I just bought a used car privately. Bought one day insurance Friday to bring it home.
Saw a good deal for annual insurance with Aviva, but the Aviva site is throwing an error and saying I need to call up on Monday.
As I've already taxed the car, I don't want to SORN it for a day or two and have to pay for the remaining 3 days of March twice!
So a taxed car kept off the road - how quickly will the insurance bureau issue a fine?
I assume it's mostly automated, but I have no idea how sharp they are with one or two days between policies for example. I'm totally fine with buying my insurance just want to get this particular deal I've already filled out but can't until Monday at the earliest!
If there were a 'temporary' SORN that didn't cancel and refund the tax paid that would be an option - but I'm not aware of that option. Any ideas?