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Ban Red Meat! - pdc {P}
Please bear with me, as this is motoring related.

Yesterday I watched a recording of a BBC program, Bodsnatchers, which was broadcast last Wednesday. It\'s a program about parasites. Towards the end of the program they mentioned Toxoplasmosis. Cats are a natural host to Toxoplasma, and they expel it\'s eggs in their faeces. The eggs then form into larvae and need to find their way back into a cat. They do this by hitching a ride with rats, and they very cleverly alter a rats behaviour, by making it less risk adverse, inorder to get the rat caught by a cat. They showed a laboratory experiement which demonstrated this.

They then went on to say that we humans very easily get toxoplasmosis from under cooked red meat. 50% or Americans, 33% of Britons, and a massive 80% of French have toxoplasm. Experiments have shown that reaction times are impeded, and that 2 in 3 people involved in road accidents have toxoplasma.

{tongue in cheek mode on}Isn\'t it time that this government started to legislate against red meat, rather than speeding and mobile phones, as it\'s involved in 66% of all road accidents{tic mode off}

There are 2 BBC news items here :

Ban Red Meat! - pdc {P}
The bit about the govt legislating against red meat was tongue in cheek, but something somewhere seems to have stripped the <:tongue in cheek mode on> tag that I put in!

(That\'s because you put a \" \" at the end. Doing this makes the text invisible. I have edited. DD.)
Ban Red Meat! - glowplug
How long before dieters start using tapeworms again for weight loss purposes. Longest one 'extracted' from a human on record 76 feet! Pass the celery please.........

Ban Red Meat! - pdc {P}
grrr - you need a proper parser to store all this stuff in your database. I assume your db server copes perfectly well with ', which is another common error.
Ban Red Meat! - THe Growler
Well, given the BBC's rampant biased mis-reporting from Iraq, I wouldn't give this latest too much credence.
Ban Red Meat! - pdc {P}
Well Growler, there is a more detailed medical report here

Ban Red Meat! - Obsolete
I read this during my work lunch break. Lovely! How's about a warning in the title "Do not read while eating"? Please?

It is an interesting post though and I wonder what the other symptoms are? Is there a treatment? How is it diagnosed? This program has a lot to answer for. I didn't see it, but have been regaled with stories of skin and bowel parasites. Lovely stuff!
Ban Red Meat! - pdc {P}
Once you have it is with you for life. Interesting that they think that gut worms could be a cure for asthma!
Ban Red Meat! - Ben {P}
What counts as "under cooked"?
Ban Red Meat! - Obsolete
Next time you are stopped by traffic police, and they ask for a breath/blood sample, why not also give them a stool sample so they can test you for toxoplasmosis. The police will appreciate your helpful attitude.

Hohum. Maybe not.
Ban Red Meat! - teabelly
So you can produce stools at will???? What a talented carpenter you are :-)

Seriously being screened for toxoplasmosis is not a bad idea. It needs to be investigated properly. I don't know whether they screened a control group that had not had any accidents and looked at the incidence of toxoplasmosis in those people in comparison.
Ban Red Meat! - No Do$h
I don't know whether they screened
a control group that had not had any accidents

ROFL! I assume you don't mean of the underpant variety?
Ban Red Meat! - glowplug
Ah, just wait until genetic engineering comes into full swing...
Maybe it will be a case of swallowed a spider to catch the fly. Oh BTW the tapeworn is the most extreme reproductive 'animal', is just a large egg machine that can supposedly release 1,000,000 eggs a day!
Do you think you could cross one with a hen?

Ban Red Meat! - Obsolete
"So you can produce stools at will???? What a talented carpenter you are :-)"

Reminds me of the classifieds ad someone once saw, for a "Victorian commode and stool".
Ban Red Meat! - Pugugly {P}
Dear Mod.

Where is the car connection (however vague) ?

I thought I'd wandered into www.butcher'sblock.co.uk
Ban Red Meat! - No Do$h
Dear Mod.
Where is the car connection (however vague) ?
I thought I'd wandered into www.butcher'sblock.co.uk

Yes, I think this has gone quite far enough. Thread now Read only, not deleted.

No Dosh
