Wondered if anyone could help with my little 2008 C3 problem. I left my car at the airport for a week and when i got back into my car, my locking system started playing up. At first it was hit and miss if the car locked and unlocked and then it just wouldn't lock at all. I changed the battery on the key fob and re-sinked the key fob by putting the key in the ignition, turning the key once and holding the lock button for ten seconds, but it still wouldn't work properly. I bought another battery and changed it again and what i've noticed is, my car locks and unlocks when i'm sat inside the car, but does nothing when i'm outside the car. I just don't seem to have any range to my remote locking. Any idea how to get my range back, so that i can lock the car from the outside ? BTW I'm now having to open the window, lock the car from the inside and then close the window and get the top half of my body out of the car before the window closes. The car will lock the drivers side door manually, but doesn't lock the rest of the car manually. Any help would be greatly appreciated.