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New toy! - Tim Allcott
Without wheels, though: Nokia 6680 with "free" Navicore Satnav system (retails at £175) Given that I've been using a wired Palm system, out of the box this looks amazing. Bluetooth receiver, half the size of the telephone... And you can keep it in the glove box, or, easily, take it with you when you leave the car. I'm due to go to Chesterfield tonight, Alton Towers tomorrow, Huddersfield after that, back to Chesterfield and then back to Hull. It has currently found me in my office, and shows me where I am on the map.. I'll let you know how well it works, but, if you're willing to take out a new 'phone contract, it's a very cheap way of getting a satnav system... that also works as a 'phone! Anyone else using this system?
New toy! - trancer
I am using Tom Tom Mobile on a Nokia 6630 which sounds very similar to what you are describing. Its a bit fiddly to setup, trying to get the GPS and Phone blueteeth to gnash nicely, but once up and running it works really well. You can download speed camera locations on it too.
New toy! - Tim Allcott
Trancer: can you email me details of how to get camera locations?
Well, I was impressed. Neat piece of kit, and no wires. Nokia 6680 and Navicore bluetooth setup. Took me Hull to our accomodation near Chesterfield inch perfect: Then to Alton Towers, Scammonden (near Huddersfield) Chesterfield, to wedding, and home again. One hiccough: set the location of the reception whilst I was inside the building, equidistant between two roads, and, on the way back (with a car full of relatives) it tried to get me back via a cul-de-sac on the other side of the club: much to the hilarity of relatives. Otherwise, very good. Clear spoken directions, surprisingly visible map, and nice icons (Top left) indicating next junction and what to do at it. Now need to lend system to non techno literate partner and see if she can use it! (and I must read the manual to ensure I'm using all of its facilities...)
Available from www.mobilefun.co.uk on various different tarrifs. Carphone warehouse doing a similar deal with free Route 66 software, but didn't seem as cheap as the one I got. If you need a new phone and want a satnav system, I'd recommend it...
(moderators, please remove reference to companies if necessary: I have no connection with any of them, but mobilefun were very quick with their delivery.)
New toy! - PhilW

"how to get camera locations"

See this thread:-