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BP profits - FoxyJukebox

How typical of most media to make hay of BP's "obscene" "gross" profits-totally forgetting the fact that in 2020 the company nearly went bust during covid-plus ignoring that many company pension portfolios will now benefit since BP is a blue chip share.

Edited by Dogfuzz on 08/02/2022 at 08:42

BP profits - John F

Ha! The real obscenity is the profit made from 'western' expertise by a nation of camel traders who extort us for a product that costs tuppence a barrel to extract from their 'countries', making it more expensive than milk.

BP profits - RT

Ha! The real obscenity is the profit made from 'western' expertise by a nation of camel traders who extort us for a product that costs tuppence a barrel to extract from their 'countries', making it more expensive than milk.

The capitalist concept of "supply & demand" determines the price, not those whose land it's under.

BP profits - Andrew-T

Ha! The real obscenity is the profit made from 'western' expertise by a nation of camel traders who extort us for a product that costs tuppence a barrel to extract from their 'countries', making it more expensive than milk.

They are probably enjoying retaliation for being exploited 100 years ago by the western oil explorers in the Arabian peninsula. Luckily for them their reserves turned out to be much greater than ours - when we eventually discovered them.

BP profits - Warning

Ha! The real obscenity is the profit made from 'western' expertise by a nation of camel traders who extort us for a product that costs tuppence a barrel to extract from their 'countries', making it more expensive than milk

Perhaps you need to look at the world through different eyes.

We have tilted the world in our favour. There are people in developing nations who are making our clothes, shoes, food, products. The coffee you drink was picked up by a farm worker on $2 day for a 10 hour day working under the hot sun. They don't have free schools or healthcare, or pensions.... Compared that with someone the UK earning earning 10 hours x £8.91 = £89. $2 versus £89!!

Who is exploiting whom? We lives off the toil of those in developing nations. We have a good standard of living because of it.

Does someone working in Great Britain earning £10 per hour create more value then someone in Turkey earning £1 per hour?. Is a British (Western) worker doing the same job, ten times more productive then one in a low cost country?

We have squandered our North Sea oil. Destroyed our factories playing class war.

Dubai was a fishing village in the 1950s in a hot inhospitable desert. They had very little oil compared to their neighbours. They have built up an impressive economy.

Today, Dubai has the worlds tallest building, they built a palm beach, they have a 7 star hotel. They have a very successful and award winning Emirates airlines.

They did this without taxation which they consider 'unearned' money. Their exploitation of worker is n't great, however, it is no different to us buying cheap goods.

If you want to see exploitation, look at Apple who are worth $3trillion. Microsoft which keep recycling their old software products. Making us pay for the same software it developed 20 years ago and making us pay for it again and again. Moving to subscription model, instead of owning software outright, we have become renters of software.They don't pay a fair level of taxes either.

The only thing this country seems to manufacturing these days is new ways to tax its citizens.

Globalisation is n't going to be pretty. When people earn the same wages the world over.

The Middle East could have bankrupted the world by charging us silly money for oil and gas. Perhaps, it has made us lazy, not looking at renewables.

BP profits - Terry W

This is 100% right.

Developed economies (US, Europe, etc) have exploited the rest of the world for cheap labour, cheap materials and cheap goods. Dominance was the outcome of education, innovation, development of transport (goods, materials, ideas).

It is no surprise that the rest of the world wants to catch up. We traded glass beads, mirrors and basic tools to develop an empire. They are exploiting that which we value - oil, gas, raw materials.

BP profits - John F

Looks as though this debate is in the wrong section now! Why has 'exploitation' become a pejorative description of unforced mutually desirable trade? Clearly the exchange of expertly manufactured beads, mirrors, clothing, machetes and guns for humans, acceptable to all mainstream religions, was inhumane, but when labour was needed for the mining industry in Africa, people arrived in droves from their stone age existence far away in the jungle. Some say the worst misery was experienced by the wage slaves born into the industrial revolution who could not escape and return to a previous more primitive but possibly happier life of self-sufficiency.

BP profits - veloceman
Crikey what a statement.
Exploiting the poor? Yes to a point maybe, Hong Kong, Taiwan, now China.
These were origins of cheap and poorly made products when I grew up in the late 70s and 80s.
Now we have to obey stringent emissions laws unlike many poorer countries. Our industry is becoming so uncompetitive due to the extra costs and tax involved.
I’m certainly not ignoring other less well off countries but you only need to look at the now Super power of car manufacturing Korea only to be followed by China. Unfortunately it won’t be long till we are unable to compete.
Fortunately we still live in a democracy that enables those to grow from nothing to be wealthy, though for how much longer we shall see.
BP profits - Andrew-T
Unfortunately it won’t be long till we are unable to compete. Fortunately we still live in a democracy that enables those to grow from nothing to be wealthy, though for how much longer we shall see.

We will be able to compete when enough of us are willing to work for the wages paid in those countries we can't compete with.

BP profits - HGV ~ P Valentine

Can you provide proof of this ?/ Or a link mayeb ?

I do not believe for a sec that BP, Shellor Esso will ever go bust or even close.

BP profits - Falkirk Bairn

BP/Shell /Esso go bust - unlikely but they could become a shadow of what they currently are.

70% of world energy is Oil & Gas

In 2050 some guess it could be 50% Oil & Gas ie 30% smaller - I know of 1 company that thinks 50% is a marker and they want to grow their share against what was the 7 sisters (1950's description of the big players) who dominated/dominate the market today.

Some small O&G companies will thrive being key players in specialised areas/business sectors - the BIG boys might well be smaller but still significant players.

It is not so long ago that GM & Ford were the biggest - Toyota took the crown but in 30 years time it could be anybody. 30 years ago how many, in the UK, had heard of, far less bought a Hyundai, and now, they are a first division volume car manufacturer.