Yes I had this exact same problem with an R Plate 98 106 1.1 for 4 months. After fitting some monitor LED's I discovered the Imobiliser was not being satisfied and there was a known fault with this year production Imobiliser aerial which is a black pastic obercoat for the ingition barrel. Cost £15.72 and the lower cowl can be removed without taking the steering off although a bit tight. Changed the unit and has been perfect for 3 months. Whn the car decides to start it runs berfectly immediately no coughing or spluttering or running rich is that correct. email me if you require any more info. Regards Peter
Had exactly this prob yesterday on the same vehicle although the law of sod decreed it was a good day for the car and did not misbehave once for me.No fault codes listed so I suspected either immob or main relay fault and because the main relay under the ECU was looking suspect (distorted by excessive internal heat) replaced it and the original fuel filter. Customer has just phoned to say the prob is still there so I shall investigate the immob aerial. Any part numbers would be appreciated Peter.
Simplicate and add lightness!!
Hi, The Aerial unit Part Number for an R plate 106 1.1 is
# 616050 easily fitted by undoing the retaining screws ( 3 ) the column surround and sliding the lower cowling away from the dash towards the steering wheel. You will need to use a little force to flex the cowling so it clears the metal bracket under the column that you removed the centre screw from. The cowl will then drop down and the connector ( 6 pin small, 4 pins used ) can be removed from the black Aerial unit that forms the surround of the ignition barrel replace the unit reconnect and test as appropriate, replace cowls screws etc and job done. The 98 model was the first to have the transponder unit rather than the keypad and there was a known reliability issue that came to light and even my small local Pug dealer keeps these units in stock due to the problem. Regards Peter
Thanks for the advice. In response to Peter D, yes the car runs perfectly once its started. Just getting it started seems erratic and even sitting and waiting for about half an hour will sometimes aleviate the problem. As I said earlier, we are having the locks and keys changed so do you think this might solve the problem as they will have to install a new barrel for the ignition I would expect.
The car is petrol. Some of the other forum members mentioned the immobiliser. Coincidentally due to a careless third party we are having the locks and keys changed so perhaps this might prove or disprove this theory. Thanks for your help.
Check the second/spare key gives you the same problem. If they are changing all the Keys ( Why) then if the spare is the same prob then chenage the aerial. Peter