I do not disbelieve the OP but it seems such an odd sequence of events that I wonder if it is normal practice.
The insurance company wrote off the car before their examiners had seen it.
Put the car in their name – I would have thought that would only be done when the claim is settled.
Finance figure would seem irrelevant to settlement figure, ie value of car, could be higher or lower. Surely up to insured to sort out directly with finance company or do insurers pay direct to finance companies?
It could have been a relatively minor electrical fire so insurers were too hasty to write the car off and maybe a warranty claim for fire or turbo.
If it is a just a blown turbo, not a fire from that, is not covered under motor insurance, so no claim.
As there is no claim you should not lose NCB. Rather than possibly losing it I would use a local garage to recover the car and argue costs later.
But car was owned by OP, then insurance company, then maybe OP again; that is not going to look good if he sells.