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Threaders - bikemade3
16 years of driving unblemished record, no points no previous accidents and this morning Mr Myopic smashes up the Mondeo. 0720 driving thru village on an A road, 30MPH, Mr Myopic decides to pull out from a side road turning right, result his C3 well and truly broken took the impact in front of his off side front wheel and totally destroyed the bumper, radiator and associated bodywork. Had to brake hard, tried to avoid by crossing into other carrageway but no avaiil, luckiliy this was a possibility or it would have been a side on.Mr Myopic in his 70's taking wive to Hospital for an operation ( his mind otherwise engaged)

Damage to Mondeo front Bumper in 1000 + 1 pieces, NS headlight smashed front NS wing dented and associated minor paint damage to bonnet.

Threaders especially as the ins may not repair if its over 60% of the value,luckily full comp, protected.

What was more worrying was the amount of damage the 04 C3 suffered compared to a 97 Mondeo , but it did his the bumper in the area of the bumper fixing bracket ( steel).Luckilily no injuries other then my stiff neck, would have been a lot worse if it had been a side on.

Finally got lots of phots on the mobilre phone can Vodafone down load them onto disk/ print @ a vodafone shop?
Threaders - Adam {P}
Sorry to hear about your accident.

I take it your phone doesn't have a data cable? If it has bluetooth you can buy a bluetooth dongle that plugs into your PC and you can copy the pictures over from your phone. They're about a tenner.

You could try asking Vodafone given the nature of the request but it's not a common thing if that's what you're asking.

Good luck,
Threaders - runboy
Sorry to hear.

You can MMS the pictures from your mobile to your home email address, otherwise pop into a local Jessops and ask their advice.
Threaders - mss1tw
What an idiot. Sorry to hear about that.

Is your phone a Nokia/similar phone with removable memory card?
Threaders - Bill Payer
Have you had a doctor take a look at your neck? I'm really *not* one of these sue everyone in sight type of people, but neck pain can develop over a few day, and the sooner it's noted, the better.

Re 16 yrs etc, one thing I'm always aware of is that, statistically, you're 'supposed' to have an accident every 5 yrs or so. So if you're way over that time period, then take extra care!
Threaders - Dynamic Dave
Finally got lots of phots on the mobilre phone can Vodafone
down load them onto disk/ print @ a vodafone shop?

Most Boots stores have a Kodak photographic diy service where you can fit all manner of different media cards into them and print away.
Threaders - bikemade3
Thanks for the advice, been to the Doc alreadfy pain killers perscribed, i'll have a sore neck tomorrow. Reported to the Police, didn't send anybody. Car goes into body shop tomorrow for initial danage assesment.

Should get a coutesy car whilst it is in being repaired but as the NS headlight is out is it (1) legal to drive daytime only ( bit difficult this time of the year)and (2) am i entitled to a car whilst mine is off the road awaiting repair?

Luckily only a week ago i changed insurers from Churchill to the AA and went fully comp protected, before that i was TPFT.Just about makes up for having my day ruined.
Threaders - Bill Payer
1) No.
2) Yes. The bodyshop should give you a courtesy car (or the insurer will arrange one for you) but it will be a Ka or similar. You can insist on a similar size car to your own and claim the cost off the other drivers insurance, but if there's any dispute then you could end up paying for it yourself.
Threaders - BobbyG
What was more worrying was the amount of damage the 04 C3 suffered compared to a 97 Mondeo , but it did his the bumper in the area of the bumper fixing bracket ( steel).Luckilily no injuries other then my stiff neck, would have been a lot worse if it had been a side on.

This is indicative of modern cars and their safety cells, they are supposed to absorb the impact and spread it round the car like this. It helps protect the humans in the car.

Car panels can be replaced......
Threaders - bikemade3
Having owned this car since November 1999 i have become rather fond of it. Yes it is probably not worth a great deal, but it has never missed a beat, belts have 25K until they are due, and mechanically it's in tip top condition. Should the cost of the repair outweigh the economic value can i force the insureance company to repair the car as opposed to writing it off? I don,t particularly want to go trouping to garages to view lots of trashed/based/mistreated rubbish.

As he pulled out in front of me from a side road i view it as he and as such his insurance company are liable. Do they need to agree with the repair option or is it my insurers decision?

Car goes in tomorrow afternoon for damage assessment, when can i expect to get the paperwork and is it in my benefit to pay the excess then claim this back through the personal injury soliciter that has been appointed in addition to another loses? Do i have any other option regarding this?

Threaders - Adam {P}

if you have any problems emailing the photos to your email account (as I do often) then I'd be more than happy to save and/or put them on a disc for you.

Good luck getting it sorted though
Threaders - bikemade3

if you have any problems emailing the photos to your email account (as I do often) then I'd be more than happy to save and/or put them on a disc for you.

Good luck getting it sorted though

Just about managed to get the photos transferred to collegues mobile he is supposed to be downloading them to his PC then e mailing them to me.Do i just send them as attatchment to a HJ E mail ?
Threaders - Adam {P}
I don't know what you mean. Is he not emailing them to you so that you can put them onto a disc?
Threaders - SjB {P}
Threaders - Aprilia
Is 'threaders' some kind of trendy 'yoof speak' (i.e. like 'issues' = problems)? I'm an old 'un and it doesn't mean anything to me....
Threaders - Adam {P}
Never heard of it either. And I'm a young 'un.

I thought it was some kind of new screw or something.
Threaders - bikemade3
Threaders: Mil slang for "pee'd off", "had enough" " low morale" ETC .

However, whilst we are awaiting decision from the insurers as to whom is responsible and the associated mirad of forms that we need to fill in can i demand that the car is repaired instead of being written off. Would his insurers ( NU) need to agree to this, or would my insurance company agree with this from the information they have to date. Do they need to do an investigation before they would agree to this?

Might not be worth a lot with 103k on the clock but mechanically it is in good condition and has not missed a beat in the 6 years i have owned it.Do not particularly want to go and have a look at lots of thrashed,trashed and abused cars being sold as A1 condition.

Threaders - SjB {P}
Threaders: Mil slang for "pee'd off", "had enough" " low morale" ETC .

Thanks, bm3, though I'm still none the wiser how "threaders" becomes "had enough".

To your other jottings, I recall HJ covering this very subject and performed a search for you. Here's the answer: www.honestjohn.co.uk/forum/post/index.htm?v=e&t=28...8

Threaders - mss1tw
>>Do not
particularly want to go and have a look at lots of
thrashed,trashed and abused cars being sold as A1 condition.

It's not like every single second hand car out there has been. At least I hope not.

If you you don't want those sorts of cars though, don't go to CarLand. ;-)
Threaders - Falkirk Bairn
If you have an accident that is 100% not your fault there are a few ways about getting the damage fixed.

1) If you are fully Comp - the garage will look at the car, give estimate to insurance company who will say yes or no to going ahead - Yes, if it is less than the current value of the car. The Ins company may or may not send one of their enginerers to have a look see - depends on the garage / insurance business relationship (preferred repairer etc)

No - they will pay you the market value (their market value!!)

You pay your excess and claim this back from the 3rd party Ins Company

2) If you are 3rd Party or Comp (and do not want to claim through your own Insuarnce) then you can take the car to the repairer and get them to send the estimate for the repair to the other driver's insurance company (you need to know his/her Ins Policy Number & correct Ins Company address address etc).

Again the 3rd party Insurer will agree / not agree to the repairs

a) they will only agree to repairs if their policyholder admits it was his fault to them or they admit that they will pay for the repairs - they will not necessarily admit liability but will offer to repair your car.

If you are going to claim damages for injuries (say whiplash) they will be reluctant to admit anything.

My experience 5 years ago was that the 3rd party Ins company offered to repair my car and pay for car hire until I said that I would pursue a claim for whiplash - they then said that they would not give me a car or repair my car until further investigation of the accident (rear end shunt).

I thought I would notify my Ins Co of the accident, I would just claim off the other driver's insurance but they ( and their policyholder) made it difficult.

I therefore claimed on my own policy, got the car repaired and waited 2 years (almost) for my excess, out of pocket expenses and my whiplash.

In the end they paid out but if they had been more co-operative instead of antagonistic I would have settled for my excess, out of pocket expenses and say £500 for a very very sore neck - took 6 mths to get it moving and it was painful for nearly 3 years (off & on).

Failing to agree my lawyer's bill approx £1000 (the work spread out over 18 months) was more than the cost of the car damage £800.

Best of luck with your Mondeo
Threaders - bikemade3
Well it,s been assessed, NSF wing can be dressed out, dent in bonnet which i had not seen, can be dressed out, bumper and head light have to be replaced. Bumper is a 1 piece assy.Labour parts and complete front end respray ( metallic green) in the order of £1000 to £1200.

Speaking to Ins coy this PM they have not seen or heard any thing fronm the other drivers ins company ( NU). They are now chasing to get response. Should be notified within 2 days if they'll repair it.

Don't need the car anymore this week if it's going to be repaired i'll get the coutesy car this Saturday.
Threaders - bikemade3
1.Get the car back tomorrow, repaired in 4 days.Glad to give the Yaris back.

2. Had police witness statement in the post this morning.First time i have ever had to fill one of these in, is this normal or are they considering charging the other driver.

3.Also had to give insurance and MOT details.I.e Policy Number, dates they run from and expire, MOT certificate number and again date of MOT and expiry date.
Threaders - David Horn
Normal. They won't bother doing anything else.
Threaders - bikemade3
Pitty, was hoping they'ld charge him with "driving without due care and attention". Car's back good job done, sorted out all the stone chips and the small dent that was in the other wing F.O.C.

How long does it normally take for Ins companys to sort out liability as i'm waiting the refund of my "excess".
Threaders - bikemade3
Arrived home this evening to find correspondance from soliciters dealing with this. The other drivers insurance company have admitted liabiity.

In addition to this one of the witness's has had a accident report form from the local constabulary. Looks like they might be considering charging the driver with an offence. Just glad i was in the car and not on the bike!
Just waiting for the re-embursement of costs.