Ford Galaxy - Ford Powershift Class Action in the UK? - AdamPS

So my 5 year old Powershift Gearbox recently tried to kill itself. Led me to finding lots of complaints and issues about this gearbox and finding out about the successful class actions in USA, Australia and Canada.

Ford wanted to replace my gearbox for big £'s but I have found someone, who more or less makes a living off fixing powershifts, who will repair it for a lot less than Ford wants... (he also told me he thinks there are two design faults in the gearbox... so he thinks my gearbox will break again, in time... If I service it more often than the recommended 3 yearly then I will extend the life but the box will fail again as it has a fatal flaw in it's design).

When I called Ford to see what they would do to sort this out I was told I was "wasting my time" seeking ford's assistance in resolving this issue.

It seems Ford only listen to customers when enough of them take legal action against them, so does anyone know if there is a class action against Ford planned or ongoing in UK relating the Powershift gearbox?

Ford Galaxy - Ford Powershift Class Action in the UK? - Gemma Cambridge

Hi,Did you get anywhere with this? I have a 14 plate been told I need a new gearbox over 4K. I have only had the car 1 year. Ford won't contribute to repairs.

Ford Galaxy - Ford Powershift Class Action in the UK? - Oli rag

A quick google search shows - and are both claiming to be experts in repairing these boxes.

Ford Galaxy - Ford Powershift Class Action in the UK? - elekie&a/c doctor
Or these
Ford Galaxy - Ford Powershift Class Action in the UK? - focussed

You are wasting your time imagining that you can have a pop at Ford via a class action unless you have a lot of money to put up front for an expensive solicitor and barrister plus paying for the services of expert witnesses.

The problem with doing that is that Ford can afford really really really top notch expensive solicitors and barristers!

And if your case goes down the plughole you could be faced with paying Ford's legal expenses.

Back to reality

You bought the car from a dealer, whether or not they were a Ford dealer is not clear - but it doesn't matter.

You have six years from the date of purchase to sue the vendor of your vehicle for breach of contract in the small claims court - and very little risk of being saddled with the other side's costs.

So stop dreaming about class actions and start looking up small claims court procedure.

Ford Galaxy - Ford Powershift Class Action in the UK? - Sonny Corson-Exley

You are wasting your time imagining that you can have a pop at Ford via a class action unless you have a lot of money to put up front for an expensive solicitor and barrister plus paying for the services of expert witnesses.

The problem with doing that is that Ford can afford really really really top notch expensive solicitors and barristers!

And if your case goes down the plughole you could be faced with paying Ford's legal expenses.

Back to reality

You bought the car from a dealer, whether or not they were a Ford dealer is not clear - but it doesn't matter.

You have six years from the date of purchase to sue the vendor of your vehicle for breach of contract in the small claims court - and very little risk of being saddled with the other side's costs.

So stop dreaming about class actions and start looking up small claims court procedure.


I bought a galaxy 2nd hand from a used car dealer, at about 1600 miles/5 months the gearbox went and needed rebuilding, broken plastic spring retainers were the culprit, the dealer at first would only contribute 500 but after mentioning that I'd need to speak to a lawyer they came back with 2000 towards the 3000 fee from a transmission specialist, do you know if I would have any chance of getting the 1000 back from small claims? They had my car for weeks and messed me about something rotten before finally admitting it had to be sent to a specialist which they had told me they'd already done, they kept telling me it was something minor bit they couldn't fix it.

Any advice much appreciated, spent a fortune on the car already.


Ford Galaxy - Ford Powershift Class Action in the UK? - Andreia Clay

Curious if anyone has had more luck getting reimbursement from Ford UK as I also am having problems with my Ford Fiesta automatic powershift. Anyone have success with small claims or Ford? It is so annoying that Ford USA and Ford in other countries has extended warranties or paid for repairs but UK Ford seems to just be ignoring the issue. Thank you!

Ford Galaxy - Ford Powershift Class Action in the UK? - Patrick Mawn

Experiencing transmission warning light on 66 ford kuga and weird behaviour. Sudden loss of power whilst driving then sudden surge of power. Nothing you can do about it at the wheel until it comes back to you by itself, very dangerous in the moment.

Ford garage doesn't want to know claiming they've never heard of problem, but when pointed out its all over Internet with cases won legally by claimants they had a look and but found no issues in the electronic log as events appear to cancel themselves when ignition turned off.

I don't believe that ford don't know about this in the UK, they are just in denial,.