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Golf2 doesnt like wet weather - Tony Soprano
My Golf Mk2,Driver 1.6,Greg-is getting harder to start from cold in wet weather.It splutters,backfires,and sometimes the battery go`s flat from the turning over.Ive tried spraying wd4o on the leads,coil and distributor,which sometimes makes a difference,but I usually have to hold the starter on with throttle right down;when it eventually starts,it splutters for a few miles before running smoothly.It starts and runs fine in dry weather,so,any ideas what the problem is?Leads?Coil?
Golf2 doesnt like wet weather - BB
Sounds like the dizzy cap has a crack which is letting in moisture. Have a look to see if there is anything obvious. If nothing obvious, next time it rains, take the dizzy cap off and dry with a hairdryer. Make sure the rotor arm etc are dry too. Replace and try starting. This should prove one way or another if it is the dizzy cap.
Golf2 doesnt like wet weather - frostbite
I had similar with my elderly Scorpio. It started OK but used to limp up the road or even stall until well warmed up.

Not totally cured but much improved by spraying surface of all ht related electrics with lacquer-like stuff (forget the name) from Mr Holt.
Golf2 doesnt like wet weather - Andrew Moorey (Tune-Up)
I would suggest new cap rotor and leads and carefully check and clean the coil tower nose looking for any signs of cracking or arcing. (If the dis cap has a black cover on it try removing it and cleaning up the outside of the cap as well as the inside)Put everything together dry and keep the WD40 in the shed to spray on the mower blades when you put it away.

Simplicate and add lightness!!
Golf2 doesnt like wet weather - Mapmaker
New plugs cannot harm, either.

[Andrew - 'mower'. Are you comparing the golf to a mower?]