1.3 Fiesta oil emulsion - far0n
Don't know whether it's just me or not but at the beginning of December I changed the coolant in the radiator ready for the winter. I'm sure though that since then my engine oil seems to be emulsifying much quicker than usual. I know this engine does suffer a bit from that problem but this time it seems quite rapid ! Any ideas, tips or solutions. I added 50/50 coolant water like the instructions said. It was that stuff in Asda I bought by the way.
1.3 Fiesta oil emulsion - Ford Dagenham

Where have you found the emulsification.

I have found the same prob on wifes 1.1 fiesta before in the oil filler cap.

I was told it is because she only uses it for shopping/work.

Kind Regards
Martin Winters
1.3 Fiesta oil emulsion - far0n
Around the oil filler cap, it\'s got nothing at all to do with just using the car for shopping. The engine is renowned for gunking up like this. A lot of the chaps on here change their oil anywhere between 3-5k mile intervals.
1.3 Fiesta oil emulsion - Ford Dagenham

It is to do with using the car for shopping/short journeys.

I have used the wifes car to go to scotland and back before and the emulsified oil had gone.

Short journeys kill these engines because the oil does not get hot enough to burn the rubbish off.

(Iam not a mechanic)

Martin Winters
1.3 Fiesta oil emulsion - Dynamic Dave
Ok, now we've established that short journeys can emulsify oil, can we get back to the Faron's original question, that being:-

"I changed the coolant in the radiator ready for the winter. I'm sure though that since then my engine oil seems to be emulsifying much quicker than usual."

DD, BR Moderator.
1.3 Fiesta oil emulsion - Ford Dagenham

Aha the thermostat have you checked that.

Martin Winters
1.3 Fiesta oil emulsion - none
It wouldn't be because the weather's got a bit colder - would it?
1.3 Fiesta oil emulsion - Ford Dagenham

I have heard that a hotter thermostat could help for winter driving as it opens at a higher temp.

Because its winter the engine isnt as hot as it would be in summer and therefore it doesent get hot enough because the summer thermostat opens too early.

I think iam correct.

(iam not a mechanic)
Martin Winters