Hello all,
Went round to my sisters to check the oil and top up if required. She said the oil she used last time was in the garage.
When I go to the garage the only bottle is a half full bottle of anti freeze! She thinks she used that when she tried to fill the oil her self.
Now from all I can read on the Internet a half litre of anti freeze in the engine oil should just about kill the engine, however she says "IF" she did put this in the oil (she isn't 100% she did) then this was about 3 months ago and has driven it about 1000 miles since.
There is no issues with the start up of the engine or engine performance and the oil on the dip stick is a bit dirty brown but not the dreaded coolant brown milkshake.
Opinions, should this be dead now if she did put anti freeze in? Is her engine likely to just die anytime.
Thanks for any help as the Internet does help much when you Google this issue.