Any - Insurance renewal. - oldroverboy.

On the phone today.. (that time of year)

Discount for dashcam..!!!!

Discount for parking sensors!

also as we have house and swmbo has life ins with same company.

colchester postcode. they count max 9 years ncd. £183. swmbo named driver.

Any - Insurance renewal. - Engineer Andy

Did they say how much of a premium discount you'd get for fitting a dashcam? Worth seeing what the potential payback period would be, presumably dependent on the model of dashcam (from an 'approved list perhaps?) fitted.

Any - Insurance renewal. - gordonbennet

I haven't been offered any discounts for dashcams, and it's not something i'd be wanting, in case the footage was corrupted or something which could lead to claim problems.

I have both front and rear facing cameras anyway, and in a recent minor altercation at work the ns and front cameras exonerated me completely, not as the nice girl who caused the crunch was anything other than totally honest, but anyone who doesn't already have a camera i heartily recommend getting one soon as.

Soon be my turn for the annual car insurance merry go round, already pencilled in Direct Line from last year due to really good quotes, so will be checking their site out for sure.

Any - Insurance renewal. - retgwte

what cameras you got?

seen any up to date reviews of which are the best?

Any - Insurance renewal. - oldroverboy.

seems to be about £30... has shock sensor/save and gps so records speeds.

Edited by oldroverboy. on 22/11/2018 at 19:45

Any - Insurance renewal. - RickyBoy
Mine has been reduced by £9 and I haven't even begun any 'negotiations'!

I won't be 'shopping around' this year ...
Any - Insurance renewal. - John F
Mine has been reduced by £9 and I haven't even begun any 'negotiations'! I won't be 'shopping around' this year ...

Same here - down from £179 to £175 on the ancient Focus. (with LV= includes discount because we have other policies with them)

Any - Insurance renewal. - skidpan

Renewed the insurance on the Suberb and Fabia last evening, £343 for 15,000 miles a year, me and the Mrs driving both for SDP, cars [parked on the drive overnight with £250 excess both of us with over 10 years protected NCB. No hire car or legal protection (we have a separate policy that cover all 3 cars and us for £20).

Looking back over the last 2 years it looks like insurance has fallen in price.

In 2016 we paid £420 for the Leon and Note. For comparison the Leon and Superb are the same group, the Note iwas a group lower than Fabia thus it should have been a bit less theoretically.

In August 2017 the Mrs was hit up the rear in the Note when she had to make an emergency stop. Initially the other driver (18 years old) blamed her for not indicating so we expected a battle, reported it immediately to our loss recovery people and Aviva. Later that same evening the lad rang up to say he has spoken to his dad who had told him to pay up out of his own pocket. I arranged a quote with a local trusted body shop, he agreed and paid it (just over £1500) and the car was then fixed. Aviva informed claim not being pursued.

November 2017 renewal for Note and Superb came in at £375, £45 less than the previous year but the paperwork showed the wife had claimed when she had not. Rang them up, they agreed it was an error (database not updated?) and reduced price to £354.

Basically since Nov 2066 ours has dropped £77 for 2 similar type of cars.

Any - Insurance renewal. - Senexdriver
My renewal invitation arrived last week. (Why do we all time it so badly, arriving just before Christmas?). We have 4 vehicles on a multi-car policy and the usual procedure is Admiral quote a significant increase over the previous year’s premium when nothing about us or our vehicles has changed, I shop around and show them a cheaper deal, they match it and away we go for another year. Some years, I have not even shopped around but simply phoned them up and suggested that we could either go through the same charade again or they could reconsider, which they then do and with a bit of old flannel about loyal customer and having a bit of scope for reducing premiums, they reduce the premium and everybody’s happy.

I have yet to compare this year’s premium with last year’s, but at first glance it did strike me that there is little or no increase. From the above posts, it would seem I may be right, so I shall approach processing the renewal this year with an uncharacteristic positive attitude.

Any - Insurance renewal. - gordonbennet

I suspect most posters here to be decent insurance risks anyway, as Skidpan above doing their best whenever possible to mitigate losses all round and giving the typical credit hire accident management sharks a wide berth in the event of a prang.

I wonder if those who appear regularly on insurer databases for other reasons find re-insuring so easy or cheap, ie now that insurers seem to be biting back, and about time too, the claimsRus mob, do certain identities bring up warnings to not quote at all or at stinging premiums to encourage them elsewhere?

Any - Insurance renewal. - concrete

My current insurer LV did not offer any discount for me having a dash cam. Disappointed with that really. Could be a make or break in the event of an incident. As a matter of fact I don't think it even comes up on a proposal form whether a dash cam is fitted or not.

Cheers Concrete

Any - Insurance renewal. - oldroverboy.

My current insurer LV did not offer any discount for me having a dash cam. Disappointed with that really. Could be a make or break in the event of an incident. As a matter of fact I don't think it even comes up on a proposal form whether a dash cam is fitted or not.

Cheers Concrete

I telephoned as the online quotes were not functioning properly, via moneysupermarket or themselves and a nice young man asked me a few supplementary questions.

Is a dashcam fitted. replied yes.

Do you have parking sensors, replied yes.

So if you are renewing, suggest you ask the direct question(s),

cheers ORB...

Any - Insurance renewal. - Engineer Andy

My current insurer LV did not offer any discount for me having a dash cam. Disappointed with that really. Could be a make or break in the event of an incident. As a matter of fact I don't think it even comes up on a proposal form whether a dash cam is fitted or not.

Cheers Concrete

I telephoned as the online quotes were not functioning properly, via moneysupermarket or themselves and a nice young man asked me a few supplementary questions.

Is a dashcam fitted. replied yes.

Do you have parking sensors, replied yes.

So if you are renewing, suggest you ask the direct question(s),

cheers ORB...

What I often do with the screenscrapers is try out different things to see how it affects the quotation, including genuine (and legal) variances on my job title description, or seeing if one family member (or none) is worth having on my policy as a secondary named driver (in case of emergencies and I need someone to drive me home [e.g. if I fell ill away from home and couldn't drive]), as that can reduce my premium by 5% on occasion. I'll see how it fares with a dash cam this time round as well.

Any - Insurance renewal. - concrete

very good point ORB and Engineer Andy. Worth trying all these things to effect a reduction in premiums. Cheers Concrete

Any - Insurance renewal. - Senexdriver
Well - a bit of a result with the renewal! I compared last year’s individual premiums with this year’s and there is, contrary to my initial impression, quite an increase. So I decided to take a gamble on the approach whereby I just suggest that it would save both Admiral and me some time if they were to simply discount the premiums. I must have got the right agent (as they call their operatives) on the right day, because he was very receptive to the idea and promptly reduced everything by 20%.

The result is that I have saved £300 across 4 cars and - I discovered afterwards - I have paid less for each than I negotiated last year. And that was just for asking. Last year I did the comparative quote thing, which takes a lot of work with 4 vehicles to insure, and quite clearly Admiral matched the lower prices I obtained. If I had simply asked for a reduction I probably would have done even better!

Anyway, I’m glad that’s done for another year. And now for my tax return...
Any - Insurance renewal. - Andrew-T
Anyway, I’m glad that’s done for another year. And now for my tax return...

When a renewal arrives for either of our cars I look at a comparison website. Our premium has usually increased, and may be 20-30% more than what new customers are being asked, so it's usually an easy matter to get on the phone and offer to continue at last year's rate, which is normally accepted.

Any - Insurance renewal. - Theophilus

SWMBO's renewal quote came through yesterday, £260+ (up 20% on last year) and accompanying note that it would be automatically renewed ... together with a warning that if she decided to cancel the cover it would incur a £59 charge!

Found another quote for £160 - phoned current insurer and stated that she did not wish to cancel the policy - but didn't wish to renew it. After discussion it was agreed that no cancellation charge would be levied.

Do these companies really think they can get away with these extortionate charges as a disincentive to changing insurers?

Any - Insurance renewal. - oldroverboy.

Do these companies really think they can get away with these extortionate charges as a disincentive to changing insurers?

And I bet that it was worded to appear as a cancellation fee... But that is illegal for an expiring contract. An insurance contract is for a fixed period. End of story.IIf cancelled before.. They can try. But it is unenforceable.

Any - Insurance renewal. - Andrew-T

<< I bet that it was worded to appear as a cancellation fee... But that is illegal for an expiring contract. An insurance contract is for a fixed period. End of story. If cancelled before.. They can try. But it is unenforceable. >>

All they need do is retain any refund; and if they are really unpleasant they might just make another charge on your card as they will have those details. You then have to try to enforce a repayment?

Any - Insurance renewal. - RickyBoy
... in a word, YES, but usually when challenged (by a good proportion of folk who use this site?) they'll recant!

Be proactive, be proactive, be proactive ...

Any - Insurance renewal. - Engineer Andy

One thing I DID notice is that for those of us who put relatives on our policies (legitimately) as additional drivers is that once such drivers turn 70, the reduction in premium over having none seems to be wiped out and can actually go up, even if that driver is claim-free in the last 5 years or more. I now have my sister on as the (emergency only) additional driver.

I also have noted that often putting an estimated mileage below ~5k pa makes no/almost no difference to the premium, so I stick with that even when I know I'll be doing far less than that.

Any - Insurance renewal. - Redcar01

Just paid £480 for 14 plate bmw 320 gt xdrive and Audi 64 plate a1 185bhp with business use , renewal came in at £620 so I said don't renew as LV will do it for £480 surprise surprise they dropped it to match without any discussion.

Any - Insurance renewal. - oldroverboy.

Just paid £480 for 14 plate bmw 320 gt xdrive and Audi 64 plate a1 185bhp with business use , renewal came in at £620 so I said don't renew as LV will do it for £480 surprise surprise they dropped it to match without any discussion.

I think that some parts (most) of the insurance industries are suffering from an old unacknowledged disease called tryitonitis.

Any - Insurance renewal. - Penumbra

It's also quite interesting to see the connections between insurance companies e.g Churchill and Direct line both under the RBS umbrella - perhaps the reason why some companies can immediately offer a price comparison?

Also interesting to see that Amiral own