My mate has a Sprinter van which has started using water. As the warranty was about to expire, he took it into the local dealer to ask for their help with it. They replaced the head gasket, pressure tested the system and had the head tested too. Somewhat frustratingly for said mate, it still drinks about a litre every 150 miles and worse still the dealer isn't willing to offer further help as the warranty is up. They did pressure test it again for him, and pronounced it healthy.
I suggested he see a local air-conditioning firm to see if they would put some UV dye in the header tank in a bid to help him trace the leak. This was done, but still no signs of a leak or UV trace.
I think it could be a tiny hole in a pipe somewhere, but can't understand how evidence of the leak is proving so difficult to find.
Any ideas?
Has the header tank pressure cap been replaced.From whats been said..It may be thats causing the problem.Just a thought.But to pressurise system. it has to be done removing cap.
I wondered the same thing funnily enough, it hasn't been replaced. There's no evidence it's escaping there. Perhaps my assumption that the leak is external is wrong? (-is it possible for it to leak internally?)
Only bit I wasnt sure about is head testing.Ie was it pressure tested?.I would suggest changing the cap just for piece of mind.Also depends on where the cap is failing.It may be in a possition you cannot see?.Just a thought and may be wrong?
Yes, the head was pressure tested. I had also heard MB CDI heads were known for becoming porous around the injectors. Trying a new cap certainly isn't going to hurt though - let you what transpires, thanks.
*meant* let you KNOW what transpires...
Take it to a garage and let them 'sniff' the header tank with their 4-gas analyser for HC (hydrocarbons) - and internal leak will almost always result in some HC getting into the coolant.
I would suspect a tiny leak at the HG or a porous head.
Would be surprising if the head gasket is at fault having been replaced so recently. Let's hope for his sake this is the cause, as dealer has now said it can replace gasket foc, but not the head.
If it is the head, he's looking at around £2000 - a bit salty when a complete engine is £2750.
I feel they never really sorted the problem when it was still under warranty, and now it has the potential to be an expensive repair for the poor bloke. I'll pass your suggestion on, thanks.
The fault was reported whilst in warrantee and the problem is not fixed yet so warrantee still valid be hard nosed and claim. Regards Peter
I had forgotten that.As it was reported before warranty run out.they have tried to fix but Peter said take it back as its suffering same fault.Faults reported before warranty run out should be rectified. if they fail is up to them to sort out if problem persists..even though warranty may have run out
RE: leaking filler cap
I might have got this wrong but aren't filler caps designed to leak as a 'safety-valve'?
If so you may be loosing coolant due to overheating (despite what the gauge may say).
Thanks for your replies. The head was the problem.
The dealer sent the head off to be tested again (without mentioning its history to the workshop), and it failed the pressure test. Dealer queries this, says why did it pass just a few months before? Workshop say they have a disclaimer which states that the test is only ninety percent reliable...
I feel sorry for my poor old mate: he's been telling them since before Christmas that it's not right and has been using water. The dealer is now hiding behind the workshop's disclaimer. I think he should pursue it further.
I wondered if it's possible that the fault could have significantly developed during the two tests?
Read my post further up about testing for HC in the coolant header tank. This is a very cheap and highly reliable test for head leakage - if an engine is unaccountably losing water then always have this test done.
I assume that your mate is still getting the repair done for free - I don't see how the dealer could wriggle out of this. Or are they saying that this is a 'new' fault?