Hyundai Tucson 2015 - Aircon Recharge - Tawacom

Hello guys i have a Hyundai Tucson bought it in April from an authorised dealer i never checked the aircon when purchased as it was in winter... just last week looked for a company to recharge it

This Company did the charge and apparently did the pressure test which they say did pass everything and regassed i drove to Birmingham 100 miles from my house i arrived and it had already finished which i think that was i big leak. According to the garage its a hose between the condenser and the compressor can this be missed on pressure test.... considering i paid £120 and just told sorry you have a fault no refund.... is this right?

Second where do i stand with the dealer i know i have run out of the 30 day period but surely there should be accountability of some sort ? i have contacted them awaiting their response...

i just want to hear thots b4 i give my review on the garage that filled my aircon whether they did it right or?

Hyundai Tucson 2015 - Aircon Recharge - elekie&a/c doctor
I would have thought that a leaking hose is covered under the Hyundai 5 year warranty. You may have to pay for the recharge, but not the part.
Hyundai Tucson 2015 - Aircon Recharge - Big John

As well as possibly being under the manufacturers warranty - you have rights under the the Consumer Rights Act 2015, off the AA site, although you may have complicated this by going elsewhere first :-

Between 30 days and 6 months - If a fault comes to light after 30 days but before 6 months you’re entitled to a repair, replacement or refund.

It’s assumed in law that the fault was present at the time of purchase unless the seller can prove otherwise.

Unless you’ve agreed otherwise, the seller (dealer) has only one opportunity to repair (or replace) the faulty vehicle after which, if they fail to repair it, you’re entitled to a refund.

In the event of a refund following a failed attempt at repair during the first six months the seller may make a 'reasonable' adjustment to the amount refunded to take account of the use that you’ve had of the vehicle.

Edited by Big John on 04/06/2019 at 22:56

Hyundai Tucson 2015 - Aircon Recharge - Tawacom

Thank you....

Warranty states that you can use any service as long as the service is done to the standars and specifications of the manufacturer... will probably negotiate on the recharge the car was advertised as coming with AC so it should have been working on handover so i might get away with that one at this time as the system was faulty... just my thought....

Hyundai Tucson 2015 - Aircon Recharge - Tawacom

Tech guys will the leak between compressor and condeser not be identified on pressure test? I still feel i can challenge this but need tech guys expirience on this...

Hyundai Tucson 2015 - Aircon Recharge - elekie&a/c doctor
Yes and no. Finding leaks on a/c systems can be a real challenge. A vacuum and pressure test may not show an immediate fault. Don’t forget, when the bonnet is down, and the engine is under running conditions, the temp and pressure in the pipe work increases.