Speed cameras in France.
Having purchased a device to alert me to cameras in the UK and on the continent I road tested it last week. A trip from St Malo to past La Rochelle spotted cameras on the Rennes ring road, the Nantes RR and the La Rochelle RR. Coming back towards Caen same places but also at Rochefort. Device worked fine. French cameras are Grey, larger than ours and lower mounted that UK cameras. They are usually in the central reservation. The signs telling you about them say Controle automatique and have a picture of a car & a motorbike and several attractive circles . Speed limit on the ring roads is usually 90kph and most cars keep to it. Worrying thing is I've travelled these roads for decades and never noticed them in the past. Wife also mused that we were probably immune with foreign plates but for how long?
Didn't see or notice any cameras in towns.
if you go to www.mappy.fr and plug your route in it tells you the route, how much the peage is and where the fixed radar sites are.
PS I wouldn't advise using a radar detector in France or even having it in your car. You might get a nasty shock from the police
All radar and speed camera detectors are banned in France, even I believe GPS based ones.
RF is correct.Camera detectors are a big no-no in France.I wonder how long it will be the same across all of EU.
Yes I have read that they are illegal.
Large fines and confiscation of devices.
Must remove mine when I get to Dover from oop north.
I wasna fu but just had plenty.