Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - tollyt

I am the owner of a 4 month old Honda Jazz and am experiencing a sound from the rear of my car when braking. The sound is a clack or clack clack and mostly occurs when first braking after application of the handbrake but also occurs at several points on a journey. My dealer says he has heard of it from a standing start but offers no further information. A second dealer says its a common characteristic of a Jazz , its just the brake arms engaging and nothing to worry about or it might be the ABS resetting, again not to worry. Your comments would be appreciated.

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - gordonbennet

brake arms engaging brings visions of rod brakes from the 1940's to, i'm teasing you :-) first thought is that it might be the pads sticking intially after being stood overnight and then shifting slightly in the calipers, or the parking brake mechanism.

hang fire our resident Jazz owner and chap with mechanical know how will be long shortly i have no doubt, can't see Madf putting up with a clacking sound for long nor letting teh dealer get away with such a non explanation.

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - madf

IF you have washed the cars wheels and left it overnight, the rear disks corrode to the pads if the handbrake is on. Then when starting off, a large bang as they release.My 2012 Jazz acts like that - and it is common on many cars.

That's it.

There is something wrong with your Jazz... It should not do what you describe.

It sounds as if the parking brake mechanism is jamming . releasing with a bang and jamming again.. but at this distance impossible to tell. All I can say is the person you spke to is speaking spherical objects.

Tell then to fix it...

Edited by madf on 02/11/2015 at 12:43

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - gordonbennet

Told you he wouldn't be putting up with it, or the explanation


Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - tollyt

Thankyou for replying. Todays journey as follows, Car out of garage, no sounds at all . Drive off and first braking 500m away, clack. Second stop clack, Arrive at destination. Start off again , no noise , 200m ,clack clack. 3 further braking actions no noise at all . Any clues and what should i say to the dealer?

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - slowdown avenue

rreturn spring could be jamming on one side

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - slowdown avenue

rreturn spring could be jamming on one side

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - Andrew-T

Disc brakes or drums on the rear?

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - skidpan

The title is Honda Jazz 2008/2015.

The OP says he has had the car 4 months.

So is it a 2008 Honda Jazz or a 2015 Honda Jazz.

Might make a difference to the rear brakes fitted.

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - tollyt

Last of line pre registered May 2015 bought last day of june 2015,before new model arrived in showroom.

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - tollyt

disk brakes

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - Andrew-T

disk brakes

As you have discs all round, it does sound to me like something connected with the release of the handbrake, maybe causing movement of the pad in the caliper. If so, it shouldn't matter, and there won't be much you can do about it anyway.

Does that explanation fit with the noise you are hearing?

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - gordonbennet

I don't suppose for a minute the rear caliper is any different in operation to that fitted to any other similar sized Honda made since about 2000, as Madf describes it might well do this after being washed and the resulting fine rust stuck pad shifting as the car moves, the pad might even click as it shifts in the caliper upon inital braking, but this is doing it constantly and repetitively on a 4 month old car which is not to be expected.

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - Bolt

As a matter of interest, do they still use suspension blocks in the springs for transit

If they do its possible one may not have been taken out which will give the impression of a brake fault, im only guessing here, but it has been know if the fitter is in a hurry to finish the PDI (ie bonus)

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - Wackyracer

movement of the pad in the caliper. If so, it shouldn't matter, and there won't be much you can do about it anyway.

The pads should have a shim above and below them, if one is missing it will allow the pad to move upwards against the caliper frame which maybe the cause of the 'clack'. I know it is a new car but, occasionally these things can happen (maybe James May tried to fit the pads?) during production.

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - Bolt

movement of the pad in the caliper. If so, it shouldn't matter, and there won't be much you can do about it anyway.

The pads should have a shim above and below them, if one is missing it will allow the pad to move upwards against the caliper frame which maybe the cause of the 'clack'. I know it is a new car but, occasionally these things can happen (maybe James May tried to fit the pads?) during production.

Or one is bent ?

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - madf

The mechanism for teh handbarke has an external coiled spring to retract the pads when the handbrake is released.


If they don't complain direct to Honda. They'll kick ass.

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - tollyt

Reply from Honest John team. suspect parking brake cables not correctly alligned. Will approach dealer for reviewof problem and will post outcome. Many Thanks.

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - gordonbennet

Friend of SWMBO staying the night who owns a Jazz hybrid as does her brother, i asked about any strange noises from brakes on either, answer no.

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - Andrew-T

Reply from Honest John team. suspect parking brake cables not correctly aligned.

As an afterthought, you could try parking the car without setting the handbrake - maybe leave in first gear if you are on a slight slope. If no clacking follows, that may mean something.

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - tollyt

Thankyou for your comments. I drove to the dealer today without a single noise, my jazz was as silent as a hea***. Just when you want it to do it ,it doesnt. They had the car on the ramp,took the wheels off and checked all round, calippers, pads etc and gave it a drive , nothing untoward found. I hope it stays like it . Once again thanks to all!!

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - madf

Having re-read the thread, you may have a loose object in the spare wheel well. (a locking wheel nut?)

Please check it to remove it from my mind! :-)

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - gordonbennet

Having re-read the thread, you may have a loose object in the spare wheel well. (a locking wheel nut?)

I think me learned friend may well have solved the mystery, good call Ma***

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - tollyt

Sorry to say the boot is empty !!

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - focussed

My experience of Honda Brakes on my Civic is that at about 35K miles the brakes didn't feel right, lack of initial bite, slight pulling to one side when braking hard-and the usual clonking noise when pulling away after releasing the handbrake. So, new genuine pads all round and a general spruce-up indicated.

Removed the calipers and pad carriers - the pads were very stiff in the carriers, not due to corrosion. Removed the stainless shims or wear plates, cleaned up underneath the shims, replaced them and fitted the pads with a smear of neverseez where they slide in the carriers and the backs where the pistons bear so that they could be fitted easily with the fingers. Refitted all and totally improved, good feel, pulls up straight, and no noise from the rear when pulling away.

It's what dealers just don't do anymore - too labour intensive.

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - Andrew-T

Refitted all and totally improved, good feel, pulls up straight, and no noise from the rear when pulling away.

It's what dealers just don't do anymore - too labour intensive.

But this Jazz is only 4 months old - shouldn't need this unless it's been sitting unused somewhere for months?

Honda Jazz 2008/2015 - clacking noise from rear when braking - focussed

Yes I realise that is the case-but I thought I would chip in with my twopenn'orth as it's not the first time I've found this problem, this was my third Honda and they have all suffered with it sooner or later.