Just come across the latest data from Tesla (they’ve the largest data set of all EV manufacturers) and it’s showing a 15% degradation after 200,000 miles in their Models 3 and Y. The earlier Models S and X, interestingly, fared a little better at a 12% loss. It’s working out at approximately 1% per 13,333 miles, or 1% every 53 theoretical full charge cycles (based on 250 miles per charge cycle). A car in Europe is recycled after, on average, 150,000 miles. If anyone fancies a bit of light reading, here’s their impact report - www.tesla.com/ns_videos/2023-tesla-impact-report.p...f
I wonder how much of that data is skewed towards the huge historical market in the US, particularly California where miles driven is far larger than in Europe and under nice warm sunny skies? The report doesn't exactly give the breakdown, especially as most Telsas in Europe have been made/bought in the last few years.
Apparently (from what I read a couple of years ago, if I recall) over in the US there are still problems sourcing spare parts for older Teslas, where supposedly 'dealerships' also give customers owning them the cold shoulder at the 10 year mark, refusing to maintain them.
Sound to me a bit like what happens with household white goods, computers, tablets and mobile phones. That was one of Jeremy Clarkson's biggest gripes about EVs, aside from them being 'soleless' - saying that they are rather like household white goods.
Ironically with such things, nowadays they appear to have smaller lifespans 'designed in' to encourage people to buy replacements, which is hardly 'green'.
What would be far better, especially for EVs, is for them to be very 'modular' so that you could 'swap out' broken or 'tired' old components, even a body shell and the interior, whereby the old parts would be (hopefully easily) recycled.
I suspect we're still quite a way away from that, especially as many components (like the batteries) are incredibly labour and energy intensive to recycle, not helped by many parts using rare earth metals hoarded by few and/or very unpleasant nations, and or mined using slave/child labour and/or in terrible working conditions.