Saw a TV advert tonight, depicting a man riding and subduing a really mean and powerful looking bull. Would I be tempted to buy something so obviously dangerous, something that would turn and discombuberate me if I lost concentration for a just a moment? Are the advertising bods losing it?
My wife, who is wiser in these things, said that the bull was obviously sedated, any lessons in that?
What is the ad? I'm well up on bull riding and will tell you if it is an example of a genuine ride.
The ad is for the Audi S4.
Guess it's something on the lines of harnessing all that power.
Have to agree Hillman - it surprised me too when I saw it and I thought exactly the same as you, do I want a car that's so diffcult to control? It wouldn't put me off buying an S4 (given a lottery win!) but did strike me as a very strange way to promote a car.
Given its emphasis on the taming of raw power, I think the ad's designed for 2 basic types of driver:
a) those macho types who constantly need to be challenged whilst driving, believe they're more capable than everyone else (and like to tell everyone) and relish the prospect of putting such a car through its paces whilst mere mortals gaze in startled admiration.
b) those who have more money than sense.
Or it could be just an eye catching ad that people remember !!!
Some marketing type has earned their Christmas bonus.
Yes - for marketeers being eyecatching and intriguing is important but being, say, irresponsible or distasteful might just have a detrimental effect on sales. I won't be buying an S4 or drawn towards Audi as a result of the add but then it wasn't designed to attract the likes of me.
I think this ad pretty much sums up a lot of what's worst in car advertising.
Sort of agree with you VM but all advertising is designed to make you feel good about yourself - it's just a case which aspects make which people feel good isn't it?
For my part I thought the S4 advert was rather good - the "tamed" bull representing power under control? Presumably a subliminal reference to the "quattro" system.
But there again I could be reading far too much into it.
It get's the H/C sound up to window shaking levels, that's for sure.
No experience of the dangers of bulls - but two hours ago of a lady driver reversing about 3 feet into my front end and telling me it was her husbands fault for fitting the towbar which ruined the front number plate - the towbar was protruding all of two inches.
She gave me her phone number and said to send the bill - wonder if I had not been sitting in the car?
As a PS,
Ordered a new number plate from H R Owen at 2.30...
'Might be a delay due to holidays...'
3.40 - plate is ready and in mail today - £8.81 including VAT and postage...
Called lady at 4.20 - asked her to give this to Salvation Army - she will give them a tenner...could have been a lot worse!
Hillwoman pointed out that the bull gave in far too quickly and that it was staggering sideways as the clip ended. Does that suggest a big shot of valium?