Diesel High Mileage??? - MuttleyMcLad

Hi everyone this is my first post on this site and i would like your views on my current car...

I own a 1994 (L) Peugeot 306 1.9 diesel (non-turbo), 3 door in miami blue. It has covered 96,200 miles, the 2 previous owners were family so i can assure its been looked after, ive owned it snce 82k and i have the oil & filter, fuel filter and air filter replaced every 6k on the dot. (im very strict about this)
Ive just had the cambelt changed at 94k and new discs pads and recently a new exhaust. If i keep up this strict 6k servicing (oil and all filters etc.) Reallistcally how many miles can you see me getting out of my engine? Say 200k or more than that? I know from prior research to keep a close eye on the coolant
as this can cause problems, and also head gasket failure is common. But no problems so far.

Thanks in advance


Diesel High Mileage??? - Robin Reliant
Having driven diesels for about fifteen years now, all high milage stuff I would reckon you would have no trouble reaching 200k if you continue to look after it. Unfortunately, I have found that it is all the other bits getting knackered that make a modern car undesirable to own long before the engine reaches pensionable age.
Diesel High Mileage??? - MuttleyMcLad
ok thanks for the quick response!! Has any one else on here had a 306 diesel n/a or a turbo over 200k?? The gearchange ever so slightly "clunky" but isnt that just a peugeot trait?? My previous car was a 106 1.4 diesel, which i unfortunaly wrote off last year, before that i had several hot hatches. But having owned 2 diesels i would never buy a petrol again!!

Rich :-)
Diesel High Mileage??? - blue_haddock
I know a few people on the peugeot forums that i use with diesels with well over 200k, normally the syncro's on the gearbox go and they smoke a bit but it's a fairly basic engine (especially when n/a) so there isn't much too go wrong with them.
Diesel High Mileage??? - Altea Ego
Had a K reg 405 probably with the same lump (is it an XUD?)

I got it as a company car from new, sold it to a friend at the end of its lease with 60k on it, and it went on to 175K. The rest of the car fell off around the engine.
Diesel High Mileage??? - PhilW
I had a BX with an XUD enngine which I sold at 170k to a friend. He took it to 200k and sold it - don't know how long it went after that. Another I sold at 150k ish - to another friend (they are still friends!)
As well as oil changes I would recommend changing coolant regularly - from what I read this could help prevent HG failure - though luckily I've not suffered that in either.
I will quote this (again!) from Mike on another forum:-
"I drive a BX diesel which I use as a taxi. It's my 5th. BX 19 diesel & all gave me the greatest satisfaction in both reliability & economy. I still have my 1987 BX which I cannibalise for spares, not that I need many. It was retired for 'scrap' after a crash @ 350,000 miles. It's replacement was sold off for less than the value of its parts @ 450,000 miles; one has been retired to my driveway @ 740,000miles & my current workhorse is now @ 380,000 miles. I've never changed a wheel-bearing, only one gearbox and a few suspension bits; one major engine overhaul; two head-jobs but never a tow-home failure [unless you count the one time I let the cam-belt snap!]".
Diesel High Mileage??? - P 2501
If you continue to change the filters and fluids as often as you have been then there is no reason why you should not achieve a big mileage.

The XUD is a rather old fashioned engine these days,great in its day but overtaken somewhat by todays technology.I still love to take mine for a spin however, and at 85K it now pulls better than it did when new. I have gone a bit silly with the oil changes though.

As mentioned above, if you take care of the engine it will quite easily outlast the other parts of the car.
Diesel High Mileage??? - alexisj
Back when I was learning to drive in 2000 both instructors I used ran 306 turbo diesels. My second instructor had one with 175k on the clock. Felt a little, er, loose, to drive but still went ok and didn't rattle much. All this despite the huge punishment dished out by kangarooing learners (myself excepted, obviously) learning to parallel park and the like. A few years ago a mate bought an ex-fleet 306 non-turbo on 125k and despite driving everywhere absolutely flat out, as far as I know it lasted him fine. I remember getting a lift with him once in the middle of the night; since it didn't accelerate terribly fast he aimed to loose as little speed as possible through the roundabouts (we lived near Milton Keynes at the time) and at one point he curbed it by taking a particularly enthusiastic racing line through a roundabout. Must have been doing 50 - 60 mph but it shrugged it off and on we went (knuckles even whiter than before). Like I say, solid cars! Good luck.
Diesel High Mileage??? - MuttleyMcLad
Yes it is the XUD engine and the engine bay is like new and has been since the day i bought it! Just a few miles short of 97k today and had a new pirelli P6000 fitted today to my Peugeot 306 Cyclone alloy wheels (the 306 gti-6 ones). When i open my doors they make a very loud clicking noise, is this a common 306 problem? Door Looms? any ideas?

Any other comments muchly appreciated!

Diesel High Mileage??? - Robin Reliant
The loud clicking noise from the doors is probably the check strap, which prevents the doors from swinging freely. Might be on the way out, or a shot of grease might do the trick. Cheap job in any case.
Diesel High Mileage??? - PhilW
Or even the door pins? They do wear and are easy and cheap to replace - do them before the door falls of in your (or your wife's - don't ask how I know!!) hand.
Diesel High Mileage??? - barney100
My mate has a diesel Jetta which has done 203,000 miles without much trouble. I asked a taxi driver on Madeira {steep hills- stop start-belt it down the odd dual carriage way)his diesel cars mileage, 586000 kilometres, whatever that is in miles!
Diesel High Mileage??? - Sparrow
A mate of mine has a VW Bora. Bought it at 6K three years ago. Its just got over the 100K miles and seems faultless. It goes just as well as when nearly new and no rattles. There were a few things dealt with in warranty when just bought but since then nothng apart from tyres and lightbulbs and normal servicing.
Question is how long to keep it. At over 30K miles a year anything newer will depreciate like mad - but will the VW start needing work done???