make a big mistake, its often of a fundamental nature but with dire consequences.

Regular eye test etc should be conducted on a compulsory basis (perhaps needing a certificate to apply for tax or insurance etc?) with a 'mini' driving test every few years, just to make sure their car control and observation are up to scratch.

However, its not all doom and gloom. The nice 'mature' lady over the road from us admitted she will be giving up driving soon, and that her current car is her last. She recently broke her arm (making it impossible to drive, obviously) and thus she was forced to use the buses. It was this that made her realize how much she could do without her car. There are buses to the high street/local superstore which she said served her needs and that the only time she would 'need' to use her car was to visit friends every so often. If only everyone thought like that
What age to stop driving? - Sofa Spud
If we have a minimum age limit for driving I see no reason why there shouldn't be a maximum one too. I would set that maximum at 90.

Most people don't live to 90 and of those who do, most will have given up driving already. Of those over 90's who still drive, a fair number will not really be up to it. While there may be some over 90's who are safe and alert, it's also true that some 14 year-olds would be able to pass the test and drive safely.

I also support wider use of permanent driving bans for persistently dangerous drivers of any age.


What age to stop driving? - Cliff Pope
Most people don't live to 90 and of those who do,
most will have given up driving already. Of those over
90's who still drive, a fair number will not really be
up to it.

Wasn't there a 90-something peer who recently voluntarily took (and passed) his driving test just to prove to himself that he could?
It was apparently a very risky thing to do, because if he had failed he would have been off the road despite the existence of his old licence.

Making generalisations about old people's capabilities will soon be as illegal as doing the same about women, blacks, disabled, or gays.
What age to stop driving? - Clanger
Wasn't there a 90-something peer who recently voluntarily took (and passed)
his driving test just to prove to himself that he could?

The driving test represents the bare minimum skill level to get out onto the roads and start racking up some live (and car) preserving experience. Hardly something to aspire to after a lifetime's driving.
Stranger in a strange land
What age to stop driving? - wemyss
Insurance companies are the best judge of who represents the safest group and less likely to cost them money. They are not benevolent societies and all of them try to attract the older drivers.
And of course the old adage of them leaving hundreds of accidents behind then is mainly propogated by people who can think of no other reason.
One thing which is an absolute certainty is that advocates of imposing an age restriction will adjust this age as they grow older themselves.
What age to stop driving? - Red Baron
Medical examinations for the purpose of being allowed to drive should be mandatory beyond the age of 60!

My uncle who is in his late 60's recently had a stroke where he blacked out and collapsed at the boot of his car. Half an hour later an he would have been doing 130kmh (he lives in Germany)down the motorway.

My dad (70's) suffers from the mild symptoms of Parkinsons. This in itself is not a problem, but should an emergency arise then his ability to react quickly will be severely restricted.

Granted, some of these things cannot be predicted, but the likelyhood of their ocurrance does increase with age. As we all continue to live longer then the cause and reaction of such cases will rise and the 'lower insurance risk' of the elderly ought to be reflected in premiums.
What age to stop driving? - Dynamic Dave
Wasn't there a 90-something peer who recently voluntarily took (and passed)
his driving test just to prove to himself that he could?

Wasn't there also someone recently who was given free insurance because of his 80 yr unblemished driving history?
What age to stop driving? - Cardew
At what age do insurance companies start loading their premiums?

80? 85?
What age to stop driving? - Galaxy
I'm not sure but, from the experiences of my late father, it's virtually impossible to obtain insurance over the age of 80 unless you're already insured by that particular company.

The only company which will take on new business for any age appears to be Saga.
What age to stop driving? - $till $kint
Now ask yourself why insurers are falling over themselves for the over 50 policies. It's because countless studies have shown that they will rarely, if ever, change their insurers once into retirement. If you get them at around that time, you have them on your books for good. As mentioned above, most insurers won't entertain a "new" risk over the age of 80 (and a lot are very picky at 70) so you have a customer that will potentially stay with you for the remainder of their driving career and will meekly accept the premium creep.

Then factor in cross selling of financial services products aimed at the over 50 market and you can see why the ad spend on this demographic.
What age to stop driving? - Cliff Pope
I've just found the answer to my own question - it was 95-year old Lord Renton, the father of the House of Lords.
He is, not surprisingly, the oldest person ever to have passed the test.
What age to stop driving? - Tomo
" most insurers won't entertain a "new" risk over the age of 80 (and a lot are very picky at 70) so you have a customer that will potentially stay with you for the remainder of their driving career and will meekly accept the premium creep."

How true!

Just what I'm doing, I'm afraid. On two vehicles with one low mileage driver, they are on a good thing (different companies, for historical reasons).

What age to stop driving? - ndbw
Got the urge to get a Honda Innova 125 Scooter for local runs and as I am 80yrs old thought I,d better check the insurance situation.Norwich Union were quite happy to cover me and said their limit for riders was 87yrs.I had had previous policies with them for motorcycles from 91 to 2003 with no claims,have found that being on two wheels and therefore invisable to many other road users sharpens up ones reflexes very quickly.

What age to stop driving? - $till $kint
and said their limit for riders was 87yrs.I had had
previous policies with them for motorcycles from 91 to 2003

Now that IS old.
What age to stop driving? - barney100
so you have to work until you are 65 but can't drive after 60? Should be left to the individual to decide. Too many people trying to run others lives.
What age to stop driving? - mss1tw
Too many people trying to run others lives.

There's a word there missing a much needed 'i' ;-)
What age to stop driving? - Roly93
Depends on the person, there are plenty of drivers around that should have given up at 22-26 !
What age to stop driving? - L'escargot
And there are some people that are just psychologically incompatible with driving full stop.
What age to stop driving? - kevin babij
My old mans still driving okay at 80 years,no probelms so far.

If they bought in compulsory medicals and eyesight/hearing tests for all drivers it`ll probably clear quite a few punters off the roads never mind the elderly.

With the UK`s population demographic balance shifting towards the elderly (45% by 2030) they`ll have more political clout and not take too kindly to any ageist policies aimed against them.

You might have to be at least 30 before you take your driving test one day.
What age to stop driving? - Stuartli
Liked the wry comment today in the Daily Mail that no one should drive over 70.

Reason? It's breaking the law and could bring a fine and three penalty points...:-)
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
What age to stop driving? - THe Growler
Alright then, what about what age to give up high powered motorcycles? (Just think carefully before you answer, the Growler and the Chosen Ones may haunt you.........)
What age to stop driving? - AlastairW
In the case of bikes its not age that matters but ability. ie: if mr 80 year old can lift the bike off the stand, he is probably fit enough to ride it!
What age to stop driving? - PhilW
I think my late father adopted a fairly sensible approach. From the age of 65 he went to his doctor every year and had "the once over". Got him to check reactions, blood pressure, eyesight (that might have been the optician!) etc to see if there was any reason why he shouldn't be driving. He also asked people to comment on his driving when with him (honestly!). I always found him a very "positive" driver - he didn't dither or make bad judgements up to when he died aged 81 (that was a bad judgement!!) and he said to me that if anything expensive went wrong with the car he was giving it up. Reasons? He said he had his OAP railcard (or whatever) for long journeys which were boring and stressfull to drive, and for very short journeys walking kept him fit and if he went out in the evening he got a taxi - well he could have a nice meal and a few drinks couldn't he? He reckoned taxis would probably cheaper than running a car if he gave it up.
As for a maximum age for driving (or riding big bikes) NO. Probably a much stronger case for a minimum age (21? 25?) to reduce accidents but maximum age? Make a medical/eyesight test compulsory? Or is it really that significant a problem that it needs attention? What proportion of accidents/problems are caused by the aged?
Growler, keep riding, keep enjoying it, and when I get to your age(!!) I fancy getting a HD to fulfil a childhood dream!!
What age to stop driving? - THe Growler
PhilW I agree this is the right approach. Everyone is so different, my Ma was as sharp as a tack at 90, yet I know people of 50-ish who've declined into early senility. Aging is a genetically governed thing it seems to me.

Get a doc's opinion. Annually I have all those tests, plus PSA (!), ECG, CBC and all. I've been a borderline fail on the liver tests for a long time but that's another story! Enduring the doc's annual harangue about low sodium, borderline obesity goes with the deal, but there ya go.

My doc knows me very well indeed and she is aware of my riding activities. The day she begins to sound dubious is the day I will need to take notice.

I think everyone over 50 should have regular physicals anyway, for all sorts of good reasons, driving/riding being merely one. Most medicare packages cover an annual checkup (my Blue Cross does) so it's basically free. Most all major corporations I know and have worked for also impose annual checkups on their key executives, again for very good reasons.

One could argue that riding in the Philippines where one needs 360° vision, not just a sixth sense but a seventh and eighth one as well is an excellent way of keeping one's mental and physical reactions up to snuff!

PS: Harleys don't have centre stands only the jiffy type. Shifting 700 lbs of Milwaukee metal on to a centre stand would probably defeat even Arnie himself. Although engine-off manoeuvring in carparks, even with Growlette tugging on the cissy-bar by way of help is the best upper body workout I know.......

What age to stop driving? - ndbw
Agree with you Alastair W The reason I bought the scooter it only weighs 99kilos so I have no trouble re on and off centre stand it has kept me mobile.

What age to stop driving? - IanJohnson
I am surprised by the tone of the thread - the people who need the medical exam and re-tests more are those in the 20-50 group. And that includes me - we are the ones who cause the majority of accidnets. My father is 76 and drives all over Europe, with caravan, and is a far better driver - and far fitter than I am!

The fact that the old guy mentined above nearly caused an accident means that he gave sufficient space but not quite as much as you would prefer (I presume this was in a 30 limit and I would put money on the post writer was not complying with it). The 20mph (AFAIK this is only illegal on a motorway) shows he is aware of his limits and stays within them. How many younger drivers do not.

Can anyone recall being cut-up/tailgated by an 80 year old in a saxo or 3 series coupe with the fog lamps on.

What age to stop driving? - agrb
I am 72 years old and since retiring have worked part time for an auction house collecting vehicles at the end of their lease.There are 20 of us with ages ranging from 65 to 77 and in the last 13 years they have been involved in 2 accidents both of them when they were stationary on the slip roads of motorway and have been rear ended by drivers much younger.In the pstt week I have driven 2xbmw 318, mercedes clk,volvo c70 convertible,and bmw 7 series plus a 10 year old mg sports 2 seater.Automatic and manual.My personal vehicle is a 2 litre efi automatic with 133,000 onthe clock. I have 3 points on my licence which has always been totally clean.This was doing 40 in a 30 limit but I honestly thought I was outside the restricted area.Dont get the wrong idea, I am not beating my own drum as we are all human and make mistakes.Only last week I nearly sideswiped a vehicle as I assumed he was going to do something he didnt.Lesson learnt!!The real answer is experience-when one reaches an advanced age the one has seen this & done that.I bet that when some of those making comments will be most indignant to be told to stop driving when they are older!!
What age to stop driving? - Phil I
>worked part time for an auction house

The Auction House knows a good thing when they see it. 20x drivers over 13 years with only 2 accidents between the lot of them. Equals zero aggravation plus ability to rely on them all turning up when they say they will and also treating the merchandise as if it were their own.

Happy Motoring Phil I
What age to stop driving? - Hugo {P}
My father is 77 years old and still drives his pampered 306 GTI6, yes GTI6!. He doesn't like driving that much and will gladly engineer a lift with someone else, plus he lives just outside London.

The last accident he was involved in to my knowledge was in around 1982, and that was the fault of someone who pulled out from a side road without looking. He was driving his Citroen DS 2300 estate home from Swindon that had just been fixed and overhaluled after several months off the road following a previous accident when the handbrake failed in Cornwall. The Citroen was a write off!

My late mother, on the other hand, did have problems in later life. She suffered a minor stroke in her early 60s and knew nothing about it until a friend of hers suggested she saw a doctor. She still didn't believe there was a problem until she was pulled over by a couple of police officers some 15 miles away from home for erratic driving. They quickly realised she was ill and not drunk, and to their credit one drove her home in her car whilst the other followed. They parked the car and got her in the house, made sure she was OK and called her doctor. No charges were ever brought.

The answer IMO depends on capability - not age. OK the older you are the more likely you are to have problems but you cannot say for sure that a 40 year old is safer than a 70 year old.
What age to stop driving? - Stuartli
>>She still didn't believe there was a problem until she was pulled over by a couple of police officers some 15 miles away from home for erratic driving. >>

Strangely enough I have a friend, now approaching his eighties but always a picture of health, who had a similar thing happen to him about seven or eight years ago whilst on his way to a private hospital to visit his wife after she had had an operation.

On the dual carriageway which leads to the hospital he suddenly felt somewhat unwell but, because there was a police vehicle a little distance behind, concentrated completely on his driving.

Eventually he got to the hospital and, on going to the ward, asked for a painkiller. The staff, realising something wasn't quite right, examined him and discovered in the course of time that he had, in fact, suffered a slight stroke.

So, instead of calling to visit his wife, he found himself in another bed close to his wife's room.

He's fine now and has always joked since that he timed the whole thing perfectly, but often wonders what would have happened if the police car hadn't caused him to take his mind off his predicament originally.

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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
What age to stop driving? - frazerjp
My Grandfather stopped driving when he was 89 years-old, that was after he suffered a stroke at home, he said he was going to stop before the doctor advised him to.
Its not what you drive, its how you drive it! :-)
What age to stop driving? - agrb
re previous-I find the biggest problem now that the dark evenings are upon us is the number of vehicles withh badly adjusted headlights.particularly with the bulbs being much brighter.Even with the rear view mirror adjusted one is blinded vi the side mirrors.It is easy to judge- if your headlights are lighting up the area above the no plate of the car in front -then they are too high.This must cause a lot of accidents through drivers being dazzled. come on lets be honest, how many out there have had their headlights checked and adjusted via a beam setter.As for those who drive using fog lights in clear weather the words fail me.
What age to stop driving? - smokie
Latest IAM mag quotes Durham's Chief Constabvle (Paul Garvin) as saying motorists should be made to resit their driving test every 5 years.
What age to stop driving? - R40
Latest IAM mag quotes Durham's Chief Constable (Paul Garvin) as saying
motorists should be made to resit their driving test every 5

...............or every two years between the ages of 17 and 29 ;)