308 2.0 GT 2008 - 308 Coolant loss - andybiker

fans were running last night when stopped which should have raised more of an interest in me given they never normally are with the commute home.

this morning after a short run to the shop on returning there was a black coffee esq leak running down the slope from under the car. looking under you could see it coming out from the under tray

took it to a mates garage and the coolant header tank is empty and seemed a brown stain inside.

rad side of things all bone dry

water pump looks ok

boiled coolant appears to be running from somewhere high up on the back of the engine but couldn't easily see where

any suggestions guys?

thanks in advance


308 2.0 GT 2008 - 308 Coolant loss - RobJP

Could be as simple as a hose let go. Replace, refill, remove airlocks, and good to go.

Or could have cooked the head - take apart, skim, rebuild ... or even the entire engine being scrap.