I,ve just overhauled the engine,well,put a new conrod in to be exact,and cannot get the thing to start.
I'm sure the timing is all lined up correctly but i am getting no fuel coming from the fuel pump,after i crank it i can hear a kind of buzz but no sign of fuel,i have cracked the injector pipes to check but nothing comes out,my problem i feel may be summat to do with the immobiliser does anyone out there have any ideas?? i've tried to reset the immobiliser and electrics but have had no luck--any help much appreciated.
If you think its the immobilizer preventing fuel pump operation, how about "jumping" the fuel pump connections?. Not sure how to do it on a Focus, but if you can change conrods on the engine then I am sure you would know better than I could guess.
When you turn the key, does the clock light flash very quickly?
have you primed the fuel filter ?
It ok now--dragged fuel up using an airbed inflater/deflater running well --- fingers crossed eh???