Got a 1992 Citroen ZX non-turbo diesel 90,000. Runs well etc. Hardly burns much oil. Checked exhaust system and tailgate and bonnet seals. Checked engine bulkhead for holes etc. but still getting faint fumes through air vents. Engine exterior is clean. Grateful for any ideas because I'm lost.
I wonder what the "fumes" smell of...... diesel, exhaust, smelly hot oily engine, coolant??
Sorry, forgot to mention, It Smells like Exhaust or Diesel fumes
If it was you on the A414 this morning, going like the clappers whilst sounding like a tractor, it is because your exhaust has come off at the manifold. That would explain the smell!
Sorry, you were going the other way, so I couldn't warn you.
Or maybe it wasn't you, but whoever it was is going to have a nasty shock at the next speed hump, because the exhaust was hanging down with about two inches clearance from the road.