I'm considering buying a twin-barrelled foot pump on the assumption that it will be twice as quick, but won't it have the disadvantage of requiring twice as much force?
You don't get ought for nought!
L\'escargot by name, but not by nature.
I've had a Chinese-made one for ages. Very useful.
As for force it seems to need just as much as the old single barrel one. I always assumed that's because it's driving twice as much air in. Anyway think of the aerobic workout you'll get ;+)
I've had two from Halfords. The first was replace under warranty when the frame broke, and the second went the same way well within a year but I just junked it.
Didn't find it any quicker than a single barrell, if it was it was only marginal. Probsably the difference between a 250 single and a 250 twin in engine terms.
I inheritted one of these - very good, just as easy as the single barrel design, and does the overall job much quicker.
I bought a single barrelled one from Halfords (made in China, red painted), and the frame broke in the first week, and then the gauge broke. It's very poor quality.
You could also check out push bike shops. I recently bought an upright pump for my pushbike (£10) but it'd do the car too. £20 buys one with a gauge. It works very well.
I have a good quality brass double barrelled foot pump that I purchased from Halfords a number of years ago. It still works perfectly, but even with my fairly average adult male weight of 77 KG (A smidge over twelve stone) I find that I have to bring nearly all the weight to bear to make it pump. It is thus more tiring than the single barrelled pump it replaced - which I could use by simply flexing one leg - but it is so much faster that it's worth the effort.
I bought a French hypermarket stirup type cycle pump years ago. Plastic barrel but only £7. They do a brass one now. Brilliantly simple and effective. Try a bike shop.
I have a single barrelled pump made by Michelin which is very good, well made, doesn't need much force to use and has a reasonably accurate gauge, cost about £12 IIRC.
Michelin also do a twin-barrelled version.
Highly recommended, check reviews here
What about an electric one? Plugs into the cigar lighter, not expensive, will do tyres, footballs, etc. No effort but the gauges are usually innacurate so I use a pencil type.
I've got the double barrelled michelin pump and don't get on with it at all. Very hard to pump, the air doesn't seem to go into the tyre and the guage is all over the place. I was going to take it back but couldn't be bothered.
I recently bought one from Woolworths. Best woorkout I've ever had.
As someone retired, I found the twin barrel pump too much hassle and have just bought a Wolf 1.5 hp electric compressor with 6.5 cu ft storage tank for only £54 (special offer) from Screwfix, which is absolutely brilliant with a very accurate gauge as well.
Have just checked my Screwfix Cat.and these are still available at £64,wish I'd thought of this before spending £25 on the cigar lighter type.
Just one thought all air receivers used in industry have to be insured and inspected at least every 26 months,anyone know what the rules are for private use?.
Blimey you guys know how to spend(?) money. My dual barrel from China still has the sticker on it. One pound 34p your money.
Main risk is the tank bursting, of course. I built my own compressor some years ago from parts (since scrapped when I got seduced by a nice looking shop one.) The construction included a very nice stainless steel tank I got from a scrap heap.
I tested the tank by pumping it up to about three times the used pressure maximum. But you MUST use water to do this so that it does not go bang and cause injury if it bursts. With water it just goes pop due to the small amount of air in the water.
I can't now remember how I pumped it.
I recently bought one from Woolworths. Best woorkout I've ever had.
What, getting to the checkout? Was it busy then? Probably everyone buying JML ironing board covers ;)
I have a Halfords twin one- lasted around 14 years: replaced rubber tube and mended frame with steel pipe and araldite.
Much faster to use than the prior single one and not much effort (but I run so my legs would not notice the difference:-)
I bought a used one from Huddersfield auto jumble for £3 the make is GS and its TUV approved so it could well be german. It works just great and the gauge is not bad in comparison to a ITC gauge as recommended by HJ.
i brought a little 12v operated one from woolworths when it was on sale, much easier than a manual pump. it tops up my tyres in a few minutes for the whole set
I have two,both from halfords.One i bought then i inherited another.Both of them get used fairly regularly without any problems.They are both over five years old(maybe newer ones are not as well made)and i find much better than a single cylinder pump.