I have a 1995 SPi Rover Mini Cooper, and she has somehow decided that she doesn't want to start.
The battery is fully charged, it turns over but won't fire up.
Have used a voltmeter to check that the full 12v is going to the coil. For some reason, there are no sparks coming from the HT lead from the coil into the distributor cap. I have tried a new HT lead that has not made any difference. The coil has a good earth, so I'm running out of ideas?!
The coil was only replaced 2 years ago. Any suggestions would be great, or does it sound like the coil has failed again? If so, is there a way to test the existing one, I don't really want to buy a new one for no reason!
Thanks in advance
If there's volts going into teh coil and nothing coming out, then the coil is the likely cause of teh problem.
Fault finding can often be difficult, just because a brand new part is fitted, that doesn't mean that the part is good.
I read often, only post occasionally
OK so we have a good 12v at the coil. Do we have any current though? Hang a 21 watt bulb onto the wire that goes to the plus side of the coil and earth and see if it lights, if it does all well and good, we have sufficient current to run the coil.If not trace the wire back and you may well find a poor/corroded connector not far from the coil. Next test is to move the bulb to the other side of the coil, the - side. Crank the engine and see if the bulb flashes on and off rapidly. If it does then I would suspect the coil. More likely is the output from the ignition amp or the distributor pick-up. Testing these is a little more challenging and depends on the make of the distributor. Try the above simple tests first then come back to us
Simplicate and add lightness!!